Obituary: Dane County, Wisconsin: Mrs. Amos FLYTE ************************************************************************ Submitted by Ruth Ann Montgomery, April 2008 © All rights reserved. ************************************************************************ In Stoughton, Wis. March 30th, 1884, Mrs. Amos Flight, aged 60 years. Mrs. Flyte came from Northamton, Penns. and settled in Stoughton in 1853. She was every an earnest christian woman; had been a member of the M. E. church for thirty-six years. She leaves a husband, two daughters, and a large circle of mourning friends. Her disease was paralysis. She continued for twelve days in an unconscious state. Her funeral was held in Stoughton, April 1, sermon by Rev. H. Sewell, assisted by the local pastor, Rev. A. J. Brill. April 4, 1884, Evansville Review, Evansville, Wisconsin Spelling of name is different in first and second paragraph of the death notice.