Pleasant Valley, Whiteaker--Coleman Cemetery, Crawford County, Wisconsin located on Bell Center Road just off of Highway 61,3 miles North of MtZion Pleasant Valley deeded the land for the cemetery in 1861 --------------------------------------------------------- Abrams;B.S. June 5,1821--Apr;1,1900 Adkins;Carlos V. Feb;19,1919--April 30,1996,son of Vernon. Merton L. Oct;31,1921--Oct;24,1994,son of Vernon and Lavon(Holman) Opal Riter (Evans) 1921--1983 Anderson;babys? died Aug;25,1873,age 2 years (twins) children of J.W.& N.E.Anderson Bacon;Charles G. Apr;27,1887--May 2,1899 Herman Aug;16,1899--Apr;7,1901 Bankes;Nathan E. Apr;30,1894--Oct;19,1954:Cpl Co.E,127 Wi Inf WWI Estel June 29,1904-- wife of Nathan Bloom;Edia Mae 1894--1977 Henry H. 1893--1979 Buckmaster;Catharine Jan;22,1828-- Jefferson died March 16,1887,age 40 years Jesse Feb;20,1817--Sep;18,1898 Chadeayne;Austin L. May 11,1964--Feb;1873 Ira C. Apr;1,1851--Nov;8,1929 Henrietta June 4,1857--Nov;10,1936 Milten M. June 20,1855--Jan;1865 Sarah E. Oct;1,1828--Nov;13,1902 Clark;Amy A. 1894--1977 George J. 1900--1952 Harold (Buck) I. 1928-- Henry L. 1923--1923 Ida M.(Gilmour) Dec;27,1932--Jan;13,1994,wife of Harold Jerry Leroy Jan;21,1930--Jan;5,1987:Cpl US Army,Korea Latrecia Mae Apr;30,1927--June 8,1927 Coleman;Benjamin F. died Aug;2,1867,age 62 yrs,5 mo,22 dys Catharine 1815---May 7,1877,age 62 yrs,9 mo,9 dys, wife of Thomas Cora died ?,27,1870,dau.of M.L.& M.A. Emma L. Dec;27,1898--Jan;8,1899,dau.of M.L.& F.L. Eva died June 24,1869,age 41 yrs,wife of R.E. George died March 21,1870,age 21 yrs,3 mo. George 1868---1955 Henry died Aug;21,1874,age 1 yr,4 mo,son of S.& R. Jane May 27,1821--Sep;15,1895,wife of William John (no dates or stone) Margaret died Nov;4,1882,age 77 yrs,4 dys,wife of Benjamin F. Mary died Aug;29,1890,age 41 yrs,5 mo,23 dys,wife of John Mary A. Feb;6,1886--Jan;16,1919 Nathan K. May 31,1840--June 6,1878 Rachel died Jan;31,1898,age 66 yrs,11 mo,9 dys Rhodella 1877---1943 Salathiel (no dates) Thomas died July 22,1861,age 58 yrs,6 mo,12 dys Thompson M. Oct;11,1893--March 25,1919 William Oct;30,1819--May 18,1894 child(son)of M.L.& T.L. 1898--1899 ????? died Sep;7,1871,child of Wm & Jane ????? M. died Jan;7,18??,child of Daniel ????? T. died June ?,18??,child of Daniel 1 stone unreadable with Coleman stones Copus;Adam 1892--1892 Earl Alonzo 1890--1924 Estel 1892--1903 Frederick James May 26,1913,infant son of James James G. 1850-- Laura A. 1859--1926 Teddy 1890--1891 Crow;Henry died Aug;21,1883,age 74 yrs,2 mo,13 dys Dobson;Barbera L. 1932--,wife of Harlys Harlys L. Dec;26,1926--Feb;20,1986,son of Ethel Inez R. 1950--1950 Evans;Annette F.(Purington) 1884--1965,wife of Daniel Daniel E. 1876--1938 Edward 1914--1963 Thomas (no stone) Ernest Jefferson March 20,1907---Oct;22,1997,son of Daniel & Annette Faulkner;Charlie died Nov;10,1903,age 3 yrs,5 mo,son of Z.E. & C.A. Joshua N. Co.D,6th Wis.Infantry Zenas E. died Nov;2,1903,age 30 yrs,5 mo,Co.C,11th Ind.Inf. Funk;Morgan 1816--1896,Co.C,11th Ind.Cav. Sarah Morgan 1833--1922 William A. died July 5,1888,age 22 yrs,2 mo,12 dys Geary;Amos D. Jan;31,1917--June 13,1983,BK3 US Navy,WWII Hall;Nellie E. July 16,1893--May 31,1931,dau.of F.M & A.B. Hatlan,Clarence Jr. Aug;31,1967--Feb;2,1996,son of Clarence and Geraldine. Hesse;Anton 1881--1961 Jessie 1883--1914 Hill,William Henry 1852--1890,son of Daniel & Sarah Hines,Alyce M. (Adkins) Sep;7,1939--Oct;11,1995,wife of John SR. Kast;Bernard W. 1933--1951 Helen Leona Oct;30,1914--May 12,1996,wife of Laurel Ira Francis Aug;31,1846--March 20,1924 James H. (no dates) Jason H. died Aug;30,1873,age 11 mo,25 dys,son of I.F. & M.J. L. Laurel 1910-- Lefa L. died May 19,1881,age 69 yrs,17 dys,wife of J.H. Loison T. Sep;23,1916--March 4,1987,Tec3 US Army,WWII Louis B. 1887--1966 Luther E. died Nov;14,1881,age 37 yrs,6 mo,20 dys Margaret J. March 10,1853--Apr;19,1924 R.A. Francis 1846--1924 (no stone) Wilma E. Feb;1920,inf dau.of L.B.& W.O. Wilma O. 1886--1961,wife of Louis B.Kast Keller;Jessica R. June 7,1980,infant Kelley;Alta 1904--1970 Daniel A. 1908--1973 Elizabeth R. 1917--1967 Richard L. May 5,1950,infant Kelly;Andrew Seth June 20,1896--Nov;24,1972,S2 USNRF,WWI Gladna H. May 30,1897--Sep;26,1897,twin Gladys H. May 30,1897--June 20,1897,twin Isaiah N. March 7,1899--March 23,1899 Mary E. Sep;16,1867--Oct;2,1913 Merritt Henry Feb;26,1867--June 16,1941,father of Seth Violet N. 1901--1984 Knaus;Elmer Chester (no dates) John Earl 1901---1929 ???? Aug;23,1895--Jan;11,1902,dau.of L.E.& E.L. Knoble;Jane E. died Aug;24,1965,age 2 days Lawver;Amy died Feb;2,1888,age 69 yrs,3 mo,21 dys,wife of Jacob Jacob, died May 6,1874,age 55 yrs,2 mo,6 dys infant died Oct;13,1871,son of Jacob & Amy infant died July 14,1880,age 19 days,son of J.& A. McCullick;Emmitt died Feb;5,1877,age 5ys,8mo,6 dys,son of Ilieen 1923,infant Dau.of W.J.& S.M. / LH & EJ Jane 1843--1923 L. H. 1843--1929 McKeaun;Laura died Apr;3,1890,age 46 yrs,1 mo;wife of James (McKeuren), Dau.of Ephram & Sarah Turk Morse;John O. May 21,1843--Oct;18,1891,age 48 yrs,4 mo,27dys son of O.& H. Morse Nelson;Delilah D.(Turk) 1885---1976 Nuter;Maggie J. May 4,1860--Dec;7,1881,wife of Adison Nutter;Amanda May 14,1867--May 30,1890,age 23 yrs,16 dys wife of Lovirn Orrick;Bufort W. 1901---1945 Charles 1865---1903 Mary C. 1868---1960 Pearl I. Dec;1,1896--July 13,1975,US Army,WWI Payne;Abe L. 1862---1936 Calvin T. died Sep;14,1878,age 6 yrs,1 mo,10 dys son of Wm H. & J. Elnora P. 1908--- Samantha J. 1851---1933,wife of William H. Sarah 1865---1940 William A. 1896---1979 William H. Apr;11,1938,Pvt 43rd Wis.Infantry Children of H.& M. Payne (can no longer read names) dau. ?-12,1858,age 3 yrs,3 mo,5 dys son Apr;?,1858,age 1 yr,24 dys ????? Oct;2?,1859,age 1 month,12 days ????? Apr;20,1873,age 21 yrs,4 mo,26 dys Phillips;Levi died Sep;9,1881,age 68 yrs,6 mo,6 dys Rachel 1895 (stone now unreadable) Potts;Ira M. Oct;25,1904--March 3,1905 Jennie M. May 29,1895--May 24,1896 John A. 1838---1914 John A. Sep;13,1845--Apr;2,1914,Civil War Vet. John J. Oct;31,1898--March 29,1903 Mary March 15,1902 Myrtle E. Nov;15,1900 William A. 1872---1960 Purington;Edward W. 1888---1964 Ethel A. 1892---1982 Phylander died Sep;19,1882,age 8 yrs,2 mo,29 dys, son of A.B.& E.F. Ray A. 1920--- Richison;Sarah H. died Nov;11,1871,age 9 yrs,9 mo,18 dys, dau.of G.W.& P.H. Richmond;Luvina died Dec;14,1898,age 12 yrs,5 mo,28 dys, dau.of Q.P.& M. Riley;Lois C. 1858---1939 Rutherford;Debbie J. 1952--- Dennis E. Sr. 1947--- Smith;Francis M. March 3,1872--Oct;21,1897,wife of L.M. Paul June 24,1895--May ?,1896,son of L.M.& F.M. (2 more names,but can't read them.) Spencer;James W. 1856--- Lavina A. 1865--- Mary Isabell Oct;4,1889--Sep;20,1905,dau.of James Peter L. 1900---1922 Stearns;Dallas R. June 10,1926--July 15,1926 Letty A. 1888---1930 Wilfred A. 1887---1976 Steines;John 1926---1926 Streeter;Minerva Jan;2,1837---Oct;19,1901 Strong,Rachel died March 29,1898,age 46 yrs,19 dys,wife of J.B. Taft;Allen V. 1890---1924 Alta M. 1896--- Ephram B. age 69 yrs (no stone) Roger A. 1942---1942 Micheal D. 1944---1944 Nancy J. 1857---1917,wife of Sameul M. Sameul M. 1845---1923 Thompson;Laura A. died Feb;20,1877,age 2 yrs,6 mo,5 dys, dau.of J.H.& S.D. Turk;Alexander H. March 26,1843--Feb;16,1910,Co.G 6th Wi Inf Amanda M. March 28,1879--March 10,1892,dau of Sam Darrel R. May 17,1917---Dec;30,1993,son of Elmer & Ann Ephram H. died Feb;15,1893,age 59 yrs,born in Rockland, Vanago Co.Penn; John Henry 1861---1942 ???? died Apr;8,1887,age 4 yrs,2 mo,20 dys,son of J.H.& V.A. Maggie J. (no stone) Nancy J. 1857--1917,wife of S.M.T. (no stone) Sam June 27,1845--Oct;27,1924,Co.A,43rd Wis Reg(no stone) Watters;Paul E. Apr;20,1943---May 10,1943 Whiteaker;Alerick L. 1881---1965 Alvin W. 1874---1955 Aurella J.(Knaus) 1925---,wife of Gerald Daniel E. Feb;26,1850 Edward 1913---1913 Elizabeth F. Oct;23,1852--Jan;20,1903 Estel M. 1959---1959 Gerald L. Sep;5,1920--Nov;18,1996,son of Alvin Isaac B. 1854---1926 Joseph W. 1846---1927 Latie Apr;15,1888--Jan;27,1902,dau.of Hiram & Hattie Martha J. 1859---1951 Matilda March 16,1857--Dec;13,1914 Margaret E. 1846---1929 Marion T. 1881---1954 Maude G.(Purington) 1886---1965,wife of Alvin Mildred A. 1956---1957 T. 1885 (no stone) Thaddeus W. died Sep;4,1889,age 4 yrs,4 mo. son of J.W.& M.E. Thompson Jan;5,1880--Oct;12,1880,age 4 mo,7 dys. Thompson died Apr;14,1894,age 71 yrs,19 dys Verlyn L. 1940---1941 Wesley A. Nov;5,1960--Dec;21,1980,Sp4 Wis Nat Guard ???? daughter, 1912 ???? died Dec;13,1885,age 54 yrs,9 mo,19 dys, wife of T. Whitt;Leo June 12,1916--June 12,1991,son of John & May Frieda (Taft) Aug;11,1917--Oct;24,1994,wife of Leo Young;Ambrose (no stone) Cornelius R. 1826---1900,Co.B,33rd Reg.Wis Inf.8-14-1862 Elizabeth M. (Turk) 1829---1908 1 stone marked "Doyle,son of" ; rest unreadable 1 stone broken reads "Lore E.,wife of". 1 stone totaly unreadable_ ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. 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