Tombstone Project: St. Joseph Cemetery, Dodgeville, Iowa Co., Wisconsin USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. Submitted: 16 Aug 1998 By: Brian Richards E-mail: St. Joseph Cemetery Dodgeville,Iowa,WI Dunbar Gertrude A. 1911 mother 1986 Brennan Agnes Brennan 1870-1943 Leonard J. 1910 father Brennan Edward 1886-1965 Dunbar Father Henry Dunbar 1873-1953 Anna 1893-1937 Mother Catherine Dunbar 1880-1934 Brennan William J. Jan 17, 1894 Dunbar Agnes H. 1895 mother 1985 Dec. 5, 1977 Leonard J. 1894 father 1976 Mary M. Feb.11, 1899 Jan. 6, 1966 Dunbar Ann C. Edward "Ted" N. Jan.4, 1917 Brennan Francis M. 1918 father Sept.25, 1969 Elizabeth M. 1927 mother 1985 Blotz Fred J. 1887-1968 Brennan Matthew J. 1892 father 1971 Mary A. Griffin 1892-1991 Myrtle J. 1895 mother 1976 Kieson Clarence 1901-1995 Grace F. Griffin 1898-1988 Brennan Patrick M. Sept. 24, 1954 Viola M. Aug.2, 1961 Blotz Paul T. Apr. 2, 1908 Nathaniel F. Jan. 29, 1988 Apr. 17,1991 May 30, 1988 Genevieve M. July 26, 1913 Brennan Charles J. 1859-1931 Blotz Leonard E. 1858-1940 Mary Ann 1864-1940 Sophia 1865-1953 John J. 1927 son 1931 Margaret Ryan 1889 dau.1970 Blanchard Clarence A. 1890-1971 Irene K. Griffin 1893-1951 Murphy Ernest J. 1915 dad 1960 Ruth E. 1919 mom Richards Father Henry M. 1862-1919 Mother Elizabeth E. 1864-1945 Lawinger Herman J. 1911 father 1990 Daughter Jennie L. 1895-1978 Emma M. 1910 mother Richards Luman H. 1892-1984 Bennett John B. 1869 father 1954 Ella J. 1894-1962 Catherine A. 1874 mother 1933 Thais B. Smith 1908 dau. 1967 Richards Father Francis W. 1923-1993 Mother Dorene H. 1926- Bennett Joseph U. Bennett May 15, 1878 Daughter Kathleen M. 1953-1966 Feb.25,1958 Johnson James Donald Feb. 14, 1970 Rowen Howard J. Apr.28,1896 Sept. 4, 1979 Apr. 8,1865 Lena E. Jan.21,1894 Griffin Frank M. Griffin 1861 father 1900 Dec.30,1974 Catherine Griffin 1863 mother 1947 Rowen Clinton R. 1904 dad 1968 Brennan Charles Brennan 1823-1901 Kathryn M. 1898 mom 1969 Ellen Brennan 1831-1895 Sallie 1872-1893 Rowen Mary M. Dec.8, 1905-Mar.21,1958 WWII 1st LT Army Nurse Corps WI. St. Joseph Cemetery Dodgeville,Iowa,WI Rowen James J. Rowen Nov.30,1925 McKinley Dr. E.D. McKinley May 26, 1993 1898-1928 Rowen Clair C. 1911 dad 1974 McKinley Marguerite McKinley Alberta M. 1906 mom 1970 1912-1923 Rowen Gerald J. 1920-1981 McKinley William A. McKinley Geraldine 1931- 1903-1922 Murphy Daniel Murphy 1840 father 1923 Murphy Stephen M. 1867-1935 Murphy Catherine 1855-1925 McKinley Ellery S. 1900 father 1960 Bertha A. 1907 mother 1985 McKinley James C. 1868-1955 Luella 1878- McKinley Daniel A. 1914 father Lorna M. 1923 mother 1978 McKinley Terese Marie daughter of Dan & Lorna McKinley Aug.9, 1956 Aug.19, 1956 McKinley Marc Alan son of Dan & Lorna McKinley July 15, 1961 Sept.21,1961 McKinley Edward A. McKinley 1870 father 1946 McKinley Margaret A. McKinley 1873 mother 1947 McKinley James A. McKinley Wisconsin Cpl. 6 Field Sig. BN. March 11, 1896 Oct. 20,1945 McKinley R. Marc McKinley 1905-1943 McKinley Mary McKinley Moorcraft 1908-1946