Statewide County WI Archives Biographies.....HARTMAN, EMIL A. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Tina Vickery January 2, 2008, 7:59 am Author: Compiled by The Wisconsin Legislative Reference Library MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. SERGEANT-AT-ARMS EMIL A. HARTMAN was born at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, March 25, 1864. He received his schooling in that city, graduating from the First Ward School in June, 1880. After leaving school he worked as bookkeeper and salesman for nearly six years, when he became a paper hanging and painting contractor. When Co. H., 2nd Regiment of the Wisconsin National Guard, was organized in December, 1881, he enlisted as a private and charter member, and resigned from the service as second lieutenant in 1893. In 1896 he was elected secretary of the Manitowoc County Republican Committee, and served as delegate to the Republican State Conventions in 1896 and 1898. In 1897 he took a position in the Adjutant General's office; four years later he changed to the Secretary of State's department, resigning in 1904 to resume his contracting business, in which he is still engaged. He has served the Senate since 1915, as document clerk, mailing clerk, assistant sergeant-at-arms, and since 1931, sergeant-at-arms. Address: 2253 Fox Ave., Madison. Additional Comments: Compiled by The Wisconsin Legislative Reference Library. The Wisconsin Blue Book. Madison, Wisconsin: Democrat Printing Company, 1933. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.8 Kb