Biography: Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin: Edmund Delaney, Jr. ************************************************************************ Submitted by Kathy Grace, August 2004 © All rights reserved. ************************************************************************ Edmund Delaney, Jr., City Clerk; was born at Factoryville, Tioga Co., N.Y., Nov. 11, 1841; a son of Edmund Delany, who is now a resident of Fond du Lac; came to Calumet, in the this county, in 1849, and to Fond du Lac, where he has since resided, in 1853. Mr. D. enlisted in Co. A, 14th W.V.I., in October, 1861, as a private, but was elected Sergeant at the organization of the company, and promoted, Aug. 9, 1862, to Second Lieutenant of Co. I, 21st W.V.I.; he was in all the battles in which his regiment participated; was mustered out March 29, 1863, after which, he was clerk in the Provost Marshal's office until it was abolished in October, 1865; he studied engineering,and aided in preparing a map of the city of Fond du Lac; in 1870, Mr. D. was chosen City Clerk, which position he has continuously occupied. Transcribed from The History of Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin Chicago : Western Historical Company, 1880 pg. 796.