Menominee County (Neopit) St Anthony Cemetery Tombstone Photos ************************************************ These photos were generously taken and contributed by Larry and Linda Kopet Please note that these generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ The index page for these tombstone photos is located at: Aragon, Carmella Lita Askenette, Alexander Sr. (Askie) and Sue Basina, Francis (Jobbie) Basina, Leon M. (John) Basina, Marlin F. Bear, Mose Beauprey, Joseph Beauprey, Simon Beauprey, Susan Boivin, Geraldine Boivin, Joseph E. Boivin, Joseph W. and Anna F. Boivin, Julius W. Boyd, John A. Jr. (J.R.) Boyd, John A. Sr. Boyd, Rose Mary Butler, Mildred M. Komanekin-Coon (Millie) Caldwell, Joseph F. Caldwell, Leslie J. Caldwell, Marjorie Caldwell, Ronald J. and Vera E. Chevalier, Joyce Corn, Arnold R. (Bill) and Joyce E. Corn, Mary Cota, George Crowe, Albert P. Crowe, Darrell D. Crowe, Edison S. Decorah, Sylvia Rosine (The Chosen One) Delabrue, Charles F. and Mary J. Dickie, Evelyn I. Dickie, Ruth C. Diers, Robert A. and Glarus A. Dodge, Ruby M. Dodge, Susie M. Donahue, Myrtle E. Peters Eberle, Jeanette Neconish Ermatinger, Earl Joseph (Humdinger) Feather, Gary Feather, Gisela Fish, Elizabeth Fish, James C. Fish, Kenneth M. (Paddo) Fowler, Louise Dee Fowler, Sanford J. Frechette, Aloysius and Delores Frechette, Charles J. (Good Day) Frechette, Joseph E. and Loretta Grignon, Edith Grignon, Evelyn J. Grignon, James W. Grignon, James Grignon, Jerome A. and Sunday M. Grignon, Jerome Grignon, Michele Grignon, Stanley M. Jr. Hawpetoss, Louis Joseph Hawpetoss, Mayah Wasick and Catherine Heath, Brittany A. Heath, Jennifer Leigh Heczko, Marsha A. Holsonback, Beverly A. House, Reginald and Lois M. Irving, William and Juanita Kakwitch, Louis Kaquatosh, Clifford J. Sr. Kaquatosh, Emil P. and Elizabeth Kaquatosh, Evelyn T. Kaquatosh, Keith E. (Kek) Kaquatosh, Mildred F. Katchenago, Andrew Kitchenakow, Lawrence Kitchenakow, Mark A. (Spike) Kitchenakow, Theresa L. (Sister) Klopp, Francine J. Kohel, Anthony E. Komanekin, Nancy Komanekin, Thomas Krouatash, Harland LaFender, Bertha LaFromboise, Delroy E. LaFromboise, Louis J. LaFromboise, Theodore LaMotte, Leighton C. (Lee) LaMotte, Mary Summers Lawe, Henry P. Lawe, John D. McCloud and Julia Aaron Madosh, Randal L. Mahkimetas, Elizabeth Mahkimetas, Harold A. McPherson, Matthew Moon, Wilfred Buddy Moser, infant Nakama, Charlotte M. Nakama, Harry S. Nunway, Jacqueline Marie O'Kachekum, Susan M. O'Katchicum, Janice O'Katchicum, Rita Pahanet, Frank W. Pamonicutt, Wheeler Marvin Pamonicutt, Yvonne M. Pasovich, Victor Pecore, Gordon L. Penass, Smokey Peters, Adele H. Pocan, Edmond E. and Lorene A. Pocan, Grace Smith Pocan, William F. Poch - a - tow, Rockhan, infant Sackatook, Helen G. Sackatook, Jean Marie Sanapah, Emma J. Sanapaw, Joseph Simmons, Miles A. Skenadore, Clayton J. Skenandore, Lindsey Smits, Jeffrey A. Springer, Margaret H. Starr, Genevieve Stone, Mitchell F. Sturdevant, Mary L. Tebeau, Fredrick F. Tebeau, Sarah Ann Tourtillott, James C. Sr. Tourtillott, Margaret Ann Tourtillott, Miles C. Tourtillott, Miles J. and Rose C. Tourtillott, Myron A. (Tiger) Tucker, Corey A. Sr. Tucker, Susan E. Turney, Loretta unreadable, Urban, Toby G. Vigue, Paul E. III Vigue, Richard J. Sr. Vigue, Wilma Warrington, Colleen Lawe Warrington, Dorothy M. Waubabascum, Sylvia L. Dodge Waubanascum, Robert P. and Bertina M. Waukau, Marvin F. and Sarah Weix Waupekenay, Joseph N. Waupoose, Anthony Waupoose, Beatrice M. Waupoose, family Waupoose, Melvin Mose Wayka, Ernest Wayka, female infant Wayka, Marvin F. Webster, John J. Webster, Michael A. Wesho, Mary Ann Wheelock, Mary Wheelock, Robert E. White, Mary Elizabeth White, unclear and Elizabeth Wilber, Wyone Wolf, Wayne R. Wolfe, Louis Wynos, Wayne A. Jr. (Baby Wayne)