Iron County (Kimball Township (Hurley)) St Marys Cemetery Tombstone Photos ************************************************ These photos were generously taken and contributed by Larry and Linda Kopet Please note that these generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ The index page for these tombstone photos is located at: Abramson, Eva Accorsi, Anton and Anna Accorsi, Lyda Aho, Romano Ahola, Elmer O. Ahonen, B. Hjalmer Ahonen, Nestor A. and Lena Aijala, Willie Allice, Mary J. Alto, Donald A. Anderman, George A. Anderson, Lawrence O. Anderson, unclear male Antila, Marie O. Anttila, Eugene W. and Ruth E. Anttila, Gust and Martha Backlund, Harold B. and Ellen Backlund, Kenneth H. Backlund-DeMeio, Roderick and Marian Baron, Leo A. and Mabel Barrett, George Barruzzi, Vincenzo and family Barto, Chester L. and Helen J. Baruzzi, Victor J. Bast, Lee Bastman, Felix C. Bastman, Mae J. Bawden, Blakie Bawden, James and Willie Bazette, William Bertagnoli, Carlotta Bertolini, Matthew C. Bertolone, Joseph and Catherine Bertoluzza, Louis and Frances Bioletto, Pietro Bock, Herbert M. Bock, Margaret M. Bollone, Joseph and Jennie Bonacci, Peter Bordini, Albino Bordini, Dominic J. and Janette Bott, Emanuel Boundy, Eliza Boundy, James Boundy, Richard J. Bracket, Giuseppe Bracket, Jennie Bracket, Margaret Brentari, Michale Brette, Charles and Angelo Briganti, Antonio Briganti, Rocco Bruneau, Aloise C. and Celia D. Bruneau, Robert J. and Elerine F. Bruni, Alfonso Bruni, Johanna Bucni, Vincent and Domenica Burzinski, Isadore and family Bushaw, Wayne G. Butler, Nellie Caleazzo, Berta and Paulina Calgaro, Joseph and family Calore, Victor C. Cardani, Carolina Casperetti, unclear Cavosi, Bice Cavosi, Enrica Cavosie, Felix S. Cavosie, Herman Chesky, Alex and Mary T. and Bugni, Vincent Chiapusio, John B. Sr. and family Chiapuzio, Giacomo and family Chmolinscki, Carl and Ida Both Ciovanni, Elmini Clifford, Julia Colassaco, Kyle Christopher Colenso, John Robert Comparini, Ernest Cook, Herman Costa, Elizabeth Coxey, Val Gene E. Crona, Johanna Culan, Anna Culan, Charles Culan, Heromin Culan, Peter Culan, Stanislawa Dalbes, Joseph Dalfonso, Mary A. DaPra, Hyacinthe DaPra, Virgil A. Dardis, Jacob Davia, Oswald and Clelia DeCarlo, Thomas J. DeFerro, Lazzario and family DeFranco, Peter and Josephine Del Faro, Bruno DeMeio, Joseph F. DeMeio, Mary DeRizzo, Egilio and Sylvia DeRosso, Frank P. and Mamie A. DeRosso, Joseph and Pauline DeViette, Bernardo and family DeZur, Thomas V. DiGiorgio, Agatino J. Domenico, Ciace Merlo Domish, Josephine Domoracki, Jozef Durand, Frederick W. Durand, Rene Eddy, William and family Emanuel, John Clarence Enderling, Wilhelmina Endrizzi, Angelo and unclear Endrizzi, Angelo Endrizzi, Gilbert D. and Kathryn K. Engstrom, Everis R. Faggin, Ciovanni Farley, Leslie E. Faul, Orville Favero, children Favero, Luici Del Fedel, John and Serafina Flabb, Louisa Freburg, Fred W. and Lula M. Freburg, Fredrick W. Freeman, Hilja Frigo, John B. Frigo, Louis and Fannie Gamache, Thomas H. and Doris Jean Gamache, Thomas H. Jr. Garbini, William and Josifina Garbus, Anton Garbus, Klawdia Gentile, John B. and Geraldine Gertz, Anna D. Gheller, Salvatore Gibas, Anton and Verona Goodreau, Mary Goodreau, Wm. Gosmire, Josephine Goyins, Samuel and unclear Grandelis, Mario and Linda Greenthal, Mary Scott Pretti Gudleski, Blanche Gudleski, Pauline Guest, James Guest, Theresa Hakala, William R. Hamberg, Toivo H. Hannula, Bernhardt H. Hannula, Fred T. and Mayme L. Hannula, Herman Hannula, John V. and Helen L. Hannula, Luther W. Hannula, Selma Hannula, Victor and family Hannula, Waino E. and Frances B. Hendrickson, Anselm Herchenbach, Anna Herchenbach, Carrie Herchenbach, F. Hockin, Cecil and Mildred Hodge, Mary A. Holme, Andrew Holmes, Minerva Honkanen, John O. and family Hoprich, Carl F. and Anna M. Hoprich, Carl F. Huotari, Swanee R. and Alice J. Hutew, Serhey Inabnit, Louise G. Iversen, Andreas Janbiet, John Jewell, John and family Johnsen, Carl Cenhart Johnson, Christ and family Johnson, John Emil Johnson, Ole Julin, Birger N. and Margaret M. Julin, Emil E. Kalliomaa, Andrew Kalliomaa, Frank L. Kalliomaa, Mattias R. Kalliomaa, Wilbur A. Kancas, Sulo H. and Martha A. Kangas, Arthur Kangas, Charles A. and Vienna A. Kangas, Lillian I. Kangas, Osmo P. Karlson, Karl Kasieta, Jacqueline Kasten, Gordon O. and Julia R. Ketola, Jacob E. Ketola, Valfrid Kickhamer, Henry Killinen, Wilho J. Kimball, Kris Kinnunen, Leonard and Eleanor Kinnunen, Matt and Alina Klesicewskego, Leona Kolu, Gust Korpela, David C. Korpela, John and Ida Koskell, Reino H. and Delano Koski, Edward and Bertha Koski, Toivs E. Kotanen, Oscar Kruger, Minnie E. Kryzewski, John Krzyzewski, Albert and family Kulberg, Johan Kurilla, Joseph and Stephania Kuula, Eino Kuula, Kevin Neil Kuusisto, William E. LaFave, Leda LaFave, Max LaFave, Milda Haglund Laguna, Edith E. Goyins Lahti, Robert H. Lahti, Verner and Viola Lamont, Angus J. and family Lampi, John A. Sr. and Vienna M. Lawrence, Raymond A. and Jennie M. Rosendahl Lehto, Hanna M. Lehto, Harry Lehto, Uno M. Leinon, Roland R. and Norma M. Letendre, George A. Levandoski, Frances E. Lombardo, Ronald H. Lonsway, Joseph R. Lopez, Antonio and family Luby, Edward D. Lukaski, Anton Luoma, Gust G. Maenpaa, Niilo and family Maki, Ahia Maki, Hannah H. Maki, Rev. Victor A. and Emma I. Marchetti, Mary and family Marella, Rosario and family Maxinoski, Anton and Michalina Maxinoski, Axel John Maxinoski, Peter and family McNeel, Linton Meade, John C. and family Meinecke, Chester and Irene Miles, Edward O. and Bernice E. Mogle, Caterina Molino, Joseph Moncher, Joseph and Anna Mooney, John Morzenti, Andrea Morzenti, Celesta Morzenti, Nicholas Anton Mosconi, Philip and Barbara J. Mutanen, Melissa Diane Mutanen, Paul Mutanen, Sophie Hill Nadolski, Ernest J. and Dorothy A. Nagro, John and Madaline Nagro, Peter John Nashlund, Robert A. Nechak, Angeline Nechak, George Nechak, Michael Newett, Frances Newett, Mary A. Newett, unclear Nowatney, Earl Nowatney, Minnie Nurmi, Arne William Nygaard, Otto and Matina Obert, Margaret Ojala, Frank Ojala, Senja O'Leary, Flory Oleszczuk, Karl Oleszczuk, Sophie Organist, Frank S. and Ludvika V. Paavola, Alvin Pancher, C. Paoli, Felix Paukkerin, Olof Adolf and Eliisabet Pecotte, Fred and Edna Pedretti, Joseph Pedretti, Paul Pelkola, Eugene (Pick) and Helvie B. Pelkola, Wayne E. and Rose M. Penna, Lois B. Penna, Marie E. Perino, John Petro, John Piazza, Giovanni Piazza, Lorenzo Pierson, John Pietrowski, Alexandria Pietrowski, Joseph Pinardi, Joseph and Hilda Polisse, Ciacomo Prettl, Martha W. and Mary B. Prosek, Arthur E. and Gladys M. Prosek, Carl W. and Audrey I. Rabideau, John W. and Pauline Rabideau, William A. and Etta M. Ransanici, Guido W. and Mary Ann Ransanici, Guido W. Rappi, August and Ina Rautio, Anna M. Ravanelli, Joseph L. and Agnes T. Ravanelli, Joseph L. Jr. Reancont, John B. Reardon, John F. and family Redolfi, Mary Reinerio, Battista and family Richards, B. Rigoni, Chris and L. Rintala, William S. Rodkewicz, Alex Rogers, George Rogers, James Henry Rogers, Marsena Rosenberg, Nestor and Josephine Rosingana, Florence M. Rosingana, George L. Rosingana, Joseph and Cristina Saar, Waino J. Saari, Armas K. and Lucille Saari, Bernard U. Salo, Arvid H. and family Salo, Victor and Emelia L. Sandberg, Andrew and family Schiavo, Domenisa Secor, Robert L. and Vivian M. Seymour, Alma Shea, Timothy Sherman, Vanard Irving and Rose Meindl Silvonen, John E. and Eva E. Siro, Eino Valentino Siskonen, Clifford and family Sivula, Matthew A. and Janet L. Skaris, Clemence Skaris, Tyyne S. Skendiel, Elisabeth Skengail, Matt Skews, Grace E. Skoviera, Sam J. and family Skowronski, Frank Smith, Marcella (Toots) Snarski, Marge Soine, John Sola, John R. Sorvari, Eli J. and Lillie J. Spelcatti, Ciovanni Stahovic, Joseph T. and Helga C. Stosic, Valentin Stuhr, Daniel B. Sullivan, Mary Sullivan, Timothy and Elsie Sundholm, Andrew Victor Sunell, Bino and family Sunell, William I. Sunie, Ernest L. Sunie, John and Charlotte A. Suominen, John and Hilda Swetkovich, Pauline Sybeldon, Frances Sybeldon, Joseph Sybeldon, Louis A. Syrja, Carl W. Talo, Siinto A. Thiele, Fred and Olga Thiele, Helena E. Thile, Ferdinand G. Tijan, unclear Toffenett, Ciovanni Toivonen, John and Vera Traczyk, Eleanore Tulcott, Mollen (Moe) and Stubblefield, Marion H. Tuominen, Urho E. Tuuri, Jack Uronen, Amanda Valerio, Louis and Maria Valery, Domenic and Mayme Valko, Eugene and Margie Vanicky, John P. Vanicky, Leone Elizabeth Varda, Ciovanni Varda, Domenic Verven, Inger Verven, Johannes Vickers, Annie Vita, Anthony (picture on stone) Vita, Anthony Vittone, John F. and Stella M. Vuchetich, Dorothy Wainio, Ethel A. Warpula, Heino Warpula, Helen G. Warren, Louis J. and family Warren, Robert J. Warren, Tillie and Agnes Wasley, William Weber, Harry E. and Margaret S. Westlund, Carl E. Whipka, William A. Woerman, August H. and Saima A. Woolcock, Thomas Wuornos, J. and Betty Yankee, Anna Hulda Lorber Ylitalo, Rauha Elizabeth Young, Daniel M. Young, Julia J. Young, Mayme V. Yunger, David Zandt, Paul and Paula Zandy, Joseph Zanella, Bortolo Zanella, Guerino and family Zanotelle, father and son Zelibor, Annastasia Zeni, John Battista