Yellow River Cemetery - Chippewa County, Wisconsin Yellow River Community Cemetery was originally connected with St John's Lutheran Church of Rural Gilman, WI. At that time it was known as Yellow river Lutheran Cemetery or locally as Huron Lutheran Cemetery. The cemetery is located about 1 and Ύ miles west of Cty Hwy H on Cty Hwy S, Then Ό mile north on the west bank of the Yellow River in the Twp of Colburn, Chippewa Cty, WI. Where there are no stones listed but dates, these have been taken from Church records. ******************************************************************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: March 8, 2006 (updated October 2006, May, 2008) by Carol Bolstad Copyright. All rights reserved. ******************************************************************** LAST NAME FIRST NAME BIRTH DEATH INSCRIPTION NOTES --------- ---------- ---- ----- ------------------------ ---------------- Aaseth Julia 1875 1958 Mother Aaseth Lenarth J 1901 1984 Husband Aaseth Leola G 1906 1979 Wife Aaseth Ludvig 1863 1946 Father Almberg Anna Marie – Mrs. John No Stone Almberg Carl 1920 2005 Obit Available Almberg Ellen – Mrs. John 1880 1970 Mother Almberg Evan 1906 1976 Almberg John 1870 1946 Father Almberg John W 1954 1972 Son Almberg Leif 1918 2007 Father Almberg Oscar 1905 No Stone Almberg Tillie 1914 2002 Obit Available Almberg Wilma J 1919 2001 Mother Obit Available Anderson Albert A 1899 1900 Son of A & R M Anderson Anderson Andrew 1877 1962 No Stone Anderson Joan (Mik) 1938 Blank Shared Stone with Roger D Anderson Oscar No Stone Anderson Roger D 1936 1986 Obit Available Anderson Rose M 1881 1899 Wife of Andrew Anderson Anderson No Stone Anderson No Stone Arneson Cornelius 1913 No Stone Arneson Mrs. No Stone Bakke Arne 1862 1935 Bakke Erik 1831 1902 Bakke Gina 1874 1947 Bakke Marthia or Marshea 1834 1916 Bakke Mrs Louise Haagenson 1875 1959 Bakke Ole 1876 1947 Berge Clarence L 1920 1975 In Loving Memory Obit Available Bjerke Alfred 1958 No Stone Bjerke Arthur P 1900 Our Baby Age 13 Hrs Bjerke Baby Not Arthur Bjerke Bertha 1868 1904 Mother Bjerke Helene P 1861 1887 Bjerke Herman Bjerke John P or B 1862 1946 Father Bjerke Karen Marie 1887 1887 Dau of P Bjerke Age 12 ds Bjerke Martin 1879 1946 Bjerke Mary 1834 1908 Mary, his wife Bjerke Ole P 1832 1905 Bjerke Olene or Olina 1844 1927 Mother Bjerke Bolstad Bernice O 1913 2002 Married July 14, 1930 Obit Available Bolstad Mina – Mrs Ole 1881 1964 Mother Obit Available Bolstad Mina Lee 1946 1964 Daughter The Rose Will Bloom Again Obit Available Bolstad Norman I 1906 2002 Shared Stone Bernice O Obit Available Bolstad Olaf 1857 1949 Father Obit Available Britton Herman 1850 1904 Father Buker James 1932 1996 US Army Korea Christiansen Bertha 1907 No Stone Christiansen Child No Stone Christiansen Child No Stone Christiansen Child No Stone Christiansen Husband No Stone LAST NAME FIRST NAME BIRTH DEATH INSCRIPTION NOTES --------- ---------- ---- ----- ------------------------ ---------------- Donner No Stone Dostler George H 1891 1967 Husband Dostler Martha C 1892 1959 Wife Dunham Archiebald 1859 1942 Father Dunham Jessie 1908 1972 Daughter Dunham Mary Alice 1871 1941 Mother Ekern Gust 1925 No Stone Emerson Ellen (Almberg) No Stone Emerson Mrs Hans No Stone Emerson Son No Stone Emory Hans No Stone Enders Albin 1859 1923 Enders Andrena 1856 1926 Erickson Dorothy 1895 1968 Mother Erickson Dorothy Emelia 1917 1937 No Stone Erickson William 1895 1969 Father Feryance Andrew 1993 No Stone Glenna Donald 1947 1947 No Stone Glenna Everett Earl 1940 1940 Glenna Ronald 1947 1947 No Stone Goebel Jack Rey 2007 2007 Our Baby Boy Goodremote Baby No Stone Goodremote Mrs. William No Stone Goodremote William 1951 No Stone Hagenson Albert W 1905 1944 Husband Hagenson Alfred (Baby) 1905 No Stone Hagenson Johanne 1906 No Stone Hagenson Lars 1905 No Stone Hagenson Martin 1860 1941 Father Hagenson Mary 1865 1957 Mother Hagenson No Stone Halverson Gilbert 1891 1979 Halverson Julia 1857 1934 Harvot Hazel – Mrs Joe 1911 1970 Mother Heggen Hansten 1860 1952 Hegle/Hegli Ole 1861 1941 Henderson Gjertina 1849 1928 No Stone Hollis Olga Sowle Nee Almberg 1911 2003 Holstenson Emile 1851 1939 Mother Holstenson Haagen 1883 1961 Obit Available Holstenson Halsten 1887 1961 Pvt Medical Dept WW I Obit Available Johnson Mrs 1911 No Stone Kern Cleo (Nelson) 1919 Blank Kern Eugene “Chet” 1919 1988 Obit Available Lodahl Donna M “Pepsi” 1941 1987 Obit Available Lodahl Idyll V 1931 Blank Married Feb 13, 1954 Lodahl Jason P 1978 Blank Lodahl Lawrence M 1917 2001 See **** Obit Available Lodahl Lester A 1922 1997 Shared Stone Idyll V Obit Available Lodahl Loren Jon 1965 Blank God's Special Child Lodahl Maynard L 1940 Blank Lodahl Nina J 1918 Blank See **** Lodahl Tamara L 1966 1986 Beloved Dau of Bernard & Shirley McNeely Marie Romfoe 1888 1976 Mother Miracle Kathy 1948 2006 Beloved Sister & Aunt Nickelson Nick 1891 1953 Dad-Montana PVT Co G 306 Infantry WW I Nickelson Sigrid 1892 1974 Mom Olson Helen M 1905 1986 Shared Stone with Leo Obit Available Olson Helga O 1873 1949 Olson Inga Josephine 1901 1923 Olson Leo 1908 1993 Olson Olaf 1899 Born in Norway Olson Ole 1866 1946 Pederson Gus or Gust 1860 1936 Father Pederson Henry 1870 1928 Father Pederson Mervin N 1907 1920 Peterson Gilbert 1925 Potapenko Janice E 1933 Blank Shared Stone with Paul D Potapenko Paul D 1929 2002 See * Powell Elizabeth 1895 1984 Mother Powell LaVere Oscar 1918 1982 Son Qualley Suzanne 1932 No Stone LAST NAME FIRST NAME BIRTH DEATH INSCRIPTION NOTES --------- ---------- ---- ----- ------------------------ ---------------- Romfoe Henry 1858 1900 Borunder Hviler Romfoe Hilda M 1888 1905 17 Yrs 4 months Romfoe Lena Rusten 1886 1916 Romfoe Magnus O 1877 1957 Father Romfoe Marie No Stone Rudi Dianne Jean 1955 1995 Obit Available Rudi Edward O 1918 1986 Obit Available Rudi Philomene 1918 Blank Rudi Robert 1957 Blank Rudi Robert J 1980 1980 Rusten Helene M 1826 1897 Rusten Mikkel or Micheal No Stone Savasta Betty R 1928 2004 Shared Stone with Phillip F Savasta Geraldine 1926 1990 Savasta Patrick 1922 2001 Savasta Phillip F 1919 2002 Together Forever Sime Arla 1916 1991 Sime George 1907 1982 Sime Marvin 1919 1998 Sime Peter C 1880 1964 Father Sime Sophie (Mrs Peter) 1879 1957 Mother Solomon Emelia 1852 1914 In His will is our Peace Mother Stai Charles 1854 1937 At Rest Father Stai Tina 1860 1923 Mother At Rest Thompson Herbert Milo 1932 1994 See ** Obit Available Thompson Nona F 1933 Blank See ** Watson Rose 1913 2002 Obit Available Watson Streeter 1911 1995 Obit Available Weisenberg Edward 1869 1954 Father Weisenberg Frank 1901 1971 Husband Weisenberg Maguerite 1900 1985 Wife Weisenberg Mata 1876 1961 Mother Wells Alfred P 1909 1973 Michigan PVT Army Air Forces WW II Wells Clyde H 1899 1968 Obit Available Wilcox George William 1825 1898 Co B 132 Ohio Inf Wilcox Louisa Riblet 1840 1917 See *** York Daniel G 1909 1914 Safe in the arms of Jesus York Earl No Stone York Harold C 1900 1923 *Married July 22, 1950 Parents of Daniel, Donald, Kathleen, Annette, David, Douglas **Herbert M, Herb, Mar. 28, 1932, May 27, 1994. Between the two names in a heart – Married October 18, 1953. Nona F, Sept. 11, 1933. Below names – Parents of Lois, Dan, Jeff, Deb, Ron, Steve. On the back of stone – Herb's plaque from service _ Herbert M Thompson, US Army, Korea, Mar. 28, 1932 (Cross) May 27, 1994. *** New stone erected for Louisa and George Wilcox Louisa Riblet Wilcox; Born June 16, 1840; Ohio; Beloved Wife of George W Wilcox; Born Dec 29, 1825; Dutchess County, New York; Died June 25, 1898; Married Sept 1866, Ohio **** Nina J, Dec1, 1918; Married Apr 13, 1937: Lawrence M, April 29, 1917 – Dec 17, 2001; Loving Parents of Carole, Ron, Maynard, Bernie, Gordie, Bob, Roger, Patty, Sandy, Nancy, Dan, Diane, Loren .