Eau Claire County WI Archives Obituaries.....Feirer, Jacob February 25, 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/wi/wifiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Stephanie Mannion Wrightson swrightson51@gmail.com March 6, 2009, 2:42 am The Eau Claire Leader, March 1, 1899 The Eau Claire Leader, March 1, 1899 included an article about Jacob Feirer's funeral, "ALL THAT WAS MORTAL OF JACOB FEIRER LAID AWAY, BODY FOLLOWED TO THE LAST RESTING PLACE BY A LARGE CROWD. THE CATHOLIC KNIGHTS OF WISCONSIN ATTEND IN A BODY. SOLEMN AND IMPRESSIVE AT GRAVE." The article said Jacob died in an accident on the Omaha Railroad. 126 Knights, the family and others in vehicles, and a large "concourse of citizens on foot" followed the casket from the house to the church. Knights in full dress and "swords at the present" flanked the casket as it entered the church. After mass, the priest, Rev. Father Metzler, gave a sermon in both English and, then, in German. He said that the large crowd was evidence that Jacob was a good man and neighbor. After acknowledging the family's and friends' loss, he said that he had lost a best friend. He went on: "When I came here five years ago and saw his dark complexion and his wild eye, I said to myself that this is a wild man. I was never so deceived. Jacob's complexion may have been dark but his heart was white, and a stauncher friend I never met." Then, the casket was taken to the German Catholic (Sacred Heart) Cemetery, ..."the Knights still tending, and followed by an indeterminable procession of carriages and sleighs. The casket was lowered to his last resting place, the grave being surrounded by the Knights with their swords at the salute." Unattributed newspaper article about Jacob's death (likely Eau Claire Leader): "JACOB FEIRER, SECTION FOREMAN, INSTANTLY KILLED. Accident Happened This Morning Near the Old Brick Yards--Was Taking a Hand-car Off the Track--His Back Was Broken. A terrible accident happened this morning near the old brick yards between here and Altoona, in which Jacob Feirer, a resident of this city lost his life. Mr. Feirer was section foreman for the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha railroad company between this city and Altoona. This morning he and one other man took a handcar and started over the road from the city to Altoona. When in the neighborhood of the brick yards they were run down by the "double header" engines of the logging train. The engines were going "light" to Altoona and were running at a good clip. Mr. Feirer and his man noticed the engines coming and stopped the handcar. In getting off the track, Mr. Feirer was stuck in the back by the pilot of the first engine. His back was broken and he was instantly killed. The body was brought to the family residence in this city at 506 Germania street. Jacob Feirer was about 50 years of age and leaves a wife and six children. His oldest daughter was recently married to Chas Steiding (sic) of Altoona. Mr. Feirer had been section foreman on this road ever since it has been built through Eau Claire, over 25 years ago. He was a man of good habits and was highly respected by all. His sudden death was a terrible shock to his family and friends. He was a member of Branch No. 8, Catholic Knights of Wisconsin." Additional Comments: One of Jacob's granddaughters, Irene Mannion, related the following story: "Sadie's (Serafina) father (Jacob Feirer) was killed in a railroad accident when she was about six. She often told us the story about how it happened on a Sunday morning while the rest of the family was at High Mass; the flame on the altar candle went out, and the priest turned to the people and said, 'Let us pray for the soul of a member of our congregation who has just passed away.' A short time after arriving home, there was a knock on the door, and they all looked at one another, knowing that they were about to hear bad news." Vitals for Jacob FEIRER: b.July 25, 1845 in Groben, Bohemia; m.August 03, 1875 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Eau Claire, WI to Agnes SCHUSTER; d.February 25, 1899 in Eau Claire, WI, bu.February 28, 1899 in Sacred Heart Cemetery in Eau Claire, WI. Children: Marie R. FEIRER STEUDING (1976-1955), John Albert FEIRER (1879- ); Agnes J. FEIRER LANG (1880-1905); Fanny FEIRER (1883-1904); Anna E. FEIRER LAMBERT (1885-1962); Matilda (Tilly) Geneiveve FEIRER MANNION (1888-1970); Elizabeth (Lizzy) J. FEIRER JONES (1891- ); and Serafina Marguerite (changed name to Sadie Margaret) FEIRER MANNION (1885- 1961). Other FEIRER relatives in Eau Claire included his sisters, Mary FEIRER GRILL SIPPEL (1847-1912) and Theresa (Tracie) FEIRER (1837-1901), his niece, Katharine (Katharina) FEIRER HRUBESH (1882-1959), and his nephew, John GRILL (1883- ). In Bohemia or Germany, his father was John FEIRER and his mother was Barbara MUSEROCHECHER per his wedding license. He had a brother named Adalbert FEIRER (Katharina's father). File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/wi/eauclaire/obits/f/feirer572gob.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/wifiles/ File size: 5.3 Kb