Fond Du Lac County WI Archives Military Records.....Army Enlistees Names ABBS - BYRNES WWII - Enlistment ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Tina Vickery May 19, 2007, 12:01 am Army Enlistees Names ABBS - BYRNES DATE OF ENLISTMENT YEAR OF ARMY SERIAL NUMBER NAME PLACE OF ENLISTMENT DAY MONTH YEAR GRADE BRANCH NATIVITY BIRTH COMPONENT OF THE ARMY 36212160 ABBS WARD C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 6 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 655112 ABEL ORVILLE L WAUPUN WISCONSIN 13 1 41 Private Medical Department WISCONSIN 19 National Guard 16008771 ABIG JACOB E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 3 41 Private Air Corps MICHIGAN 13 Regular Army 36259494 ABLER ADOLPH A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36290990 ABLER CLEMENS N MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36291008 ABLER LAWRENCE A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36239694 ABLER NORBERT J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 1 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16049926 ABLER NORBERT V MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Army of the United States 36298760 ABLER VERNON J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16005435 ABRAHAM ALDER E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 3 8 40 Private Signal Corps WISCONSIN 22 Regular Army 36302236 ABRAHAM ARTHUR H CP GRANT ILLINOIS 21 10 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 16 Regular Army 20648131 ABRAHAM AUGUST E FOND-DU-LAC WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 17 National Guard A-602725 ACKERMANN EBBA C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 18 12 42 Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 19 Women's Army Corps 36290992 ACORD ROBERT MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36277306 ADAMS FRANCIS E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 3 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36204625 ADAMS GEORGE C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 3 41 Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20646607 ADAMSK JOHN P RIPON WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Technical Sergeant WISCONSIN 10 National Guard 36266347 ADAMSKI HAROLD L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 9 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 6919934 ADAMSKI SYLVESTER C 9 12 39 WISCONSIN 55 Regular Army 39418668 ALANIZ IGNACIO G 10 11 45 Private First Class Infantry TEXAS 24 Regular Army 36204525 ALBERT FRANCIS J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 9 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20648117 ALBERTZ ARNOLD I FOND-DU-LAC WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private First Class Infantry WISCONSIN 18 National Guard 36201131 ALBERTZ MILTON R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 1 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) A-604195 ALBRIGHT ELNORA H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 4 43 Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 21 Women's Army Corps 36285026 ALBRIPHT LOUIS E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 5 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20648118 ALLEN EDWARD W FOND-DU-LAC WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private First Class Infantry WISCONSIN 19 National Guard 36248480 ALTMAN JOHN G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 4 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36284994 ALTNAU HILARY E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16231199 AMBROSO ARTHUR J CHICAGO ILLINOIS 2 10 46 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 29 Regular Army 6919890 ANDERS LESTER H 5 12 39 WISCONSIN 8 Regular Army 36285022 ANDERSFN MORSE A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16049771 ANDERSON ALBERT A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 10 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA 23 Army of the United States 36291000 ANDERSON GORDON R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 24 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16006484 ANDERSON LLOYD H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 18 9 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 20 Regular Army 16231336 ANDERSON MARVIN H CHICAGO ILLINOIS 2 10 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 16047732 ANDERSON THOMAS J JR MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 1 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 19 Army of the United States A-612450 ANGLIN MERLN D MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 5 44 Private Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 22 Women's Army Corps 16020219 APOSTLE GEORGE MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 17 12 45 Master Sergeant Air Corps WISCONSIN 21 Regular Army 36284983 ARAZNY STANLEY MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA POLAND 97 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16046645 ARMGA LAURENCE J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 11 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 18 Regular Army 36298422 ARMGA LESTER L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 24 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16239843 ARNDT LEON R CHICAGO ILLINOIS 4 10 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 24 Regular Army 36259706 ARNDT ROY C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36284937 ARNOLD ELLIOTT R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 2 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16006407 ARNOLD LLOYD C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 9 40 Private Air Corps MICHIGAN 20 Regular Army 20937457 ARTHUR CHARLES R PORTLAND OREGON 16 9 40 Private Field Artillery WISCONSIN 21 National Guard 16047044 ARTHUR KENNETH S MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 12 12 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Army of the United States 20648180 ARTHURS GEORGE W FOND-DU-LAC WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 19 National Guard 16228039 ASPATORE JAMES R CHICAGO ILLINOIS 12 9 46 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 29 Regular Army 16005131 ASPATORE WALTER J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 10 7 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 18 Regular Army 36291001 ASPATORV GEORGE P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36298586 ASSAF RICHARD J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 9 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36259705 ATKINS GEORGE A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16007865 ATKINS ROBERT J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 11 40 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 19 Regular Army 36277369 AUCHUE NEIL M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36259422 AUGUSTIN JOHN W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16049928 AUSTIN CLIFFORD H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Army of the United States 36291050 AUSTIN ROBERT L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16140226 AVERBECK ERNST B FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 10 5 44 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 25 Reserves 16046502 AVERBECK FORREST W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 19 Regular Army 36239728 BACHMAN GERALD E FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 1 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36202352 BACKES MARVIN H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 2 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) A-603798 BACON JANE E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 10 2 43 Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 18 Women's Army Corps 36248964 BACON JOHN R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36239674 BADTKE ALVIN H FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 1 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 7 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16009358 BAGLEY THOBURN L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 17 6 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA MICHIGAN 14 Regular Army 16005378 BAHR ALBERT R EDGERTON WISCONSIN 31 7 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 19 Regular Army 36243067 BAHR HOWARD CHICAGO ILLINOIS 18 6 46 Technician 5th Grade No branch assignment WISCONSIN 20 Regular Army 36284940 BAKER DONALD A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 7 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36283836 BALL LAWRENCN A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 7032309 BALSON ELMER R 29 5 40 WISCONSIN 0 Regular Army 36239715 BALTHAZOR EARL W FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 1 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 6 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36274195 BALTHAZOR GEORGE W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 3 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36202330 BALTHAZOR GERALD W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 2 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36291054 BALTHAZOR MEDDARD J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36239745 BALTHAZOR RAYMOND E FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 1 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16158342 BANGAL DEMOSTHENES N MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 23 10 45 Private WISCONSIN 27 Regular Army 36253499 BARBEAU RICHARD E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16228974 BARCLAY JAMES C CHICAGO ILLINOIS 19 9 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 16240947 BARFKNECHT ALLEN L CHICAGO ILLINOIS 15 10 46 Corps of Engineers WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 36298769 BARNES CLIFFORD J CP MCCOY SPARTA WISCONSIN 24 12 45 Technical Sergeant Infantry WISCONSIN 21 Regular Army 36230653 BARNES WILLARD F FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 5 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16129019 BARSTAD BARNEY A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 3 Army of the United States 16154379 BARTELET CALVIN E FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 18 3 43 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 22 Reserves 36291071 BARTELL LAWRENCE E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36253324 BARTELT AUGUST W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 7 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16133908 BARTELT LYNUS W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Army of the United States 36298617 BARTH LESLIE L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA MICHIGAN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36298652 BARTHULY OTTO A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA MONTANA 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16215229 BARTOW ARTHUR P CHICAGO ILLINOIS 5 6 46 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 27 Regular Army 16131620 BARTZ LEO J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 7 10 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 24 Army of the United States 36298696 BAST LEROY J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36284982 BASTIAN ERVINE C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 1 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36298600 BASTIAN HENRY F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16155286 BATTERMAN KENNETH R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 20 11 42 Air Corps WISCONSIN 24 Army of the United States 36230651 BAULIE MATT L FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 5 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 17215989 BAUMGARTNER CELESTINE J FT SNELLING MINNESOTA 4 12 46 Private Air Corps KANSAS 28 Regular Army 36298720 BAUMHARDT JEROME F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36243096 BAUMHARDT VERNON E CHICAGO ILLINOIS 5 10 46 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 19 Regular Army 36284279 BAZLEN ARTHUR F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 11 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36277383 BE KEARIS SAM MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16158332 BEARD PAUL A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 18 10 45 Private Air Corps NORTH DAKOTA 27 Regular Army 36266316 BEASTER EARL W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MINNESOTA 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36239699 BEAU BENNO J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 1 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 6 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16008919 BEAU HARVEY A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 4 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 9 Regular Army 36248933 BEBOW ELMER W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 6 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36215337 BEBOW HARVEY H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 3 7 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36265636 BEBOW MILTON E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36247853 BECKER ARNOLD G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36277384 BECKER DONALD I MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16158822 BECKER EUGENE L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 12 12 45 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 36247851 BECKER HAROLD G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36277280 BECKER LINUS P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16194013 BECKER PAUL C SCOTT FIELD ILLINOIS 18 4 46 Private First Class No branch assignment WISCONSIN 27 Regular Army 36236249 BECKER ROBERT D FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 27 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36268777 BECKER WAYLAND F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 23 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16102499 BEDFORD FRED G FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 3 3 43 Private No branch assignment MINNESOTA 23 Reserves 36298714 BEEKMAN MYRON MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36224236 BEHLEN MAURICE J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 6765297 BEHLKE ROBERT M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 6 Army of the United States 16003266 BEHM HAROLD A CHICAGO ILLINOIS 15 11 40 Private Air Corps SOUTH DAKOTA 20 Regular Army 36217069 BEHNKE EVERARD F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 7 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16006816 BEHNKE HAROLD G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 9 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 13 Regular Army 36234961 BEHNKE NORMAN O FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 12 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16048153 BEIER BERNARD A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 1 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 13 Army of the United States 36247870 BELL WILLIS G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 7 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16155281 BELLMER HOWARD A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 20 11 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 16155255 BELLMER KENNETH L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 20 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Army of the United States 36258591 BELLMORE LAWRENCE M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36277399 BELOVER PAUL F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16154998 BEMIS EDWIN L JR MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 17 11 42 Private Coast Artillery Corps WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 36247728 BENDER ALEXANDER MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16159045 BENDER BENJAMIN MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 1 46 Private Corps of Military Police WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 20648133 BENDER HERMAN FOND-DU-LAC WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 21 National Guard 16006525 BENDER ROBERT O MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 9 40 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 22 Regular Army 36247850 BENEDICT HUGH C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36224524 BENEDICT LEO G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 6 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36233643 BENEDICT MELVIN A FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 3 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36253376 BENKOSKE LEONARD F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36268776 BENKOSKI CLARENCE J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 23 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16048146 BENTLEY LESLIE R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Army of the United States 36284896 BERENS MARVIN L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36239682 BERENZ CLAUDE J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 1 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36244270 BERENZ ELROY G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) A-612802 BERENZ SEDONIA M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 17 8 44 Private Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 17 Women's Army Corps 36236308 BERGER ELDOR O FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 27 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20648134 BERGHANDLER HERBERT A FOND-DU-LAC WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 19 National Guard 36247874 BERGS RUPERT A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36277278 BERNATH JOHN L S MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA ILLINOIS 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36226331 BERNDT EARL H FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 13 10 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36291041 BERNDT LAWRENCE F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36242945 BERRENS JOHN MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36297999 BERRENS JOSEPH MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 18 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36253359 BERRENS OSCAR S MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36285044 BERTRAM JEROME G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16156203 BERTZ RALPH H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 7 12 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 36277257 BERWALD LESLIE E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 2 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20648135 BEUKHOF GILBERT J FOND-DU-LAC WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 14 National Guard 36298741 BEUTHIN EDWARD H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36239696 BEYER ALBERT J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 1 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 6 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16130945 BEYER EDWARD W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 9 42 Private Air Corps NORTH DAKOTA 15 Army of the United States 36277273 BEYER HAROLD J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 6919880 BEYER RICHARD J 4 12 39 WISCONSIN 55 Regular Army 16094490 BEYER ROBERT R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 17 8 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 22 Army of the United States 36212159 BEYER WILLIAM J 17 11 41 Aviation Cadet Air Corps WISCONSIN 17 Regular Army 16156193 BICKELHAUPT CHARLES H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 7 12 42 Air Corps MINNESOTA 23 Army of the United States 36298730 BIERMANN ALVIN L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16026005 BILLINGS DANA B FT CUSTER MICHIGAN 28 7 40 Air Corps WISCONSIN 17 Regular Army 36277364 BINDERT ELSWOOD R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16008010 BINOTTO ANTONIO B MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 11 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 16 Regular Army 36259504 BIRCH ROY C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 6 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36221086 BIRD RAYMOND L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36268651 BIRSCHBACH JEROME L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 23 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20648136 BISHOP JAMES FOND-DU-LAC WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 20 National Guard 36212140 BIXBY HERBERT E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 6 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36259427 BLACKBURN GERALD R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20648137 BLACKBURN RAY C FOND-DU-LAC WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 19 National Guard 16009301 BLAINE ROBERT J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 10 6 41 Private Detached Enlisted Men's List ILLINOIS 20 Regular Army 20646616 BLAKE RALPH M RIPON WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 10 National Guard 36298722 BLASNIG CARL J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36298634 BLATTNER SYLVANUS R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16209702 BLATZ EDWARD L CHICAGO ILLINOIS 15 5 46 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 27 Regular Army 36259426 BLAZER ANDREW W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36268649 BLEUEL HERMENEGILD F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 23 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 19028248 BLEWETT CHARLES D FT MACARTHUR SAN PEDRO CALIFORNIA 12 7 40 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 9 Regular Army 36298638 BLITZKE KENNETH R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36201180 BLONIGEN ALOIS E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 1 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36239262 BLONIGEN ROGER E FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 28 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16219577 BOEDE MARVIN J JR CHICAGO ILLINOIS 20 8 46 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 36268256 BOEHLEN FRANK S MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 4 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20655115 BOEHLER GEORGE H WAUPUN WISCONSIN 13 1 41 Private First Class Medical Department WISCONSIN 22 National Guard 36298601 BOELKE RICHARD E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36298578 BOESE JOHN A JR MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 9 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36248922 BOFINGER WILLIAM A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 97 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36247848 BOHLMAN LESTER F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36298616 BOHLMAN ROBERT R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36284928 BOHLMAN WILLIAM R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 98 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20648138 BOND DONALD R FOND-DU-LAC WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 18 National Guard 36200079 BOND EARL D MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 11 40 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36247852 BOND HAROLD G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36204474 BOND LAWRENCE R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36284895 BOND QOWARD C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16132715 BOND RUSSELL K MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 10 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 16193861 BONEY LAWRENCE J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 13 8 45 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 27 Reserves 36291010 BONZELET LEO G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36259503 BORCHERT VICTOR A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 9 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36239688 BORN LAWRENCE E FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 1 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36212139 BORN ROY E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 6 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16193860 BORNDAHL ROBERT A FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 13 8 45 Private Air Corps ILLINOIS 27 Reserves 36224471 BOSIN ARTHUR W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 5 42 Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36277284 BOTHE JAMES W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16133910 BOTTEEN EDWARD J JR MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 10 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 36248918 BOUDRY LAWRENCE R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16005051 BOWE DOUGLAS E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 7 40 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 22 Regular Army 36247876 BOWEN LEO F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36259469 BOWEN LOUIS H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 0 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36298609 BOWERS REX R JR MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36277277 BOWLSBY BERNARD J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 1 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20646617 BOWLSBY JOHN P RIPON WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 20 National Guard 36236311 BRAATZ ORLON W FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 27 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36277276 BRACE JOHN D R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MICHIGAN 98 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36212114 BRANDT ARCHIE J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 6 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16155172 BRANDT CARL L JR CP GRANT ILLINOIS 1 2 43 Private First Class No branch assignment WISCONSIN 22 Reserves 36259501 BRANDT DONALD J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36230657 BRANDT DONALD L FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 5 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20646618 BRASCH CLARENCE C RIPON WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 14 National Guard 36266286 BRATH ALFONS J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 15 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36236310 BRAUN AMBROSE E FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 27 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36266333 BRAUN HERMAN J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16093322 BRAUN JAMES E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Army of the United States 36204471 BRAUN MELCHIOR K MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 5 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36277241 BRAUN RICHARD F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 1 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36259492 BRAUN ROMAN J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 11 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36239746 BREHMER MARTIN A FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 1 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36253367 BREITENGROSS ARTHUR G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 11 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 39167326 BREITENGROSS ARTHUR P FT MACARTHUR SAN PEDRO CALIFORNIA 25 10 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 19 Regular Army 36259447 BREITZMAN HERBERT A JR MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA ILLINOIS 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36278214 BRENNAN GEORGE H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16050035 BRENNER ALVIN P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 20 3 42 Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Army of the United States 36239690 BRENNER ANTHONY H FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 1 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36297986 BRENNER DAVID H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 24 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16156483 BRENNER JOHN B MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 12 42 Private WISCONSIN 22 Army of the United States 16049315 BRENNER WALTER N MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 13 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Army of the United States 16096046 BRESNEHAN JOHN T MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 9 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 24 Army of the United States 36298661 BRESTER PETER MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16095573 BRICKHAM HARRISON W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Army of the United States 36239716 BRICKLE PATRICK P FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 3 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 5 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16156569 BRIGGS FRANCIS E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 12 42 WISCONSIN 17 Army of the United States 36248907 BRIGHAM ROBERT W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16047868 BRINKERHOFF GLEN E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 1 42 Private WISCONSIN 18 Army of the United States 36204556 BRINKERHOFF WALTER W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 3 41 Warrant Officers, USA 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16132026 BRISBANE JAMES E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Army of the United States 870096 BRISBON ELMER J PUEBLO AAB COLORADO 22 9 45 Staff Sergeant Air Corps WISCONSIN 93 Regular Army 36284990 BROADWAY EDWARD MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 0 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36277304 BROADWAY GERRITT MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 3 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16131556 BROCKWAY CARL L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 7 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Army of the United States 36247877 BROCKWAY GEORGE A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36253129 BRODERICK JOSEPH R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 0 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36267789 BROOME VICTOR T MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 97 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36259443 BROUGHTON CLYDE F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 19243686 BROWN DAVID C LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA 9 7 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 27 Regular Army 36291012 BROWN DONALD J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 11 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36268932 BROWN FLOYD E FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 20 9 45 Sergeant No branch assignment WISCONSIN 17 Reserves 16230192 BROWN GEORGE F CHICAGO ILLINOIS 27 9 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 27 Regular Army 36266146 BROWN HAROLD E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 15 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA ILLINOIS 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16228136 BROWN ORVILLE D CHICAGO ILLINOIS 12 9 46 Private Transportation Corps WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 36224132 BROWN OSCAR L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 7 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36277351 BROWN REUBEN H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36291032 BRUCKNER NORMAN G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16132802 BRUCKS OSCAR O CP GRANT ILLINOIS 1 2 43 Corporal No branch assignment WISCONSIN 16 Reserves 36277310 BRUINS FRANKLIN S MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 98 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16006399 BRUNETTE THOMAS N MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 9 40 Private Infantry MICHIGAN 18 Regular Army 36298428 BUBLITZ WAYNE G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 24 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16156511 BUBLITZ WESLEY J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 12 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 24 Army of the United States 36293098 BUCH CHARLES H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36239700 BUCH PAUL L FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 1 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16060636 BUCH STEPHEN J JR MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 4 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 20 Army of the United States 7031338 BUCHHOLZ CLAYTON S 4 1 40 WISCONSIN 2 Regular Army 36298723 BUCHHOLZ EARL A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16007169 BUCHHOLZ GEORGE E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 12 10 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 16 Regular Army 16215981 BUCHHOLZ HOWARD M CHICAGO ILLINOIS 19 6 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 16192012 BUCHOLZ MAURICE J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 20 1 44 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 25 Reserves 36248894 BUCKLEY GARLAND F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA INDIANA 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16005006 BUECHEL RAYMOND W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 7 40 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 21 Regular Army 36233640 BUEHNER ANDREW C CP GRANT ILLINOIS 31 7 43 Corporal No branch assignment WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36291022 BUEHNER ELMER F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36259444 BUEHNER RAYMOND R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16091743 BUELL WILBUR B MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 20 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Army of the United States 36284919 BUELOW WALTER H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MICHIGAN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36266321 BURG BENJAMIN J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16007269 BURG HERMAN J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 20 Regular Army 16009058 BURGER DONALD R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 4 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 18 Regular Army 36259363 BURGER HARVEY F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 0 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16056494 BURGER JOHN D SANTA ANA AAB CALIFORNIA 1 9 42 Aviation Cadet Air Corps WISCONSIN 22 Reserves 16181338 BURGERT CLARENCE G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 2 46 Air Corps WISCONSIN 29 Regular Army 36298687 BURGESS DAVID H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16158485 BURGESS ROBERT S MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 11 45 Private Air Corps 28 Regular Army 16241195 BURK ROBERT L CHICAGO ILLINOIS 22 10 46 Private Ordnance Department WISCONSIN 29 Regular Army 36243023 BURKEIEARL J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36298660 BURKHARDT CLARENCE J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36298640 BURKHARDT LAWRENCE MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 24 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36295284 BURKHART GORDON R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 11 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 24 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16181459 BURLETON LEE H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 3 46 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 16047747 BURLETON MERLIN A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 1 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 20 Army of the United States 16159314 BURNETT EUGENE W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 1 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 36226324 BURNETT HOWARD W FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 13 10 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36248905 BURROWS BRUCE B MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20648139 BURTON ORVILLE L FOND-DU-LAC WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 22 National Guard 36218876 BURTON ROBERT E FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 15 9 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 20 Regular Army 16008011 BURTON WILLIAM J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 11 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 22 Regular Army 16046292 BUSHEE RICHARD C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 3 10 41 Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Regular Army 16155639 BUSS EDDIE E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 11 42 Private Quartermaster Corps WISCONSIN 12 Army of the United States 36284995 BUTEYN MARVIN J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36277239 BUTEYN PETER C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 5 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36268657 BUTZ HILBERT G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 23 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16049626 BUTZ ROBERT F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Army of the United States 36201141 BUTZ VERNON W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 1 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16050237 BUTZLER JOHN L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Army of the United States 36248944 BUYSSE FRANK J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA ILLINOIS 97 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36277368 BYRNES EDWARD W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MICHIGAN 2 Selectees (Enlisted Men) File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 78.5 Kb