Langlade County WI Archives Military Records.....Army Enlistees Names MABRY - SCHWEITZER WWII - Enlistment ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Tina Vickery May 22, 2007, 5:53 am Army Enlistees Names MABRY - SCHWEITZER DATE OF ENLISTMENT YEAR OF ARMY SERIAL NUMBER NAME PLACE OF ENLISTMENT DAY MONTH YEAR GRADE BRANCH NATIVITY BIRTH COMPONENT OF THE ARMY 36263354 MABRY ROBERT H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA COLORADO 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36294285 MAC DONALD ALLEN J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 17155924 MAC GREGOR WILLIAM C FT SNELLING MINNESOTA 10 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Army of the United States 16158534 MACH BENNY T MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 11 45 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 16024005 MACH GEORGE M WAUSAU WISCONSIN 13 1 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 20 Army of the United States 16024003 MACH HARRY L WAUSAU WISCONSIN 13 1 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 21 Army of the United States 16158799 MACH RICHARD E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 7 12 45 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 36255240 MADER MAURICE M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36295045 MAGELUND MYLES L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36206782 MALISH ARTHUR MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 10 4 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA ILLINOIS 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36239938 MALLIETT EUGENE M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36271827 MALLIETT ROLAND L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36203643 MALLIETTE ARTHUR M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 12 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36255563 MALTBY EUGENE S MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16056046 MALTBY ROBERT T MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 3 46 Master Sergeant Air Corps WISCONSIN 21 Regular Army 36272307 MALUEG HERBERT E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36263415 MANEY CLAUDE G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) A-604163 MANEY JEAN V MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 4 43 Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 21 Women's Army Corps 36288120 MANNING WILLIAM R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16157142 MANTHEY ROBERT J FT CUSTER MICHIGAN 23 8 43 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 25 Reserves 36217840 MANTOR GEORGE F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 7 8 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36288144 MARKGRAF ROBERT P JR MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36244137 MARTIN MARLOW J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36272309 MARTINY RICHARD D MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36229104 MARX RAYMOND L FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 26 11 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36203657 MATELSKI STANLEY C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 12 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA NEW YORK 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36295031 MATHENY LASALLE MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36255597 MATTSON FRANK E JR MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36233745 MATUSZEWSKI CASHMIR J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 4 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36244129 MAUK GLENFORD MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 15340914 MAUK OTTIS PATTERSON FIELD FAIRFIELD OHIO 31 10 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 15 Army of the United States 16024803 MAYERL HENRY C WAUSAU WISCONSIN 2 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 11 Army of the United States 16050508 MAYO EUGENE J EAU CLAIRE WISCONSIN 16 4 42 Private WISCONSIN 12 Army of the United States 16050511 MAYO LEONARD A EAU CLAIRE WISCONSIN 16 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Army of the United States 36212686 MC ARTHUR WILLIAM J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 13 6 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36272302 MC CANDLESS CLARENCE R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 4 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36212677 MC CANN LLOYD W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 13 6 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16158524 MC CANN RICHARD V MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 13 11 45 Private Corps of Engineers WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 36244484 MC CARTHY EARL J BOWMAN FIELD LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY 19 10 45 Corporal Air Corps WISCONSIN 8 Regular Army 36239858 MC COY JAMES A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA NEW YORK 7 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36263407 MC CUE CLYDE C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 2 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36239895 MC DONALD SYLVESTER C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36263414 MC INTOSH ROBERT D MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16022415 MC KINNEY ARTHUR W WAUSAU WISCONSIN 29 7 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 20 Regular Army 36221894 MC KINNON ROBERT A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 20 3 46 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 16 Regular Army 36200658 MC MULLEN EUGENE E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 20 1 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36272261 MC MULLEN JOHN A SEYMOUR-JOHNSON FIELD GOLDSBORO NORTH CAROLINA 10 12 45 Private First Class Air Corps WISCONSIN 18 Regular Army 16022581 MC MULLEN LOWELL V WAUSAU WISCONSIN 8 9 41 Private WISCONSIN 19 Regular Army 36239965 MC NAMARA THOMAS E JR MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36236563 MC NEIL LEO D FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 2 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36272086 MC NUTT ROLAND R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 7 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16089607 MC PHAIL CLAYTON J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 14 1 43 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 21 Reserves 16192785 MC PHAIL DONALD W LANGLEY FIELD VIRGINIA 10 12 45 Private First Class No branch assignment WISCONSIN 26 Regular Army 16056577 MEGGERS CHARLES E CHICAGO ILLINOIS 50 11 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 15 Reserves 36206931 MEIDAM JOHN E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 10 4 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36203658 MEIDL JOSEPH G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 12 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36233767 MEISENHELDER WILLIS F FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 4 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16022837 MELGAARD WILLIAM L WAUSAU WISCONSIN 28 10 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Regular Army 16161608 MENTING CARROL V CHICAGO ILLINOIS 14 5 46 Master Sergeant Air Corps WISCONSIN 25 Regular Army 36255545 MENTING GEORGE J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16132436 MENTING RAYMOND J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 10 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 21 Army of the United States 16023591 MERRILL DONALD C WAUSAU WISCONSIN 6 1 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 16071104 MERRILL WAYNE E CHICAGO ILLINOIS 26 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Army of the United States 6919770 MERTENS ARCHIE R 21 11 39 WISCONSIN 55 Regular Army 36262574 MERTENS JAMES J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16050733 MERVYN DONALD E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 4 42 Private 22 Army of the United States 36238414 METZGER ROBERT L FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 19 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36212727 MEYER DONALD A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 13 6 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36272310 MEYER MELLO C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36244102 MEYER OMER F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16024242 MEYER RICHARD J RANDOLPH FIELD TEXAS 9 6 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 19 Army of the United States 36236577 MIKKELSON EARL E FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 2 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36244128 MIKOLAJAK JOHN R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36261089 MIKOLAJCZAK STANLEY N MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36285594 MILANOVICH WILLIAM M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MINNESOTA 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36250021 MILLER JOHN H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 10 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MICHIGAN 9 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16021624 MILLER JOHN O WAUSAU WISCONSIN 8 1 41 Private Field Artillery WISCONSIN 19 Regular Army 36221882 MILLER JOSEPH J RHINELANDER WISCONSIN 9 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 18045009 MINER JAMES D 30 12 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 13 Army of the United States 16056047 MINER ROBERT A GREEN BAY WISCONSIN 27 1 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 21 Army of the United States 36263342 MITCHELL LINCOLN MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA KENTUCKY 99 Selectees (Enlisted Men) A-604114 MOAKE RUTH D CP WOLTERS TEXAS 1 9 43 Private Women's Army Corps MINNESOTA 19 Women's Army Corps 36288134 MOAS VICTOR G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16115600 MOLITOR JOHN P SAN ANTONIO TEXAS 9 12 44 Aviation Cadet Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Reserves 36255556 MOLLE OREN U MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36272312 MONTOUR EDWARD J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16158713 MOORE ROBERT A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 11 45 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 27 Regular Army 36206796 MOSHER ALVIN G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 10 4 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36272257 MOSSAK ELMER T MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36244143 MUELVER RINALD H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36272272 MUENCH FRANK M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36233750 MURASKI EDWARD J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 4 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16050612 MURASKI FRANK W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 16024902 MURASKI JOSEPH G WAUSAU WISCONSIN 4 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Army of the United States 36294277 MURASKI RICHARD N MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36272297 MURAWSKI FELIX W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36229097 MURRAY FRANCIS V FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 26 11 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16021361 MURRAY KENNETH L WAUSAU WISCONSIN 29 10 40 Private Coast Artillery Corps WISCONSIN 17 Regular Army 36249996 NEARY WILLARD F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 10 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36236556 NELSON KENNETH E FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 2 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 9 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16154748 NEUMAN DUANE C CHICAGO ILLINOIS 29 5 46 Sergeant Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Regular Army 36203630 NEUWIRTH CARL F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 12 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16020275 NEWBURY IRA H WAUSAU WISCONSIN 6 8 40 Private Medical Department WISCONSIN 18 Regular Army 36263457 NIEMUTH BURTON E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36250014 NIMTZ FRANK J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 10 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36295041 NONNEMACHER ALLEN E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36203591 NONNEMACHER JOSEPH A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 12 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16021045 NONNEMACHER LAVERN A WAUSAU WISCONSIN 8 10 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 19 Regular Army 36263211 NOREM EDWIN B MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 0 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36295039 NOSKOWIAK ANTON A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16022712 NOVAK DONALD C WAUSAU WISCONSIN 7 10 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 18 Regular Army 16156093 NOVAK GEORGE E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 12 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 16155797 NOVAK MAURICE A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 12 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 24 Army of the United States 36263359 NOW ARTHUR F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36239947 NOW MAYNARD C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16095070 OATMAN CHESTER G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 8 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 22 Army of the United States 16021660 OATMAN LEROY J WAUSAU WISCONSIN 16 1 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 14 Regular Army 16021665 OATMAN MYRON G WAUSAU WISCONSIN 16 1 41 Private Air Corps MINNESOTA 12 Regular Army 36295062 ODEAL CHARLES H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36229105 OLINSKI ERVIN P FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 26 11 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16056022 OLK ROLLAND F WAUSAU WISCONSIN 20 1 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 19 Army of the United States 6484173 OLMSTED LOUIS E CP BLANDING FLORIDA 21 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 2 Army of the United States 16216341 OLSEN CHARLES G CHICAGO ILLINOIS 26 6 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 27 Regular Army 36200727 OLSON OBORN R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 20 1 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 11 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16023846 OLSON ROY E WAUSAU WISCONSIN 5 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA ILLINOIS 14 Army of the United States 36236566 OLSON VERNON FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 2 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 11 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16092649 OPHOVEN JOSEPH A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Army of the United States 36244488 ORLOWSKI LAWRENCE M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36236578 OTTMAN HARRY S FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 2 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36249859 OTTO KURT A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 10 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA DANZIG or GERMANY 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16023066 OURADA ALLEN J WAUSAU WISCONSIN 4 12 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Regular Army 36283881 OURADA CARL J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36239870 OURADA CHARLEY MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36260704 OURADA GEORGE E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16023595 PAAK CARL E JR WAUSAU WISCONSIN 6 1 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 22 Army of the United States 36272311 PACER ARNOLD MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36212682 PACER BEN MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 13 6 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36295059 PACER EDWIN MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36203634 PACER JOHN H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 12 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36194251 PACKARD LOUIS G MARQUETTE MICHIGAN 9 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 0 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36295058 PAGEL EDWARD W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36203675 PALINSKI EUGENE J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 12 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36240385 PAMONICUTT MARTIN MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 11 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36263408 PANTZLAFF EDWARD A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 98 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16181117 PAPP WILLIAM J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 13 2 46 Air Corps WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 36221874 PARISE GEORGE D RHINELANDER WISCONSIN 9 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16020460 PATNODE DARELLE J WAUSAU WISCONSIN 13 8 40 Private Coast Artillery Corps WISCONSIN 17 Regular Army 36250012 PATNODE ROBERT J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 10 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36217845 PATNODE RUSSELL W CP GRANT ILLINOIS 14 8 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Regular Army 36226912 PAULSON PHILIP O FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 29 10 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 18 Regular Army 36226910 PAULSON RAY O FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 25 10 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16022714 PAVLICHEK HENRY J WAUSAU WISCONSIN 7 10 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 20 Regular Army 37590452 PEABODY JAMES T FT SNELLING MINNESOTA 24 3 44 Private No branch assignment ILLINOIS 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36244146 PECORE JOHN S MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36244179 PEGEL ERVIN J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 6 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36272321 PENNINGTON ANTHONY J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16020494 PEREK THOMAS WAUSAU WISCONSIN 16 8 40 Private Coast Artillery Corps WISCONSIN 9 Regular Army A-609698 PEROUTKA HELEN MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 10 43 Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 97 Women's Army Corps 16022717 PEROUTKA RUDOLPH C WAUSAU WISCONSIN 7 10 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 20 Regular Army 16094664 PERRY DALE A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 8 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States A-600308 PERRY MARGARET E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 17 7 42 Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 10 Women's Army Corps 16047215 PERSEN ARTHUR T MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 17 12 41 Private WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 36236580 PERSON MELVIN A FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 2 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36200662 PESL RUDOLPH A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 20 1 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36215792 PETERKA JOSEPH J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 11 7 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA ILLINOIS 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16020648 PETERS DONALD P WAUSAU WISCONSIN 11 9 40 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 19 Regular Army 16020240 PFLANZER EDWIN J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 13 12 45 Technician 5th Grade No branch assignment WISCONSIN 15 Regular Army 36241295 PHILLIPS WILLIE A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 18 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 5 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36221822 PIEKARSKI ALEX B RHINELANDER WISCONSIN 9 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36203594 PIONKOWSKI EUGENE T MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 12 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36255564 PIPER MARVIN A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16020271 PLAUTZ CHARLES W WAUSAU WISCONSIN 6 8 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 19 Regular Army 16021516 PLAUTZ CHESTER H CHICAGO ILLINOIS 14 5 46 Sergeant Air Corps WISCONSIN 19 Regular Army 16020749 PLAUTZ EDWARD J WALLA WALLA AAB WASHINGTON 5 2 46 Master Sergeant Air Corps WISCONSIN 22 Regular Army 36250023 PLISKA RICHARD J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 10 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 11 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36212676 PLOEDERL LOUIS C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 13 6 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36221864 PLZAK ROBERT S RHINELANDER WISCONSIN 9 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36255242 POLASKI CHARLES W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA PENNSYLVANIA 98 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16217581 POLZIN ORVAL H JR CHICAGO ILLINOIS 16 7 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 16021530 PONKOW ARNOLD A WAUSAU WISCONSIN 2 12 40 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 16 Regular Army 16021979 PONKOW GEORGE W WAUSAU WISCONSIN 18 3 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 19 Regular Army 36244134 POPELKA WAYNE A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36287734 PORTER BEECHER F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA KENTUCKY 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36288118 POSHINSKE JOHN MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36403117 POTTER EARL C MARQUETTE MICHIGAN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 3 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36200657 POTTER WAYLAND G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 20 1 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16021187 POWELL JAMES L WAUSAU WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 22 Regular Army 16022676 POWELL WILLIAM R BAER FIELD FT WAYNE INDIANA 25 10 45 First Sergeant No branch assignment WISCONSIN 20 Regular Army 36272245 PRASALOWICZ BERNARD J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16241118 PRASALOWICZ ERVIN P CHICAGO ILLINOIS 18 10 46 No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 36239927 PRASALOWICZ JOHN A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16229986 PRASALOWICZ MARCELLUS P CHICAGO ILLINOIS 26 9 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 39192263 PRASALOWICZ MARTIN J TACOMA WASHINGTON 16 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 9 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36221827 PREBOSKI ANTON J RHINELANDER WISCONSIN 9 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36203516 PREBOSKI EDWARD S MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 12 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36272269 PREBOSKI EUGENE J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36221835 PREBOSKI PAUL E RHINELANDER WISCONSIN 9 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 11 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36272294 PREBOSKI ROBERT A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 37805530 PRESTON DONALD L FT SNELLING MINNESOTA 4 8 45 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 25 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36272278 PRICE MAURICE L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36263411 PRICE RAYMOND C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA OHIO 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16209699 PRICKETTE DONALD E CHICAGO ILLINOIS 15 5 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 36236553 QUINN NORBERT A FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 2 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36250001 QUIRK THOMAS W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 10 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 282776 R ADER MERRITT W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 10 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 99 Army of the United States 16216357 RABE MILFERD L CHICAGO ILLINOIS 26 6 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 16024004 RABE RUEBEN R WAUSAU WISCONSIN 13 1 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 22 Army of the United States 36255551 RABIDEAU GERALD F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36233755 RACINE DAVID E FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 4 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36288140 RADTKE EDGAR J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 5 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36250024 RADTKE EUGENE C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 10 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16155478 RAESS EDGAR W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 11 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 24 Army of the United States 16024138 RAESS JOHN C WAUSAU WISCONSIN 20 1 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 21 Army of the United States 36229108 RAITH THEODORE J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 26 11 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16020216 RAMLOW WALTER WAUSAU WISCONSIN 31 7 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 20 Regular Army 36255561 RAPLE ROBERT M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 8 42 Private WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36303921 RAPPEL PETER J CHICAGO ILLINOIS 28 10 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36235938 RASMUSSEN BRUCE R FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 25 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36217828 RASMUSSEN DONALD P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 7 8 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36272313 RASMUSSEN FREDERICK A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36259763 RASMUSSEN MELVIN S MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16092004 RASMUSSEN WARREN J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 6 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 24 Army of the United States A-609804 RAYCE GLADYS L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 11 43 Private Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 21 Women's Army Corps 36236561 REAVILL ACTON M FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 2 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA OHIO 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16021840 REED BLAIR E WAUSAU WISCONSIN 11 2 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 22 Regular Army 16024155 REED JAMES W WAUSAU WISCONSIN 20 1 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 16006645 REEVES BENJAMIN F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 23 9 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 16 Regular Army 16047216 REEVES SAMUEL B MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 17 12 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 36244178 REHAK FRANK C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA CZECHOSLOVAKIA 98 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36244126 REIF CLARENCE MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36250017 REIF EDWARD G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 10 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 0 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36295035 REIF WILLIAM R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16071815 RENISH EDWARD G WAUSAU WISCONSIN 26 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 8 Army of the United States 36244110 RETTINGER ALVIN A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36233770 RETTINGER GILBERT J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 4 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36226803 RETZLAFF WILLIS R FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 24 10 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16181906 REYNOLDS LEIGHTON R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 4 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 16094646 REYNOLDS RAYMOND B MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 36287960 RICE MERLE D MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36272279 RICE RICHARD T MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16192196 RICHARDS RICHARD J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 25 1 44 Private Air Corps OKLAHOMA 25 Reserves 36295061 RICHEY GLENN B MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36239894 RICHTER RUSSELL R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16022317 RICKETT ALLEN E WAUSAU WISCONSIN 30 6 41 Private Air Corps INDIANA 20 Regular Army 16022317 RICKETT ALLEN E WAUSAU WISCONSIN 30 6 41 Private INDIANA 20 Regular Army 16216332 RICKMAN RAYMOND E CHICAGO ILLINOIS 26 6 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 16056782 RICKMAN STERLING H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 1 43 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36231010 RIELAND LEROY E FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 7 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36272247 RINE JAMES W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 4 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36260707 ROBBINS EARL O MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16193377 ROBBINS JOHN PLATTSBURG BARRACKS NEW YORK 8 12 45 Private First Class Air Corps WISCONSIN 26 Regular Army 36226911 ROBERTS JAMES E FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 25 10 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16022292 ROBERTS RUSSELL R WAUSAU WISCONSIN 21 6 41 Air Corps MINNESOTA 14 Regular Army 16022292 ROBERTS RUSSELL R WAUSAU WISCONSIN 21 6 41 Air Corps MINNESOTA 14 Regular Army 16021621 ROBERTS STANLEY M WAUSAU WISCONSIN 3 1 41 Private Detached Enlisted Men's List MINNESOTA 19 Regular Army 36255237 ROBINSON GENE L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA ILLINOIS 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36236571 ROBRECHT ELMER T FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 2 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36244152 ROBRECHT MARVIN V MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 11 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36244133 ROCK GRIFFORD C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MISSISSIPPI 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16071776 ROCK WILLIAM T WAUSAU WISCONSIN 25 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Army of the United States 36229100 ROCKE ROY G FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 26 11 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36288014 ROEHRIG MARTIN F N MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 39160022 ROEMER RUSSELL E FT MACARTHUR SAN PEDRO CALIFORNIA 20 6 41 Private Air Corps ILLINOIS 16 Regular Army 36221839 ROGALSKI ALEX RHINELANDER WISCONSIN 9 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16071587 ROLO ROY C WAUSAU WISCONSIN 14 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Army of the United States 16132737 ROSE ALBERT J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 10 42 Private Air Corps NORTH DAKOTA 12 Army of the United States 16023008 ROSIO ALEX WAUSAU WISCONSIN 25 11 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Regular Army 36236551 ROSS RAYMOND R FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 2 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16020606 ROYCE WILLIAM D WAUSAU WISCONSIN 7 9 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 20 Regular Army 36288133 RUNSTIK CHARLES MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 11 Selectees (Enlisted Men) A-613595 RUPPEL HARRIET L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 3 45 Private Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 95 Women's Army Corps 36255538 RUSCH ALFRED E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 7 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36244221 RUSCH HERBERT C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16049224 RUSCH LEONARD R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Army of the United States 36288127 RYAN JOHN L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 7032065 RYAN JOHN P 16 1 40 WISCONSIN 30 Regular Army 16133375 RYAN THEODORE P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 10 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 22 Army of the United States 16021094 RYGIEWICZ JOHN JR FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 27 11 42 Private First Class Transportation Corps WISCONSIN 15 Army of the United States 36263401 SAILER JOSEPH J JR MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA OHIO 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16020140 SATHER GORDON M WAUSAU WISCONSIN 24 7 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 21 Regular Army 36236557 SCHABELL NORMAN A FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 2 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36206821 SCHABELL WARREN G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 10 4 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16020741 SCHAD CARL J WAUSAU WISCONSIN 18 9 40 Private Quartermaster Corps ILLINOIS 14 Regular Army 36249843 SCHAEFER LESTER E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 10 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16132887 SCHAFER LYMAN J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 16023589 SCHAFER VALMORE P WAUSAU WISCONSIN 6 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Army of the United States 6920177 SCHARDT HAROLD W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 2 46 Technical Sergeant No branch assignment WISCONSIN 20 Regular Army 36263360 SCHAUER GEORGE MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36287995 SCHEDLBAUER FRED J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 12 42 Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16021999 SCHELBAUER DONALD A WAUSAU WISCONSIN 25 3 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 18 Regular Army 36239941 SCHILLEMAN MARVIN I MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16020789 SCHINKE GLENN L WAUSAU WISCONSIN 21 9 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 20 Regular Army 20646120 SCHLEINZ DONALD E RHINELANDER WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 18 National Guard 36272267 SCHLEIS ROBERT E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36217827 SCHLESSER JOSEPH T MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 7 8 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA IOWA 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36261074 SCHMELTER ARNO E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36272287 SCHMIDT FRANCIS H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 39562922 SCHMIDT HAROLD H LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA 26 2 43 Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36288004 SCHMIDT NORBERT G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36280776 SCHMIDT VICTOR J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36288128 SCHNECK GORDON H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16153079 SCHOENFELDT GEORGE R CHICAGO ILLINOIS 30 1 44 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Reserves 16024983 SCHRADER ARTHUR G WAUSAU WISCONSIN 9 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 8 Army of the United States 36255566 SCHRAMKE EUGENE J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36272285 SCHRAML VERNON W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36272255 SCHREMP ERNEST E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36244186 SCHREMP LESTER V MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36295051 SCHROEDER DONALD G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16023009 SCHROEDER ERNEST W WAUSAU WISCONSIN 25 11 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 17 Regular Army 16022893 SCHROEDER LEON J WATERTOWN WISCONSIN 4 11 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 21 Regular Army 36272315 SCHROEPFER ALEX C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 3 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36236569 SCHROEPFER CLARENCE J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 2 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36259777 SCHROEPFER GLENN R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36288019 SCHUH EUGENE P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36263346 SCHUH PAUL K MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36231012 SCHUH SHIRLEY R FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 7 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16021659 SCHULTZ EUGENE J WAUSAU WISCONSIN 16 1 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 22 Regular Army 36202047 SCHUSTER EDWARD E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 2 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36263454 SCHWEITZER GEORGE C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) File at: This file has been created by a form at 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