Lafayette County (Town of Gratiot) St Josephs Cemetery Tombstone Photos ************************************************ These photos were generously taken and contributed by Larry and Linda Kopet Please note that these generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ The index page for these tombstone photos is located at: Agnew, Lee and family Bosch, Bertha Bosch, children Bosch, Fredolen Bosch, Otto Boyle, Dennis and family Brannan, Bridget and Margaret Brannan, Charles Brannan, John Jr. Brannan, Michael C. Buche, Henry Burke, John Campbell, Annie M. Campbell, Peter and Julia Campbell, Thos. Campbell, William Cullen, Nicholas A. and Mary A Doyle, Grace M. Doyle, Harty H. Doyle, Michael and Margaret.JP Dunn, Ida Frances Ernst, Christena Flanigan, Daniel and family Flanigan, unclear Foley, John Gille, Christove Gille, Christove and Katharine Knipschild, Mary Agnew McCauley, children McDaniel, Mary McGrath, Mary McGrath, Nellie M. Murphy, Mary ODonnell, Nancy Read, Andrew and Magdalena Reardon, Catherine and Mary Reardon, Patrick and Hannah Reed, Willie St. Josephs Catholic Cemetery, Stack, Lawrence and family Wand, Eve Rosina Wand, J. Aloysius Wand, John Andrew Wand, Regina R. Wand, Teresa J. Welsh, Bridget Collins