Town of Weston West Cemetery; Weston Twp., Clark Co., WI USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. Submitted: Tuesday, 16 July 2002 By: Rick Hagen E-mail: Town of Weston West Cemetery; Weston Twp., Clark Co., WI Location: West of Neillsville on Hwy 10, then north on Hwy G about 9 miles. Cemetery rows run north-south. The road is on the west side, and the cemetery driveway runs east, essentially dividing the cemetery into two halves. The cemetery was transcribed May 17, 2002 by Rick Hagen. Rows numbered here from west to east and stones numbered from north to south {N=north of driveway, S=south of driveway}. Uncertain data is enclosed in brackets []. Slashes / indicate a new line in the inscription. Braces {} enclose transcriber comments. NOTE: The cemetery is scarcely populated, and most rows have wide gaps between stones. ROW STONE INSCRIPTION 1N 1 Ernest E. Poppe / 1850-1914 1N 1 Euguste Poppe / 1864-1925 / POPPE 1S 2 Evelyn Salomonsen / 1883-1932 1S 2 Baby / Hagen / 1958 2N 1 Trumbull / Father / Henry E. / 1877-1942 2N 1 Trumbull / Mother / Josephine J. / 1880-1939 2N 2 son / Raymond E. / Trumbull / 1915-1936 2S 3 Guerdon T. / Pritchett / Mar 3 1905 / Sept 9 1905 3N 1 BAHR / Bertha Bahr / 1863-1903 3N 1 Albert Bahr / 1853-1927 3N 2 William F. / son of / Fred J. & Mary M. / Seif / Born Aug. 27, 1877 / Died Mar. 18, 1899 / SEIF 3N 3 SEIF / Adella / 1882-1962 3N 3 SEIF / John / 1878-1967 3S 4 {west face} Jacob Schwamb / Sept 2 1817 Dec 29 1888 3S 4 {west face} Henretta Schwamb / Jan 6 1825 May 7 1902 3S 4 {north face} George Schwamb Feb 16 1861 Sept 24 1894 3S 4 {south face} Jacob Schwamb Oct 15 1858 Jan 7 1903 3S 5 Father 3S 6 Mother 3S 7 Plyna H. / Shepard / born / Sept 26 1821 / died / Jan 10 1889 4N 1 Mother / 1882 {vertical} Annetta / Schwellenbach 1922 {vertical} 4N 2 Eunos son of / J. & M. Jacklin / Born Apr. 8, 1888 / Age 5. Mo's. / Gone to be an / Angel 4N 3 JACKLIN / Father / John / 1854-1934 4N 3 JACKLIN / Mother / Mary A. / 1853-1935 4S 4 George {Schwamb} 4S 5 Jacob {Schwamb} 5N 1 Patrick / Lyden 5N 2 Bullard Harriet R. 1847-1891 Mother 5N 3 Mattie 5N 4 Baby 5N 5 Father / John A. / Mund / 1854-1936 5N 6 Jessie Mund / Born Mar. 5, / 1866 / Died Mar. 6, / 1912 / MUND 5N 7 Barnhadt Mund / Born Oct. 6, 1827 / Died Jan. 26, 1914 / MUND 5N 8 Theresia Mund / born Feb 20, 1834. / died Jan. 6, 1906 {verse on base} 5S 9 illegible stone 6N 1 Alfred L Schultz / Wisconsin / Pvt Signal Corps / World War II / Aug 30 1916 May 1 1968 6N 2 Lillian Mund / Born / Apr 30 1895 / age 2 Mo's 28 D'ys 6N 3 Byron Mund / Wisconsin / Pvt 84 Depot Svc Co ASC / World War I / Feb 20 1888 May 9 1966 {Am. Legion Marker} 7N 1 Frederick C Wernecke / Sgt US Army Air Corps / World War II / Jan 23 1916 Aug 9 1988 7N 2 Elmer W. / Oct 18 1925 / Aug 13 1980/ Gormanson {VFW Marker} 7N 2 Betty V. / Sept 22 1918 / Gormanson 7N 3 Bertha {Bodwin} / 1864-1950 7N 4 Joseph {Bodwin} / 1857-1926 8N 1 {footstone for grave 7,2} Elmer W Gormanson / Cpl US Marine Corps / World War II / Oct 18 1925 Aug 13 1980 8N 2 BODWIN {family stone, goes with graves 7,3 and 7,4} 8S 3 Mary {Hagen} 9N 1 James E. / Jacklin / born Jan. 12. / 1931 / age 3 D'ys 9S 2 Mother / Mary C. Hagen / Feb 12 1879 / Nov 12 1941 9S 3 Father / Herman A. Hagen / Oct 2 1882 / May 21 1966 10N 1 Mother / Martha A. / Dec. 4. / 1858 / Jan. 18. / 1947 / McCune 10N 1 Father / Edward P. / Feb. 13. / 1855 / July 14. / 1918 / McCune 10N 2 Hagen / John / Oct 14 1918 / Oct 14 1934 10N 2 Hagen / Anna / July 7 1926 / Oct 14 1934 10S 3 Mother / Jennie Pence / 1869-1953 11N 1 Father / Gustav Hagen / 1888-1969 11N 2 Mother / Barbara Hagen / 1889-1957