Obituary: Clark County, Wisconsin: Rolland IVEY ************************************************************************ Submitted by Ruth Ann Montgomery, April 2008 © All rights reserved. ************************************************************************ Rolland Ivey was the six-year-old son of A. M. Ivey and Adaline Chapel - Ivey. From infancy the lad suffered with spinal bifadas, but withal was a patient little sufferer. All who came to know him characterized the lad as "a ray of heavenly sunshine." An uncle, writing upon the occasion of his death, said, "He has proved the great love of his maker, God." Rolland Ivey lived more in his short span of life than most of us who may be allotted the full "three score years and ten." His life was a lesson in patience, in cheerfulness, in pure grit. A short service was held at the residence of Charles Johnson, at 11:30 o'clock Wednesday morning, for the friends here in Evansville, the regular service having been held in the home of the parents at Thorpe. Mr. Ivey is the Methodist pastor at Thorpe. Interment was in Maple Hill Cemetery, the Rev. Golder R. Lawrence, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Evansville officiating. February 22, 1917, Evansville Review, Evansville, Wisconsin