Statewide County WI Archives Biographies.....JONES, BURR W. March 9, 1846 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Tina Vickery March 11, 2007, 2:50 pm Author: The State Printing Board, Compiled and Published. MEMBERS OF SUPREME COURT BURR W. JONES was born in the town of Union near Evansville, Rock County, Wisconsin, March 9, 1846. He lived and worked on a farm until about eighteen years of age, prepared for college at Evansville Seminary, graduated at the State University in 1870 and from the Law School in 1871. After practicing his profession for a few months in Portage he removed to Madison, where he has lived and practised law until September 1920. He was District Attorney for Dane County four years, 1873- 1877, and was a member of the 48th Congress. He was chairman of the Democratic State Convention in 1892, and of the first State Tax Commission 1897-8. For thirty years 1885-1915 he was professor in the Wisconsin University Law School and in 1916 there was conferred upon him by the University the degree of LL.D. For some time he was chairman of the Dane County Bar Association and was president of the State Bar Association in 1908. He is the author of a treatise on the law of Evidence published in 1896 followed by several editions. He was appointed Associate Justice of the Supreme Court by Gov. Emanuel L. Philipp, Sept. 3, 1920, and elected April 4, 1922, for the term ending January, 1926. --- Additional Comments: The Wisconsin Blue Book. The State Printing Board, 1923. 598 - 640. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb