Obituary: Adams County, Wisconsin: John William VROMAN ************************************************************************ Submitted by Joan Benner, May 2005 © All rights reserved. ************************************************************************ Prominent among the agriculturists and pioneer settlers of Adams County; a resident of Jackson Township. John William VROMAN was born in Sharon, Schoharie County, New York, 05 Jan 1829, the son of Josiah A. and Elizabeth (FRITCHER) VROMAN, both natives of Sharon, New York, where the father was born 24 Dec 1799, and the mother in 1803. In 1841 our subject's father, Josiah VROMAN, came with his family to Wisconsin, locating at Darien, Walworth County, where he lived about 10 years, and then settled in Adams County. He died at Oxford, WI, at the age of 68 years. John William VROMAN settled upon his present farm in 1857, staking off a squatter's claim, and a few years later purchased it from the govenment at $1.25 an acre. He is the owner of 180 acres of excellent land, with a high class of improvements and conveniences added by his own industry. He now rents his farm to his son, and givs his own attention to an apiary, with which he is meeting with success. He spends much of his time now in fishing and hunting, and in the enjoyment of a well-earned competence. He has been a great hunter in his day, and when large game was more plentiful than now his chosen sport was the deer hunt. At three different times in his life he has killed two of these animals at one shot, a fact which is testified to by living witnesses in whose presence the deed was done. For several years his larder was supplied with choice venison killed upon his own lands. Mr. VROMAN was married to Miss Mary MURPHY 10 may 1852. Mrs. VROMAN was born in Albany, New York, 24 Dec 1828. Her parents died during her infancy. After many years spent in faithful duty to her family and kindness and Christian helfulness to her friends and neighbors, Mrs. VROMAN passed away 21 April 1884, her death occurring in Jackson Township. Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. VROMAN: Mary E. (who died 10 September 1872, aged 18 years), George W. (now a farmer of Adams County), Charles Henry (born 29 September 1857, and died 28 December 1893), Hattie J. (a professional nurse, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin), and Frank C. (who now carries on farming on the old home farm, and was married 28 Dec 1892 to Miss Maud SMITH, of Oxford, Wisconsin). Mr. VROMAN is a member of the Oxford Lodge, No. 91, A. F. & A. M., in which he has been an officer several years. He voted for General Winfield SCOTT for the presidency in 1852, and since that time has lent his support to the men and measures of the Republican party, never missing a vote at a presidential election. He has held several local public offices, and enjoys to a high degree the esteem and respect of his fellow citizens, of all political beliefs. Source: Commemorative and Biographical Record of Columbia, Sauk and Adams Counties, WI. Chicago: Ogle, 1901, Pages 499-500