Obituary: Frank GOTTSCHALK, 1858-1936 Posted for Jefferson County Jan. 28, 1999 Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Sharon Ivy < > USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogy information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must contact the submitter or the listed USGenWeb archivist. Surnames: GOTTSCHALK, SCHLASSER, NACK, RASMUSSEN, BONKER, KECKSTEIN, WAHL Source: Northwood Anchor, Feb. 13, 1936: (Kirchgatter Kin, 1978, Page 365) Copyright: Permission was given by Carol Whiteis to reprint obits, weddings, and other news articles from Kichgatter Kin by Carol Whiteis, Margaret Daleske, Jean Fridlington, and printed in Jan., 1978, for genealogy and research. GOTTSCHALK Rites Held at Grafton Resident of the Vicinity for 37 Years Passes Away Friday: III Long Term Frank Gottschalk, 77, a resident of the Grafton vicinity for 37 years and of the town of Grafton since 1934, died last Friday morning at his home there, following a serious illness extending over several months. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Lutheran church. Mr. Gottschalk was born September 18, 1858 at Waxfelde, Germany. He was christened Frank Berthold Adolf Gottschalk. He came to America with his parents when three years of age, the family settled at Johnson’s Creek, Wisconsin. His parents were August Gottschalk and Flarentirea Schlasser. They moved to Iowa in 1870 and settled in Rock Creek, in Mitchell County. He was confirmed in the Rock Creek Lutheran church. He was married to Alvina Nack on July 24, 1898. They settled on their farm west of Grafton where Mr. Gottschalk lived until 1934 when he moved to Grafton where he has since lived. His wife preceded him in death on June 14, 1932. Six children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Gottschalk, one of whom died in infancy. The five surviving children are: Mrs. Elizabeth Rasmussen, Buffalo, North Dakota; Mrs. Gertrude Bonker, Manly; and Misses Lena, Dena, and Caroline Gottschalk who live at home. There are seven grandchildren. Three sisters also survive: Mrs. Minnie Keckstein, Mitchell, Iowa; Mrs. Martha Gottschalk, Tracy, Minnesota; and Mrs. Ida Wahl, of Grafton. Note from transcriber: He lived in Jefferson County from about 1861 to 1870 according to obit [Johnson’s Creek is in Jefferson County]