Marquette County (Town of Buffalo) St. Andrew Cemetery Tombstone Photos ************************************************ These photos were generously taken and contributed by Larry and Linda Kopet Please note that these generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ The index page for these tombstone photos is located at: Babbitt, Bridget Babbitt, John Burke, Dennis and Walter Byan, Ellen Dalton, James Fogerty, Chas Foley, James Henry, Charles Hill, Luke Kelly, Terence Kenney, Helen Kenney, Sylvester Lynch, Edward J. Lynch, Eliza A. Lynch, Ellen Lynch, John Lynch, M. Lynch, Margaret Lynch, Thomas Mallon, family McCarty, Peter McDonald, James McKay, Alexander Moran, Dominick Moran, Martin Moran, Mary Payne, Margaret Rierdon, Matthew Stehle, Rev. N. Wall, Catharine Mary Wallace, Ellen