Kenosha-Ozaukee County WI Archives Obituaries.....Bode, Mathias March 2, 1910 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: JoLynn O'Hare Oten June 8, 2012, 12:46 am Kenosha Evening News, Thursday 3 Mar 1910 MATHIAS BODE DEAD Father of Well Known Furniture Dealers Died at Port Washington Last Night LONG A RESIDENT OF STATE Mathias Bode, father of M. F. Bode, Frank S. Bode and Mathias N. Bode, the well known Kenosha furniture dealers, died at his home in Port Washington late Wednesday night as a result of a natural breaking down due to advanced age. Mr. Bode had never been a resident of Kenosha, but he had spent much time with his three sons in this city and was well known to many Kenosha people. Mr. Bode was a native of Luxemborg, Germany and was born in 1832. He came to America in 1854 and settled at Port Washington where he had since resided. For more than twenty-five years he was employed as an engineer at the flour mill at Port Washington, but for the last twenty years he had lived a retired life. He was married in 1857 to Miss Anna Reickinger of Port Washington. To them were born eight children and the widow and all the children survive. The children are Peter and Nicholas Bode of Chicago, Frank S., Michael and Mathias N. of Kenosha, Mrs. Jacob Schumacker, Mrs. Joseph Schuder and Miss Mary Bode all of Port Washington. The funeral will be held from St. Mary’s church at Port Washington on Saturday morning and interment will be in the family plat at the cemetery there. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb