Langlade County (Elcho Township) Holy Family Catholic - Elcho Community Cemetery Tombstone Photos ************************************************ These photos were generously taken and contributed by Larry and Linda Kopet Please note that these generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ The index page for these tombstone photos is located at: Aird, William I. and Elvy B. Behrent, Charles C. Bigalke, Johanna Krause Boomer, Francis and Clara Boomer, Joseph M. Brodzeller, Leonard F. Clifford, Reese F. and Genevieve D. Cmelak, James P. (G'Pa) and Alberta J. (G'Ma) Daga, Carl Daga, Catherine Daga, Charles Desjarlais, Willis L. Desotelle, Paula M. Dettman, Donald T. and Rita R. Dobizl, James and Sadie Drew, John G. Drew, Pearl E. Drzewiecki, Cecilia Drzewiecki, Laura Drzewiecki, Valentine Duvall, Ernest and Emily Edgren, Virginia Lee Elcho Community Cemetery Sign, Elliott, Elsie A. Follstad, Johan Gresbach, Herbert R. and Dolores P. Handeyside, James Handeyside, Thomas G. and Rosemary Harteau, Larry E. and Martha S. Herman, Anna Lee Hillson, Alice A. Howe, John B. and Frances M. Huebsch, Norbert A. and Jane Clifford Karniewski, Michael and Mary Klopotek, John E. Klopotek, Leo L. Klopotek, Mary Kopke, Gerald G. and Camille L. Krzoska, Vincent and Stanley Litzen, Douglas G. Lutz, Fredrick and Mary F. McNinch, Arthur P. McNinch, Charles B. and Clara H. Mikolajczak, Bernard (Ben) and Marion G. Moore, Frederick F. and Elaine A. Nelson, John Magus Nitecki, Daniel W. Nitecki, William J. and June E. Noetzelman, Henry Noetzelman, John C.A.W. Novak, Daniel Jr. Ober, Hanna Olenski, James A. and Judith A. Olinske, Clarence R. and Frances A. Olinske, Mary Jane Peerenboom, Henry A. and Marlene A. Raith, Carol Christine Raith, Russel D. Raith, Shirley J. Schuh, Tony W. and Marie K. Sindberg, Andrew Sindberg, Annettie E. Sindberg, Christian C. Sindberg, Ella May Sjoblom, Maurice C. and Phyllis E. Smith, Christine Meredith Starczinski, Antone L.(Tony) Starcznski, Lawrence and Stella Tappa, Douglas L. (Diamond Doug) Tappa, Ellsworth and Katherine L. Tatham, Robert E. and Alice E. Tomski, Carolyn Faye Van Duser, Clyde E. Van Duser, Hugh J. and Etta C. Van Duser, Myrtle S. Van Duser, Wallace and Elizabeth Vanduser, Thomas W. Walentowski, Paul and Mary Ward, Charles Warg, Fredrick O. Warg, Mary M. Weaver, Hazel G. and Bertha Whitney, Samuel E.