Statewide County WI Archives Biographies.....THORESON, SIMON ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Tina Vickery March 18, 2007, 11:32 am Author: Published Under the Direction of Halford Erickson, Commissioner of Labor and Industrial Statistics, 1903. ASSEMBLYMEN. IRVINE L. LENROOT, Speaker; C. 0. MARSH, Chief Clerk; A. M. Anderson, Sergeant-at-Arms. The assembly consists of 100 members. They are chosen biennially and receive $500 for their service during the term. The speaker is chosen by the members and receives an additional $500 for his services as speaker. The assembly of 1003 contains 75 republicans and 25 democrats. BURNETT AND POLK COUNTIES. One District. Population, 1900—25,279. SIMON THORESON (Rep.), of Grantsburg, Burnett county, Wis., was born in Norway in 1849, and came to Polk county, Wis., with his parents in 1862, settling on a homestead, where he worked and attended country school up to 1867; worked in the lumber woods and on the rivers up to 1876, when he engaged in the mercantile business at Grantsburg, Wis. He has been director of the village school for sixteen years. He has been village president and chairman of the republican county committee for four years, chairman of the county board for seven years. He is vice-president of the First Bank of Grantsburg, and was alternate to the national convention in 1896 at St. Louis; in 1902 was elected to the assembly, receiving 2,403 votes against 6 for scattering. Additional Comments: The Blue Book of the State of Wisconsin. Compiled and Published Under the Direction of Halford Erickson, Commissioner of Labor and Industrial Statistics, 1903. 1069 - 1117. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.1 Kb