BIOGRAPHIES: Col. William H. ALLEN, Menomonie, Dunn County, WI ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, or the legal representative of the contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Nance Sampson, file manager <> 20 August 2002 ==================================================================== Col. William H. Allen, lumberman, Menomonie. Oliver Allen, the great- grandfather of our subject, was a native of Maine, of English descent, the first of the family to come to this country being George Allen, who settled in Massachusetts in 1635. Rufus, son of Oliver, was born in Maine, and died there on his farm, from an internal injury received in a fall, and left a large family. Of his sons, Charles L. was born near Industry, Me., formerly known as Allen's Mills. He removed to Lawrence, Mass., where he was a mill-wright by occupation. He built mills at Detroit, Saginaw and Port Austin, Mich., which mills were, at that time, the largest in the state. He engaged in the lumber business for three years at Saginaw, then went to Byron, Mich., where he was engaged in the flour and saw-mill business about ten years. He died in August, 1880, in McKean county, Pa., aged seventy-two years. He owned considerable land in McKean county, a part of which proved to be valuable oil land. He was a man of considerable influence, and had the confidence of all who came in contact with him. He was an active member of the Congregational church, and a leader whom the people felt they could trust in all thngs. He married Abigail Eveleth, who was born in Maine. She died in the prime of life, and was a consistent member of the Congregational church, and was honored and respected by all. Four children blessed her memory: Emma C. H., William H., Lizzie H. and Charles W., none of whom survive except our subject. William H. Allen was born in Maine, and is principally self-educated, although he had good school advantages in the east. He clerked for some time in Michigan, but when the war clouds hovered over our country, he obeyed the call to arms and enlisted, August 6, 1861, in Company H, of the Fifth Michigan infantry, as a private. He was promoted form time to time until he was in command of Company D. He was afterward a staff officer under Gen. Byron R. Pierce, of Second brigade of the third division of the second corps, also called Gen. Hancock's corps, and while serving as such was brevetted for "gallant and meritorious conduct." He participated in all the battles of the army of the Potomac except South Mountain and Antietam. He was struck by bullets several times, but was never seriously wounded. After the war he was a book-keeper and manager of the office for a large furniture establishment in Detroit. He afterward engaged in the insurance business there till the spring of 1874, when he came to Menomonie, where he had secured the position of head book-keeper for the Knapp, Stout & Co. Company. That fall he was attached to their land office, of which department he soon took charge, and has had entire charge of it ever since. His responsibilities have increased enourmously, but he has proven himself equal to all emergencies, and the office is the most complete land office in the west. He married his first wife, Helen S. Barbour, in Michigan. She died in Menomonie, January 18, 1882, aged thirty-six years. They had one child, Grace E., born August 29, 1866, who died June 9, 1880. He afterward married Mrs. Fannie M. Moore, nee Manwaring, who died January 14, 1892, leaving three children, Fred B. and Harry M., by her first husband, and Margaret Louise Allen, born July 20, 1890. Col. Allen is also engaged extensively in the fire insurance business, and represents nine companies. -- Transcribed from the "Historical and Biographical Album of the Chippewa Valley Wisconsin, 1891-2," page 630