Statewide County WI Archives Biographies.....BAKER, ALLEN S. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Tina Vickery October 27, 2007, 6:44 pm Author: Halford Erickson BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. MEMBERS OF THE FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. UNITED STATES. ASSEMBLY. IRVINE L. LENROOT, Speaker; C. O. MARSH, Chief Clerk; Nicholas REVELER, Sergeant-at-Arms. The assembly consists of 100 members. They are chosen biennially and receive $500 for their services during the term. The speaker is chosen by the members and receives an additional $500 for his services as speaker. The assembly of 1905 contains 85 republicans, 11 democrats, and 4 social democrats. ROCK COUNTY. First District. The towns of Center, Fulton, Janesville, Lima, Magnolia, Milton, Porter, Rock, Spring Valley and Union, and the cities of Edgerton and Evansville. Population, 1900—16,902. ALLEN S. BAKER (Rep.), was born near Evansville, Wis., January 12, 1842. Received common school education and commenced business for himself in 1859 as a mechanic. Enlisted in the 2d Reg., Wisconsin Volunteer Inf., April 20th, 1861; was assigned to the army of the Potomac in June, 1861; in General Sherman's Brigade in first battle of Bull Run; later to Gibbon's Brigade, afterwards known as the "Iron Brigade," participating in most of the battles in which this brigade was engaged and receiving wounds in the battles of Ganesville, Ya., and Gettysburg. Pa. In 1866 went into business in Evansville as blacksmith and carriage builder. In 1873 he sold out and established what is now known as the Baker Manufacturing Company, engaged in the manufacture of pumps and windmills and has continued in this business until the present time, at first as general manager and in later years as president and treasurer. He was elected to the assembly in 1904, receiving 2,266 votes against 1,234 votes for Clark B. Palmer (Dem.), and 191 votes for Wm. W. Gillies (Pro.). Additional Comments: Erickson, Halford. The Blue Book of the State of Wisconsin. Madison: Democrat Printing Co., State Printer, 1905. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.5 Kb