Lafayette County (Town of White Oak Springs) White Oak Springs Cemetery Tombstone Photos ************************************************ These photos were generously taken and contributed by Larry and Linda Kopet Please note that these generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ The index page for these tombstone photos is located at: Anschutz, Erliese Brown, Edwin Brown, Louise Brumskill, John Brunskill, Angeline Brunskill, Mary Bushby, Sarah and Mabel E. Bushby, William and Ann Cook, Christopher Glenn Dickson, William G. Edwards, Ray and Leone Finnigan, Elena J. Finnigan, Mabel E. Finnigan, William and Ann Hancock, Elizabeth Hancock, Maud E. Hancock, Raymond T. Hancock, Will H. Hancock, Wm. G. Harker, John W. and Ellen L. Hillery, Joseph M. and Mary A. Littlefair, Alfred E. and family Littlefair, Elizabeth J. Littlefair, Thompson and Sarah March, Eleanor May March, Geo. March, George Wm. Odgers, John Odgers, John L.C. Odgers, Laura and Ida A. Odgers, Nellie A. Odgers, T.W. and Eva I. Parkin, Jennie A. Parkin, Ruth E. Southwick, D. Walter, Elizabeth Walter, Richard F. Walter, Thomas Walter, William J. White, Archie G. White, Edward Vernon White, Emma H. White, John White, M. Ethelda White, Searle S. White, Shirley B. White, Thomas A. and William White, Thomas and Margaret White Oak Springs Cemetery Sign,