Biographical Index: HISTORY OF DOOR COUNTY, WISCONSIN, 1881 ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, or the legal representative of the contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Cheryl Janke 30 March 1999 ==================================================================== Biographical Index to: HISTORY OF DOOR COUNTY, WISCONSIN, by Charles I. Martin, 1881 Some biographies contain valuable genealogical information and should not be overlooked. Please note that this is NOT an index to every name in the book (many have been published). It is a biographical index only to use as a research tool. If you find a name of interest, what do you do next? Check interlibrary loan, Family History Center catalogs and online sources for book locations and reprints. (Contributed by Cheryl Janke = INDEX Name/Page A'hern, Edward, 71 Aherns, Fred, 86 Allen, Gideon W., 41 Amunderson, Jorgen, 52 Anderson, Aslag, 53 Anderson, Hans P., 25 Anger, George, 65 Annasen, Syvert, 68 Apple, Jacob, 85 Arium, Christena, 39 Arlt, Adolph, 70 Arlt, Fred, 84 Armbrust, Nicholas, 75 Ash, Richard, 76 Ashby, Jacob, 47 Aslagson, Byron, 64 Bacholz, John, 49 Backey, Martin, 44 Bacon, Samuel N., 29 Bagnall, J. T., 97 Bailey, W., 55 Bailey, William, 68 Baker, Russel, 80 Balza, Eugene, 88 Balza, Leopold, 88 Balza, Michael, 59 Bankner, Albert, 76 Baptist, Arnold, 88 Barringer, George, 81 Barringer, John J., 80 Bashman, Margaret, 41 Basinne, Clement, 58 Bassford, George, 70 Bateman, Walter, 85 Baudhuin, Dennis J., 93 Baudhuin, Joseph, 93 Baugnet, Antoine, 59 Baumgartner, Joseph, 89 Baye, Martin, 58 Beery, Soloman, 81 Benien, Peter, 62 Benning, Charles, 90 Berg, Fred, 35 Bernhart, Julius, 47 Bernhart, Robert, 47 Bernson, Peter, 40 Bernville, Peter, 63 Bero, John B., 58 Bershaw, Martin, 42 Beward, Anton, 94 Bink, John, 71 Birdsall, William, 51 Birmingham, Andrew, 76 Birmingham, Eugene, 43 Blair, Niel, 96 Boes, Hugo, 43 Bommen, Andrew, 25 Bosman, August J., 89 Bottleson, Erne, 41 Boullion, John B., 92 Bounonville, Herbert, 89 Bowe, Kearn, 41 Boyce, Charles, 76 Brabazon, William, 97 Brandt, August, 49 Brei, Anton, 50 Bretel, Joseph, 50 Brockhausen, Henry, 48 Brooks, James W., 84 Brooks, Wilder L., 81 Brown, John, 54 Buchan, William, 130 Bueus, Victor, 61 Bush, John, 47 Bushmann, Caroline, 42 Calhoon, J. C., 97 Campbell, J. A., 42 Campbell, Joseph, 76 Cardy, Julius, 71 Carlton, Andrew, 42 Carmody, Thomas, 80 Carmody, William, 80 Carpiam, Julie, 91 Carrington, Miles M., 84 Chapman, Isaac, 84 Charles, Jacques, 90 Charles, John B., 61 Chase, Charles M., 41 Chater, John, 85 Chaudoir, Anton, 91 Churches, Samuel, 55 Claflin, William, 87 Cocagne, Charles A., 40 Cochems, Mathias, 45 Coco, Ferdinand, 60 Coffey, Thomas, 24 Coffey, Timothy, 24 Coffin, David, 89 Colbot, Gustav, 93 Colignon, Joseph, 39 Collard, Martin, 91 Collin, Con, 85 Collins, Hugh, 84 Collins, John, 85 Comble, Lambert, 59 Connard, John B., 87 Connard, John, 87 Corbisier, Adolph, 89 Cornell, John, 23 Cornell, Joseph, 24 Counard, Francois, 93 Counard, Joseph, 91 Cramer, Martin, 39 Crass, Jacob, 73 Cromwell, N. N., 97 Crowley, Ann, 76 Dacheler, Julian, 58 Dachelet, Toussain, 60 Daley, John, 71 Damkoehler, Mathilda, 40 Daniels, Chris, 39 Daniels, Edward, 75 Darling, William, 55 Daudois, Ettienne, 58 Debroux, Alphonse, 88 Decamp, Pierri, 90 Dedeken, Oliver, 62 Degardin, Eugene, 62 Degrandaggnage, Francois, 90 Dekeyser, Gabriel, 90 Delfosse, August J., 92 Delfosse, Eugene, 60 Delfosse, Eugene, 92 Delfosse, Louis J., 92 Delfosse, Noel J., 92 Delmont, G. B., 87 Delsipee, Guillanum, 88 Delsipee, Joseph, 88 Delvaux, Celestine, 58 Delvaux, Constant, 58 Delveau, Francois, 92 Delwiche, William, 91 Dennis, Frank, 57 Dery, Casimier, 89 Dery, Gasper, 93 Devos, Peter, 60 Dewit, Charles, 60 Dewit, Josephine, 57 Dewur, William, 46 Dickinson, Charles, 69 Dimond, Patrick, 65 Dimond, Thomas, 130 Dockuirr, Johnlambert, 88 Donland, Barney, 69 Donland, Francis, 69 Donovan, Michael, 76 Dresser, Olive A., 40 Dreves, Jochin, 50 Dubois, Mary, 93 Dubois, Melchior, 92 Dugean, John, 92 Dunn, James, 76 Dupont, Eugene, 62 Dury, Isidore, 89 Eatough, Roger, 86 Eichinger, Anton, 90 Elison, John, 64 Ellis, John, 66 Englebert, John, 57 Erickson, Nels, 43 Erskine, Ben J., 85 Escher, George, 85 Evrard, Francois, 91 Evrard, John B., 91 Fabry, Guillaume, 92 Fairchild, C. P., 54 Falk, Vesonir, 59 Farley, Patrick, 87 Feldmann, Constantine, 40 Fetzer, John, 49 Fidler, Frederick, 130 Finan, Patrick, 67 Finnegan, Andrew, 75 Fish, Daniel L., 55 Flachac, Mathias, 62 Flemal, Constant, 63 Flemal, Frank, 62 Fletcher, James, 84 Foster, Joseph, 50 Fowels, George, 50 Francois, Andrien, 60 Francois, Joseph, 60 Francois, Paschal, 62 Frank, Alexis, 58 Fritz, Peter, 67 Fry, William, 54 Fuller, Elijah S., 36 Fuller, Nelson W., 39 Garlach, John, 71 Garrett, Volney S., 24 Gaspart, Bernard, 61 Gaspart, Frank, 57 Geivais, Prosper, 93 Geniess, Ghislain, 91 Geniesse, Clement, 93 George, John, 76 Geulette, Florent, 93 Gigot, Henry, 87 Gigot, Joseph, 59 Gillespie, James, 76 Gillick, Phillip, 71 Gillot, Francois, 93 Gillson, Charles, 60 Gillson, Joseph, 58 Girondal, Charles, 90 Goettelmann, Andrew, 70 Goettelmann, John, 42 Goodletson, Goodlet, 24 Goodletson, Thomas, 53 Gormley, Cornelius, 69 Goss, Peter, 84 Graass, John P., 44 Graham, David, 80 Graham, Josephine E., 29 Graham, Oliver P., 77 Greitner, Anton, 63 Griffin, Ann T., 84 Gros, Charles, 65 Grovogel, Michael, 76 Guidener, Anton, 50 Gunderson, H., 65 Gurlette, John, 60 Gustavson, Frank, 55 Hahn, Henry F., 43 Haines, Talleck, 69 Hankel, Jacob, 49 Hanks, Warren, 43 Hanson, Hans, 39 Hanson, Henry, 52 Hanson, Iver P., 26 Hanson, Jacob, 72 Hanson, James, 64 Hanson, Soren, 52 Harris, Joseph, Sr., 36 Hart, Oscar, 43 Haskell, Chauncey, 29 Hautlet, Elois, 59 Hayes, Martin, 50 Hayes, Michael, 80 Heald, Eugene, 66 Hebert, Joseph, 35 Heilmann, Adam, 70 Heittiger, Casper, 49 Heldmann, Leonard, 75 Hellmann, Henry, 44 Hempel, August, 53 Hemple, Christian, 64 Hendershott, Betsey, 40 Hendricks, Adam, 83 Hennessy, Richard, 71 Henquinet, John, 89 Herlache, Alexander, 60 Herlacke, John B., 88 Hibbard, P. G., 96 Higgins, Allen, 85 Hitt, Charles I., 66 Hitt, Frank, 66 Hitt, Walter, 66 Hocks, Jacob, 75 Hogan, Emanuel, 97 Hogan, John, 54 Holleck, George, 90 Hopp, Alexander, 43 Hopp, Lucas, 76 Horn, William H., 68 Hoslette, John, 66 Houle, David, 40 Houle, John, 43 Hunt, Thomas W., 130 Hurley, John, 67 Ingebos, Constant, 91 Jackson, William, 130 Jacobs, H. P., 52 Jacobs, Philip, 31 Jacobson, Christian, 24 Jadin, John B., 93 Janbuet, John J., 93 Janisch, A., 85 Janquart, Charles, 94 Jarman, Charles, 53 Jeffcott, Charles, 53 Jenguinne, Charles, 89 Jenquet, Pierre, 90 Jenquinne, Anton, 89 Johnson, A., 45 Johnson, Charles, 24 Johnson, Henry C., 52 Johnson, Iver, 69 Johnson, John, 43 Johnson, Louis, 25 Johnson, Ole, 35 Johnson, Theodore, 43 Jones, George, 54 Josephson, Peter, 64 Judd, Josiah, 55 Kalambach, Godfreid, 24 Kehoe, Michael, 86 Kemp, Dominick, 76 Keogh, James, Sr., 46 Kilgore, Moses, 84 Kill, Nicholas, 55 Killorn, Luke, 89 Kimber, Jesse, 34 Kimple, Conrad, 50 King, William, 72 Kinney, Edward, 71 Kinney, James, 71 Kirby, Michael, 93 Kirtland, P. W., 97 Kisar, John, 61 Kittland, H. W., 81 Klamski, William, 48 Klinkinburg, Capt., 72 Knudson, Ambrust, 41 Knudson, Christian, 51 Knudson, Henry C., 36 Kombar, Frank, 59 Kroanang, Henry, 63 Krueger, Samuel, 48 Kruger, Frederick, 44 Kruger, Michael, 47 Kum, Louis, 48 Labedelle, Heubert, 62 Labigois, Joseph, 88 Laduron, Louis, 92 Lafountain, Ezra, 81 Lallemont, August, 54 Lallemont, J. B., 84 Laluzerne, Leopold, 88 Langlois, Newel, 71 Larch, Peter, 132 Lardinois, Peter, 58 Larose, Bartholemew, 91 LaRoy, William, 81 Larson, Christian, 25 Larson, Ole L., 51 Larsson, A., 45 Laurie, Robert, 72 Lauzeone, Hubert, 91 Lavassor, Joseph, 31 Laviolette, Godfrey, 89 Lawrence, Augustus W., 31 Lawrence, William B., 30 Lawson, Alexander, Sr., 50 Leatham, John, 44 Lebotte, Antonette, 61 Lechler, Christian, 55 Leege, Henry, 51 Leege, John, 51 Leelu, Leonard, 61 Lempereur, Joseph, 92 Leonhardt, Chris, 41 Leroy, John, 130 Liest, Paul, 71 Lockhart, James H., 48 Lockhart, Robert, 51 Long, Anton, 75 Long, John, 39 Lumacy, Joseph, 62 Lundburg, Carl, 55 Lyman, Milton E., 78 Lyman, Thomas L., 81 Lynhart, James, 67 Macaux, Felican, 60 Machia, David, 41 Machia, George, 41 Machia, Henry, 41 Machia, Joseph, 49 Machia, Louis, 48 Mackey, John, 66 Madden, John, 66 Madoche, Eugene, 66 Maloney, John, 93 Maloney, Martin, 80 Maloney, Simon, 69 Mann, James R., Sr., 76 Mann, John, 70 Manna, W. G., 80 Mapes, Stephen, 53 Marsh, George W., 41 Marshall, John, 53 Marshall, William, 130 Marshall, William, 29 Martin, Frank, 59 Martin, Henry, 75 Martin, Pierre, 92 Mashall, Ransselar, 77 Masner, Thomas, 67 Massart, Felix, 57 Massart, John B., 57 Massart, Mary E., 57 Masse, C. A., 42 Matsen, Clement, 42 Matski, Gottfreid, 49 Maxini, Francois, 92 McArdle, James, 86 McCullough, Thomas W., 131 McDermott, Bryan, 50 McDermott, Frank, 49 McDermott, Michael, 97 McDermott, Thomas, 50 McDonald, Dennis, 24 McEacham, A., 43 McLachlan, L. R., 33 McSweeny, Charles, 55 Meikle, Alexander, 43 Messenger, John C., 97 Metcalf, Andrew, 65 Metzke, Carl, 62 Meyer, John, 75 Meyers, Charles, 43 Meyers, George, 86 Michaels, Conrad, 71 Michaels, Godfrey, 71 Michaels, Godlip, 71 Mignon, Lewis, 57 Mignon, Nobert, 60 Millard, P. B., 66 Miller, Charles A. B., 50 Miller, Charles, 61 Miller, Lucas, 76 Miller, Marcus, 76 Miller, Peter, 48 Miner, Henry D., 21 Minor, Martin, 53 Mohemont, Antoine, 57 Monk, Fredrick, 70 Monoso, Joseph, 67 Moore, A. W., 76 Moore, John, 61 Moore, Margaret, 92 Moore, Maurice, 93 Mullane, John, 71 Mulverhill, John, 70 Munier, Alexander, 61 Murray, John, 71 Naniot, Antoine, 59 Naze, Amond, 59 Naze, Prosper, 58 Nelson, Andrew, 35 Nelson, Carl, 53 Nelson, Ever, 51 Nelson, Iver A., 39 Nelson, Nels P., 40 Nelson, Ole A., 68 Nelson, Paul, 41 Nelson, Peter, 25 Neuville, Jacques, 87 Neuville, John B., 89 Noble, Robert, 36 Noll, Jacob, 44 Norton, John, 53 Norton, Stephen, 53 O'Hern, Daniel, 81 Olen, Almon P., 130 Olen, J. B., 130 Olsen, Christian, 25 Olsen, Edward, 67 Olsen, Lesabat B., 33 Olsen, Nels, 35 Olsen, Osman, 67 Olson, Martin, 55 Olson, Ole P., 26 Oneson, Abraham, 51 Ottoson, Louis P., 25 Panter, Thomas, 85 Panter, William, 85 Patris, Francois, 57 Peltier, Jerome, 89 Pensis, Gustav, 93 Perry, Matt, 47 Perry, Richard, 46 Peterson, Andrew, 36 Peterson, Emily, 70 Peterson, Peter, 53 Peterson, Soren, 35 Pfiester, John, 71 Phillips, J. L., 67 Pierre, Alexander, 61 Piette, Charles, 61 Piette, Joseph, 61 Pinney, Silas, 44 Poplar, Ferdinand, 50 Poppleton, George, 53 Poriuse, Celesten, 93 Post, Henry F., 39 Propsom, Peter, 41 Queamant, Celesten, 61 Quertimont, Joseph, 58 Rabior, Louis, 89 Raggendoff, John, 54 Raymond, Edward S., 54 Reed, D. A., 31 Rehr, William, 44 Remhardt, George, 55 Renard, Francois, 92 Renard, Lambert, 92 Reynolds, Thomas, 96 Richardson, L. H., 86 Rickey, Edward, 86 Riding, James, 85 Riley, Edward, 87 Riley, Philip, 87 Rinse, Alexander, 59 Rittenburg, Michael, 80 Roberts, George, 66 Robin, John G., 88 Robinson, Joseph, 97 Rockwell, N. N., 47 Roger, John, 65 Rohan, John, 69 Rohn, Victor, 25 Rouer, Charles, 57 Rouer, Joseph, 57 Rouer, Theodore, 57 Rowe, Daniel E., 84 Rupp, John, 49 Rushford, Antoine, 81 Ryan, John, 42 Saabye, Hans O., 25 Sacotte, Florent, 88 Sacotte, Francis, 88 Sailer, F. X., 43 Sampson, Frank A., 44 Sanderson, William A., 85 Schafer, Philip, 70 Schelswick, Knud O., 26 Schjoth, Erick T., 35 Schmitz, Martin, 51 Schnider, Anton, 48 Schuemacher, Louis, 69 Schulz, Anton, 90 Schuster, Mathias, 68 Schuyler, Albert J., 66 Schuyler, Frederick, 73 Schuyler, Henry, 35 Sclies, John, 48 Scofield, Charles, 44 Scofield, Robert, 88 Scott, James, 84 Scott, Thomas, 42 Seidemann, Hugo, 71 Seiler, John, 49 Seneft, George, 70 Severs, Robert, 23 Sherwood, Albert H., 39 Simon, John P., 70 Simon, Nicholas, 70 Simon, Peter J., 75 Simonds, Eli, 61 Sloan, John, 86 Smith, J. A., 54 Smith, Joseph, 97 Smith, Thomas H., 44 Smith, Wilhelm, 65 Solway, Baaka, 72 Sorenson, John, 40 Sorenson, Knud, 44 Soucie, Demas, 25 Spalsbury, J. E., 67 Spaulsbury, D. D., 43 Spear, A. M., 42 Spear, George O., 42 Splinger, Florence, 58 Spring, Hugh G., 85 Stanley, Henry, 56 Stephan, Christopher, 70 Stephenson, H. B., 73 Stephenson, Sartial R., 40 Stephenson, Septimus, 39 Stevens, Myron H., 53 Stich, Philip, 48 Stoneman, John, 46 Stricott, Maria, 88 Stueber, William, 50 Sullivan, James, 50 Swaboda, Martin, 62 Swado, Michael, 89 Tansing, Christian, 70 Tauba, Hermann, 45 Tellier, Anton, 89 Templeton, Albert, 68 Templeton, Alexander, 75 Thayer, Chauncey, 67 Theisan, Anton, 48 Theys, Joseph A., 93 Thompson, Anton, 30 Thompson, Carl, 25 Thompson, Moses C., 65 Thoresen, John, 64 Thorp, George H., 36 Thorp, Levi, 78 Thorpe, Asa, 51 Thorpe, J. E., 94 Tibonne, Adel, 58 Tnck, Sarah, 35 Tong, Job, 41 Torstenson, Nels, 30 Toseland, William, 85 Tufts, Alexander, 67 Turner, George A., 78 Vandergaitte, Guillaume, 91 Vangindertaelen, Edward, 57 Vedder, Christian, 55 Verlee, Anton, 62 Vesta, Knud, 68 Vesta, Nels, 68 Vorous, Levi, 55 Walski, Michael, 49 Wanthien, Gregor, 62 Warren, Albert G., 38 Warren, William H., 66 Waters, Patrick, 50 Weberg, Ole, 56 Weburg, Peter, 52 Wester, John, 43 Williams, George, 85 Williams, Samuel, 84 Williams, William, 85 Wobser, Albert, 71 Wohltmann, F., 86 Woolar, Ferdinand, 49 Woolf, John, 50 Wright, J. T., 36 Wright, Rufus M., 54 Writt, Patrick, 49 Young, Jacob, 24 Zastrow, Charles, 48 Zepherin, Ignace, 60 Zettel, Joseph, 50 Zettel, Joseph, 73 Zettel, Rudolph, 76 Zink, Claus, 25