Marathon County (Town of Day) St Andrews Cemetery Tombstone Photos ************************************************ These photos were generously taken and contributed by Larry and Linda Kopet Please note that these generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ The index page for these tombstone photos is located at: Bangart, Victoria Beine, Ottilia P. Beining, Henry and Elizabeth Beining, Joseph P. Benz, Herman Benz, Nicolaus Benz, Walburga Bie, Evelyn Bie, Joseph Bie, Louise Bie, Margaret Bintzler, Nick Blumenstein, Delina Mae Blumenstein, Ronald A. Brausch, Helena Brausch, John G. Brill, Barbara Brinkmann, Anna Juilia Brinkmann, John Sr. and Caroline Brinkmann, Raymond W. and Agnes M. Chaurette, Peter Coari, James Daul, Andrew and Mary Daul, Herman Daul, John A. Dennee, Michael and Annie Derfus, Johann Derfus, Patricia Ann Domres, August Etringer, Helena Folz, Magdeline Folz, Peter and Mary Fuchs, Henry Fuchs, Johann Peter Fuchs, John and Christina Fuchs, Magdalena Griedbach, Harold Guldan, Clarence Guldan, John and Mary Hauke, Lena Hauke, William and Josephine Hennes, Joseph J. and Julia A. Hopfensperger, William and Lena Illig, Julius and Appolonia Jones, Barbara Jung, Fred and Agnes Jung, Joseph J. Kelnhofer, Barbara Kelnhofer, Charles Kloos, Cyril C. Kloos, Rita A. Kraus, James Patrick Leick, Margaret and Susan H. Mahlich, Eduard Nikolai, Anton and Anna Nikolay, E. Nikolay, unclear Offer, Henry C. and Lena Ofler, Anna L. Oppmann, Anton and Katherine Oppmann, Fredericka Oppmann, John Penzenstadler, Maria Penzenstadler, Wilhelmina Petrie, Mathias and Mary Ponshock, Fred A. and Kaser, Angeline M Powell, Susana Rehlinger, Nikolaus and Angela Rennel, John Roe, Delma Rogstad, Andrew and Bertha Sargent, Katie Schaefer, Peter N. and Johanna M. Schafer, Magdalena Schuh, Christina Schuh, Karl Schultz, unclear St. Andrews Cemetery Sign, Staadt, Anna Stockheimer, Peter and Rosina Stoiber, Fredrick Stoiber, George Jr. Streit, John Theurer, John and Anna Theurer, Valentine Thon, Katie Treutel, John A. and Caroline T. Urbanus, John Van De Loo, Alois Van De Loo, Anton and Anna Van De Loo, Mary Sophie Weber, Bernadette Weber, Dorothy Weigel, Isiadore J. Weigel, Rita T. Wiefer, Anton Wilhelm, John J. Wilhelm, Raymond Anthony Wilhelm, Rose Wiltgen, Elsie R. Wiltgen, Ervin P. Wix, Charles Wunsch, William and Margaret