Columbia County (Fort Winnebago Township) Spicer Cemetery Tombstone Photos ************************************************ These photos were generously taken and contributed by Larry and Linda Kopet Please note that these generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ The index page for these tombstone photos is located at: Anacker, Charles C. Anacker, Dorothea A. Anacker, F. Eduard C. Atkinson, Mildred Ayling, Henry and family Bain, Alice Edna Bain, George B. and Jennie I. Bain, George E. Bangs, Lucy A. Beil, William Berry, Chas. E. and Georgia Berry, Fannie L. Berry, Fred G. Bradley, Henrietta Bradley, Hiram Burton, Joseph and Georgia Cemetery view 1 Cemetery view 2 Christensen, A.P. Christopherson, Dorothy Christopherson, female infant Christopherson, Soren and Ingebor Colton, Lucius Cook, E.F. and family Cook, John Cook, Sarah Ann Cook, unclear female Cooper, Lurana M. Cooper, Wm. W. Cuff, Lena M. and Myrtle L. Eastman, Adolphus Eastman, Calvin and Ardelia Eastman, Charlotte V. Baldwin Eastman, Daniel D.T. Eastman, George and Mary Cooper Eastman, Hiram C. and Anna G. Eastman, Sarah Heideman, Katharine Henderson, George and unclear Henderson, Gordon Henderson, Pvt. Merton Henderson, William Hotlen, Curtis A. and Betty M. Hotlen, Curtis James Hume, Walker R. Iversen, William and unclear Johnson, George J. and Martha Johnson, Horace Leslie Johnson, John Johnson, Josephine Jones, Cora E. and family Jones, James and Elizabeth Jones, John T. Kanzenbach, Christina Kincaid, Sarah Samantha Kincaid, tree grown around the stone Klappstein, Wilhelmina Klucinske, George and Dolly Kuflewski, Henry V. and Esther W. Luck, Albert H. Luck, Charles H. Luck, Edward F. Luck, Elizabeth Luck, female infant Luck, Harriett Luck, Helen E. Jurgensen Luck, Helen E. Luck, James S. Luck, Jessie B. Luck, Jim Luck, John Luck, M. Christine Luck, Mae Belle Johnson Luck, Nellie May Luck, Rose M. Johnson Luck, William and Anna Luck, Wm. H. Maltbey, A.Z. and D.H. Noble, Mary Ann Pabco, Zophar Paulson, Paul and Andrew K. Perkins, Alvira E. Perkins, Mary Rice, R.E. Rice, S.E. Smith Robbins, John and Elizabeth Robbins, Margaret J. Robbins, William Robinson, Clarissa Robinson, Robt. Rood, Frances and unclear Salisbury, Frances Salzman, Clarence G. and Lela Sherwin, Experience Sherwin, unclear Smith, Eliza Jane Smith, Wm. B. Spicer, Avery T. and family Spicer, Catharine C. Spicer, Christiana Spicer, Russel Spicer, Russell C. Spicer, Sally Spicer, Sophia Thurber, Charles Thurber, Clara Thurber, Minnie Thurber, unclear female Townley, Herb D. and Edith I. Van Brunt, Paul and Almira Van Brunt, Philemon and Lodasca A. Weidemann, Niclaus and Anacker, Wm. E. Wells, Elisabeth Wells, Minnie E. Wells, Rev. Wm. Whitney M. Whitney, Calvin Whitney, Ester E. Whitney, Jonathan and Eller R. Whitney, Louisa M. Whitney, Mary Whitney, Polly Zinke, Carl A. Zinke, Donald C.