SANFORD ANDREW COLLINS - Biography ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, or the legal representative of the contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: WISCONSIN BIOGRAPHY INDEX 2002 ==================================================================== Commemorative and Biographical Record of Columbia, Sauk and Adams Counties, WI. Chicago: Ogle, 1901, p 355-356 SANFORD ANDREW COLLINS, one of the active and energetic young business men of the city of Reedsburg [Sauk County, WI], was born at Alexandria Bay [Jefferson County], NY, 18 Mar 1860. While still a lad of only seven years his parents brought him to WI and located on a farm in Sauk County. Their names were Sanford and Caroline M. (SIMONS) COLLINS, and they had been reared to an agricultural life, which they easily followed in their new home. They settled on a farm near Ironton [Sauk County, WI], where the husband and father died 24 Nov 1874, at the untimely age of 34. He was also born at Alexandria Bay [Jefferson County], NY, where he grew to manhood. He was a member of the Congregational church and a friend of education. During the Civil war he organized three different companies of soldiers, but he was debarred from active service on account of physical disabilties. He was a prominent Mason, and at one time was master of the [p 356] home lodge. His father, Joseph COLLINS, was a native of Ireland, but came to this country when a boy. He was a linen manufacturer in MA, but died a farmer in NY. Mrs. Caroline M. COLLINS is still living in Milwaukee at the age of 58. Her birthplace was in Jefferson County, NY, and her parents, Andrew and Lucinda SIMMONS, were from PA. [Note different spelling from SIMONS.] They were of German origin and her father was a maker of potash for many years. Among her ancestors were several who took part in the Revolutionary war. Sanford A. COLLINS lived on the farm until he had become quite a stout and sturdy youn man of 16. At that time he left home and went to Milwaukee [Milwaukee County, WI] to learn the marble trade. He finished his apprenticeship at Baraboo [Sauk County, WI], where he worked several years. He has charge of a store during these years for a short time at Tracy [Lyon County], MN, and had short engagements at other western points. Nothing pleased him so well, however, as the marble business and WI for a home. He bought a shop at Baraboo, with a branch at Reedsburg, in 1879, and for five years operated the two plants. In 1884 he sold out the yard and offices at Baraboo, and removed to Reedsburg to make it his home. Here he has built up an extensive business, and he commands a volume of trade not surpassed by any house in WI, outside of Milwaukee. He ships monuments to many different states; at the present moment his business is very promising. Mr. COLLINS and Miss Alice J. THAYER were united in marriage in Mar 1881. She is a daughter of George W. and Mary E. (BURTON) THAYER, of Baraboo [Sauk County, WI], and is a lady of much character and many attractive qualities. Mr. THAYER was born in Deerfield [Franklin County], MA, and is a lineal descendant of Governor BRADLEY of colonial fame. Mrs. COLLINS has in her possession several interesting relics of the Mayflower. She is a lady of unusual literary gifts, and is a welcome poetical contributor to several of the leading periodicals of the day. She is a prominent figure in social gatherings, and frequently preserves their most enjoyable features in striking verse. She is the mother of two charming children, Theodore and Carrie, and presides over a pleasant and attractive home. Mr. COLLINS is a strong Republican, following the principles and examples of both his father and grandfather. He takes an intelligent and lively interest in local affairs, and in the spring of 1899 was elected alderman from the first ward of his city. In 1899 he was elected president of the Reedsburg Fair.