Statewide County WI Archives Biographies.....WILLIAMS, DAVID G. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Tina Vickery March 18, 2007, 12:26 pm Author: Published Under the Direction of Halford Erickson, Commissioner of Labor and Industrial Statistics, 1903. ASSEMBLYMEN. IRVINE L. LENROOT, Speaker; C. 0. MARSH, Chief Clerk; A. M. Anderson, Sergeant-at-Arms. The assembly consists of 100 members. They are chosen biennially and receive $500 for their service during the term. The speaker is chosen by the members and receives an additional $500 for his services as speaker. The assembly of 1003 contains 75 republicans and 25 democrats. COLUMBIA COUNTY. Second District. The towns of Columbus. Courtland, Fountain Prairie, Hampden, Leeds, Lowvllle, Marcellon, Otsego, Randolph, Scott, Springdale, and Wyocena, the villages of Cumbria, Pardeevllle, and Rio, the wesl ward of the village of Randolph, and the city of Columbus. Population, 19OO—16,001. DAVID G. WILLIAMS (Rep.) was born in Denbigshire, North Wales, in 1840; was educated in the common schools and is a miller by occupation. In 1862 en listed in Company F. 32d Regiment, Wisconsin Vol., and served three years: was president of his home village five years; was member of school board six years; a member of the board of supervisors; was elected sheriff of his county in 18S5; elected to the assembly in 1902, receiving 1,691 votes against 1,042 for Fayette Foster (Dem.). Additional Comments: The Blue Book of the State of Wisconsin. Compiled and Published Under the Direction of Halford Erickson, Commissioner of Labor and Industrial Statistics, 1903. 1069 - 1117. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb