Milwaukee County WI Archives Military Records.....Army Enlistees Names KUSIC - LANDRUM WWII - Enlistment ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Tina Vickery May 21, 2007, 5:45 pm Army Enlistees Names KUSIC - LANDRUM DATE OF ENLISTMENT YEAR OF ARMY SERIAL NUMBER NAME PLACE OF ENLISTMENT DAY MONTH YEAR GRADE BRANCH NATIVITY BIRTH COMPONENT OF THE ARMY 36248359 KUSIC JOHN J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16191987 KUSICK ROBERT G FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 17 4 44 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 26 Reserves 36296550 KUSIK RAYMOND P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 11 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36298355 KUSNIER JOSEPH MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16093210 KUSS CARROLL P F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Army of the United States 36252495 KUSS JOHN H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 23 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 9 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16130875 KUSS RALPH J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 9 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 19 Army of the United States 16046297 KUSSMAN HERBERT C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 3 10 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 17 Regular Army 16005425 KUSSMANN WALLACE R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 8 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 21 Regular Army 36249037 KUSSROW WILLIAM J JR MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16133350 KUST JAMES G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 10 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 5 Army of the United States 36280833 KUST RAYMOND S MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36283689 KUSTER RICHARD C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 17 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36297323 KUSZ ARTHUR C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 13 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36201670 KUSZ EMIL S MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 1 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36233000 KUSZ ERVIN L FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 23 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 6917897 KUSZ FRANK J 10 11 39 WISCONSIN 85 Regular Army 36277102 KUSZEWSKI ALOIS J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 11 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36290097 KUSZTAL JOSEPH J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 15 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36259911 KUTCHEID HARVEY C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 97 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36290063 KUTCHMAN JOSEPH E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 15 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA ILLINOIS 5 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36292014 KUTER HENRY L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 23 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA ILLINOIS 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36278739 KUTICKI CHESTER J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA POLAND 99 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36205723 KUTIK WILLIAM F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16159320 KUTKA FERDINAND R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 1 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 27 Regular Army 36283597 KUTNAR STEPHEN F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 18 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36214533 KUTNER ANTON J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 6 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 7 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36232790 KUTNER GEORGE W FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 22 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36243710 KUTNER JOHN H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16239655 KUTSUGERAS GEORGE CHICAGO ILLINOIS 3 10 46 Private No branch assignment ILLINOIS 28 Regular Army 36238756 KUTZ ALEX FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 24 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36236339 KUTZ CHESTER G FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 27 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36297267 KUTZ HOWARD E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 13 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36252894 KUTZ JOSEPH A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 3 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20654147 KUTZ MILTON I WHITEFISH BAY WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Field Artillery WISCONSIN 16 National Guard 36230793 KUTZ SYLVAN I FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 6 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36258618 KUTZ WILLARD L P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 20 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36283817 KUUSINEN PENTTI E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 18 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FINLAND 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 69677012 KUZBA FELIX CHICAGO ILLINOIS 5 4 46 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 11 Regular Army 36226244 KUZBA SYLVESTER P FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 4 10 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36257611 KUZDAS ROLAND A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 17 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36261379 KUZEL ANTON MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA CZECHOSLOVAKIA 2 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16007811 KUZEL JOSEPH F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 13 11 40 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 22 Regular Army 16044527 KUZEL JOSEPH F JR DETROIT MICHIGAN 10 1 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 20 Army of the United States 6798956 KUZELA JAMES J CHICAGO ILLINOIS 8 10 45 Private Corps of Engineers NEBRASKA 6 Regular Army 16131813 KUZMINSKI DANIEL D MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 10 42 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 24 Army of the United States 36264909 KUZMINSKI RAYMOND I MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 10 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36219514 KUZNIEWSKI ANTHONY J JR MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 9 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36246789 KUZNIEWSKI EDWARD J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 20 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36286459 KUZNIEWSKI STANLEY T MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16158903 KVALHEIM RAY MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 12 45 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 36228796 KVAM ROBERT L FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 19 11 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA MINNESOTA 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36215820 KVAS JOHN J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 7 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36251694 KVASNICA ERNEST MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 20 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36206057 KVASNICA RUDOLPH MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36233020 KVASNICKA VICTOR J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 23 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36244096 KVIDERA ROBERT A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA ILLINOIS 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36254431 KWARCINSKI JOHN J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16158614 KWARCINSKI NORMAN M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 11 45 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 36249043 KWARCINSKI THEODORE W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36243760 KWASIBORSKI THEODORE A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36238744 KWASIGROCH HENRY J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 24 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16129174 KWASIGROCH PAUL W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 9 42 Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Army of the United States 36242094 KWASNIEWSKI HARRY E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) A-613525 KWASNIEWSKI SALLY T MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 2 45 Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 21 Women's Army Corps 36230609 KWASNIEWSKI STEPHEN A FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 5 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36255696 KWASS DAVID MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 7 8 42 Warrant Officers, USA RUSSIA 2 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36270914 KWIATKOWSKI ANTHONY MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA POLAND 0 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36226446 KWIATKOWSKI ANTON J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 15 10 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16006709 KWIATKOWSKI ANTON P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 9 40 Private Field Artillery WISCONSIN 19 Regular Army 36230728 KWIATKOWSKI EDMUND J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 6 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36287156 KWIATKOWSKI EDWARD P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36274785 KWIATKOWSKI EDWIN MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36297368 KWIATKOWSKI EUGENE P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36214616 KWIATKOWSKI FLORIAN S MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 6 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16155245 KWIATKOWSKI GILBERT M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 20 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Army of the United States 16155869 KWIATKOWSKI JOHN B MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 12 42 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 36267417 KWIATKOWSKI JOSEPH F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 18 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 2 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36235989 KWIATKOWSKI LEONARD J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 25 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) A-609817 KWIATKOWSKI LUCY MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 11 43 Private Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 14 Women's Army Corps 36235836 KWIATKOWSKI MAX E FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 24 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) A-613240 KWIATKOWSKI NETTIE A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 10 44 Private Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 22 Women's Army Corps 36267391 KWIATKOWSKI RAYMOND A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 18 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36297132 KWIATKOWSKI RUDOLPH M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 13 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36228426 KWIATKOWSKI VALENTINE J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 14 11 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16155874 KWIATKOWSKI VALENTINE R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 12 42 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 36238966 KWIDZINSKI ALBERT F FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 26 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36248885 KWIECIEN EDWARD J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20655286 KWIECIEN FRANK J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 13 1 41 Private Medical Department WISCONSIN 17 National Guard 36290108 KWINT EDMUND W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 15 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16094266 KWINT HARRY G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 12 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 5 Army of the United States 16157708 KYAM KEITH J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 29 12 43 Corporal No branch assignment MINNESOTA 25 Reserves 16009063 KYNASTON EDGAR W JR MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 5 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 22 Regular Army A-603864 KYPINOTIS JANE E GRENIER FIELD MANCHESTER NEW HAMPSHIRE 10 8 43 Private First Class Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 13 Women's Army Corps 16193510 KYRGIER JAMES P FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 16 6 45 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 27 Reserves 36246589 KYRO REINO A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16192126 L STINSKY AUGUST J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 20 1 44 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 25 Reserves 20653100 LA BADIE WILLIAM R ANTIGO WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Field Artillery MICHIGAN 18 National Guard 16093473 LA BARBER PETER MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 20 7 42 Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Army of the United States 16047229 LA BARBERA FRANCIS MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 17 12 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 22 Army of the United States 36298360 LA BARBERA JAMES MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 24 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36279833 LA BARBERA JOSEPH A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36261425 LA BARBIERA SALVATORE G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA ITALY or SAN MARINO 0 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16116334 LA BISSONIERE DAVID E SAN ANTONIO AVIATION CADET CENTER TEXAS 28 2 43 Private Air Corps MINNESOTA 19 Reserves 36264313 LA BODE ALEXANDER D MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 1 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20651320 LA BORDE LAWRENCE E WHITEFISH BAY WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Field Artillery WISCONSIN 18 National Guard 20651321 LA BORDE PHILLIP A WHITEFISH BAY WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Field Artillery WISCONSIN 16 National Guard 36253387 LA BOULE LOUIS J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16048464 LA BOUNTY FRANCIS L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 15 1 42 Private Air Corps MINNESOTA 20 Army of the United States 36256860 LA BOY HARVEY J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 13 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16005451 LA BUCKI EDWARD G CHICAGO ILLINOIS 30 7 46 Sergeant Air Corps WISCONSIN 17 Regular Army 36236039 LA BUDDE FRANK R FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 25 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16193455 LA CONTE FRANK FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 13 12 44 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 26 Reserves 36269502 LA CONTE SEBASTIAN MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36241814 LA COURT CLARENCE H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36281267 LA COURT ROBERT J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36223961 LA CROIX GILBERT S MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36285106 LA DOW ARTHUR W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 23 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16132495 LA FAUN GEORGE SAN FRANCISCO PORT OF EMB CALIFORNIA 14 11 45 Private First Class No branch assignment WISCONSIN 14 Regular Army 36287328 LA FAVE CLIFFORD J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MICHIGAN 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36254236 LA FAVOR CLARENCE E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MINNESOTA 1 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36252355 LA FAVOR FREDERICK O FT MOULTRIE INCL SULLIVANS IS BRANCH OF OVERSEAS DISCHARGE AND REPL DEPOT CHARELSTON SOUTH CAROLINA 7 11 45 Private First Class No branch assignment WISCONSIN 12 Regular Army 16133831 LA FRANCE NEAL H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 10 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 22 Army of the United States 16096006 LA GESSE EARL R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 10 Army of the United States 16096059 LA GOSH JOSEPH MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 9 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 8 Army of the United States 16193474 LA GRANGE GEORGE W FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 27 3 45 Private Air Corps FLORIDA 26 Reserves 16131635 LA KOMSKI RANDOLPH M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 7 10 42 Private Air Corps MICHIGAN 24 Army of the United States 16092005 LA LONDE WALTER L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Army of the United States 16156271 LA MALFA FRANK MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 12 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States A-412854 LA MARCH MARGARET H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 17 4 46 Private First Class Women's Army Corps ILLINOIS 15 Women's Army Corps 16048667 LA MERE LYLE R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 10 45 Private First Class Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Regular Army 36285669 LA MONTE ERNEST J MAUSTON WISCONSIN 25 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36233385 LA MORA CHARLES H FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 28 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MICHIGAN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20653102 LA MORA JAMES W WHITEFISH BAY WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Field Artillery MICHIGAN 13 National Guard 16008902 LA MURE CHARLES J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 3 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Regular Army 16219759 LA PLANTE EUGENE E CHICAGO ILLINOIS 22 8 46 Private Air Corps MICHIGAN 28 Regular Army 20656198 LA PLANTE LEONARD O MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Field Artillery WISCONSIN 20 National Guard A-603878 LA PLANTE LILLIAN E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 17 2 43 Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 17 Women's Army Corps 36248233 LA PLANTE MERLIN R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36220629 LA PLANTE RAYMOND G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 5 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36233366 LA POINT CLYDE E FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 28 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36218662 LA POINTE RICHARD H CP GRANT ILLINOIS 9 9 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Regular Army 36294160 LA POINTE ROBERT L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16154372 LA PORTE ALPHONSE A CP GRANT ILLINOIS 10 2 43 Private First Class No branch assignment WISCONSIN 22 Reserves 16046770 LA PORTE ANTHONY J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 11 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Regular Army 36258076 LA PORTE EMIL MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 20 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36244226 LA PORTE MANUEL MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA ILLINOIS 2 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36261173 LA PORTE VELO C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16060573 LA RENZIE AUGUST H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 3 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 36205798 LA ROSE CHARLES M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA MICHIGAN 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36274521 LA RUSSA JOSEPH M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 13 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36234026 LA SAVAGE WALTER J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 5 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36236336 LA SUSA EUGENE C FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 27 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) A-604188 LA TONA FLORENCE M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 4 43 Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 19 Women's Army Corps A-604157 LA TONA MARIE C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 4 43 Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 22 Women's Army Corps 16155975 LA VALLE DONALD M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 3 12 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 16009707 LA VALLE PAUL P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 8 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 16 Regular Army 36296061 LA VALLEY ALFRED J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 8 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36258781 LA VALLEY RICHARD C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MINNESOTA 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16093216 LA VEN LAWRENCE L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Army of the United States 16181498 LA VESSER JAMES A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 7 3 46 Private WISCONSIN 29 Regular Army 36248425 LA VIGNE HARRY MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA NEW JERSEY 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36258789 LA VIOLETTE FRANCIS J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MICHIGAN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16155684 LAABS DONALD M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 11 42 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 24 Army of the United States 16181973 LAABS DONALD O MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 4 46 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 36267113 LAABS HARRY F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 17 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16007923 LAABS LYLE H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 11 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 21 Regular Army 36255028 LAABS QUINTEN S CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK 1 11 45 Technical Sergeant No branch assignment WISCONSIN 12 Regular Army 16209750 LAABS RICHARD O E CHICAGO ILLINOIS 16 5 46 No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 36296108 LAABS RUSSELL J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36242855 LAABS WILMER W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36280653 LAACK NORMAN H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36242124 LAACK PAUL L N MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 7 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36280812 LAACK RAYMOND H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 99 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36298407 LAACK WILLIAM N N MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16181249 LAATSCH GLENN C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 2 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 36299103 LAATSCH OLIVER F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36233419 LAATSCH RAYMOND A FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 28 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36206063 LAATZ FREDERICK V MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 3 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36215153 LABARBERA IGNAZINO MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 6 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36270931 LABECKI GILBERT L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36201671 LABINSKI HARRY T MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 1 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36282463 LABINSKI JOHN J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 11 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36251947 LABINSKI JOSEPH J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36253378 LABINSKI RAYMOND R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 7 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36268301 LABISZAK EUGENE A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 23 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16060589 LABODA JOSEPH S MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 3 42 Private Air Corps MINNESOTA 20 Army of the United States 36293620 LABRE MYLES B MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MICHIGAN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36285751 LABS WALTER G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 6 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36247003 LACALUSO FRANK P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 6 42 Private WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16193422 LACEY WILLIAM R JR FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 16 6 45 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 27 Reserves 16158060 LACHER DONALD J FT ORD CALIFORNIA 17 11 45 Private First Class No branch assignment WISCONSIN 27 Regular Army 36297945 LACHER GERALD J CHICAGO ILLINOIS 18 7 46 Staff Sergeant Quartermaster Corps WISCONSIN 23 Regular Army 36221306 LACHMUND ROBERT A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 3 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16159356 LACHMUND ROY H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 1 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 36266006 LACHNER FRED E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36247981 LACK ANTON E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA AUSTRIA 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16047196 LACKO DELBERT E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 12 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Army of the United States 20656864 LACKO JOHN J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Medical Department WISCONSIN 16 National Guard 36200008 LACKO JOSEPH L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 11 40 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 11 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36283971 LACKOWSKI MARTIN MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 18 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16048489 LACONTE JOSEPH MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 15 1 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 22 Army of the United States A-610070 LACY GRACE B MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 1 44 Private Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 19 Women's Army Corps 36277161 LADCARI JOSEPH MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16192122 LADEWIG LEONARD FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 9 2 44 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 25 Reserves 36294039 LADIK FREDERICK C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 2 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36261049 LADKY FRANK J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA ILLINOIS 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36267583 LADWIG ALLEN W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36247662 LADWIG CHARLES P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16156174 LADWIG ERNEST A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 4 12 42 Private Corps of Engineers WISCONSIN 99 Army of the United States 36239407 LADWIG HAROLD C FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 30 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 6 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16158552 LADWIG ROY R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 13 11 45 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 36236194 LAESSIG CHARLES S FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 26 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 6 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36200400 LAESSIG MAURICE H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 1 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16091927 LAETSCH GERALD Z MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 5 42 Private WISCONSIN 19 Army of the United States 36295111 LAFLIN CHARLES H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36275598 LAGANOWSKI FRANK A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36275536 LAGANOWSKI JOSEPH J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 1 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36246501 LAGANOWSKI WALTER J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 20 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36288997 LAGIEWSKI ARNOLD L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 10 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36272548 LAHIFF EDWIN P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 7 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36293821 LAHL WALTER J R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36200017 LAHMAYER EARL A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 11 40 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36263690 LAHMAYER JOHN H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 7 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16132133 LAHMSEN JEROME MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 10 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 22 Army of the United States 20654232 LAHODA CHARLES J WHITEFISH BAY WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Field Artillery WISCONSIN 14 National Guard 36272477 LAHR RAYMOND L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 7 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 6569534 LAHTI ARVO W 2 9 39 MICHIGAN 55 Regular Army A-602627 LAICH HELEN MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 11 42 Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 21 Women's Army Corps 16221114 LAIDIG RUPERT P CHICAGO ILLINOIS 4 9 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 36284950 LAIMANS EDWARD J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36265095 LAING RANDALL C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 11 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16135260 LAINSS HENRY J CP GRANT ILLINOIS 1 2 43 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 15 Reserves 36236011 LAJCA STANLEY R FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 25 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) A-609417 LAJOIE LOIS J FALMOUTH CP EDWARDS MASSACHUSETTS 9 8 43 Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 22 Women's Army Corps 16218782 LAJSIC DANIEL M CHICAGO ILLINOIS 6 8 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 16181740 LAKAM BERNARD MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 3 46 Private No branch assignment WISCONSIN 28 Regular Army 36235569 LAKE HAROLD G FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 20 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36201692 LAKE RICHARD A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 1 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20653954 LAKE WILLIAM B CP BEALE MARYSVILLE CALIFORNIA 4 12 45 Staff Sergeant Quartermaster Corps WISCONSIN 11 Regular Army 36258473 LAKE WILLIAM H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 21 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 99 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36233498 LAKES ALEXANDER FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 2 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20614912 LAKEY THEODORE R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 20 3 46 First Sergeant Air Corps WISCONSIN 19 Regular Army 36298585 LAKIN EDWIN E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36245023 LAKOSH CHARLES F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 12 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36258978 LALASZ ALOYSIUS J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 22 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 6861103 LALASZ STEVE F FT RILEY KANSAS 5 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Army of the United States 16006924 LALASZ THADDEUS A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 10 40 Private Medical Department WISCONSIN 20 Regular Army 36217158 LALKO ANDREW C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 7 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36238765 LALKO CASIMIR E FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 24 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36242682 LALLAS SAM MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA FINLAND 8 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36278461 LAM LOUIS S MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA CHINA 11 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36278395 LAMB EDWARD MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36217022 LAMB JESSE L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 7 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA ILLINOIS 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16095701 LAMB MAURICE C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 9 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 13 Army of the United States 16132208 LAMB THOMAS G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 15 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 12 Army of the United States 20654092 LAMBACH LEON L WHITEFISH BAY WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Corporal Field Artillery WISCONSIN 21 National Guard 20655769 LAMBACH MELVIN G CHICAGO ILLINOIS 2 8 46 Technician 4th Grade No branch assignment WISCONSIN 19 Regular Army 16094157 LAMBERT ALVIN L MCCHORD FIELD WASHINGTON 13 12 45 Private First Class Air Corps WISCONSIN 27 Regular Army 36293781 LAMBERT ARTHUR A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20653695 LAMBERT BYRON B WHITEFISH BAY WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Field Artillery WISCONSIN 17 National Guard 38419835 LAMBERT CHARLES HOUSTON TEXAS 26 3 43 Private No branch assignment KANSAS 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16046195 LAMBERT EDWARD C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 9 41 Private Field Artillery MINNESOTA 21 Regular Army 16046197 LAMBERT FRED G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 9 41 Private Field Artillery MINNESOTA 19 Regular Army 36278311 LAMBERT HAROLD A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36209199 LAMBERT HOWARD W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 28 4 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA ILLINOIS 10 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20655714 LAMBERT LEON L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Technical Sergeant Field Artillery MONTANA 13 National Guard 16050495 LAMBERT MARSHALL W EAU CLAIRE WISCONSIN 15 4 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Army of the United States 38055483 LAMBERT NATHAN HOUSTON TEXAS 3 4 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA IOWA 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36265779 LAMBERT RAY F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 12 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36280791 LAMBERT ROBERT J SPENCER WEST VIRGINIA 14 11 45 Private First Class Infantry WISCONSIN 18 Regular Army 36237697 LAMBERTY IRVING F FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 14 3 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 9 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36230566 LAMBOY EDWARD F FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 5 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 20656865 LAMBOY WILMER J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 15 10 40 Private Medical Department WISCONSIN 12 National Guard 36248127 LAMBRECHT ALFRED M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36219885 LAMBRECHT DARWIN R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 9 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16003712 LAMBRECHT FREDERICK R CHICAGO ILLINOIS 20 1 41 Private Signal Corps WISCONSIN 7 Regular Army 36265722 LAMBRECHT HAROLD P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 12 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36289542 LAMBRECHT LEROY J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 12 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36228517 LAMBRECHT RAY W FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 22 11 41 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 20 Regular Army 36277860 LAMBRECHT RUSSELL D MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36267663 LAMBRECHT WILLIAM R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 19 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 21 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16156952 LAMBRO WILLIAM G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 14 12 42 Private Signal Corps WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 36209501 LAMEK NICK E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 29 4 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) A-609543 LAMERAND BETTY J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 7 43 Women's Army Corps WISCONSIN 22 Women's Army Corps 16050516 LAMERS HERMAN J JR EAU CLAIRE WISCONSIN 16 4 42 Private WISCONSIN 20 Army of the United States 16128936 LAMMERT FREDERICK R MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 18 9 42 Private Corps of Engineers WISCONSIN 23 Army of the United States 36213064 LAMMERT LESTER H MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 6 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 15 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36291959 LAMMI NEILO U MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 23 12 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MICHIGAN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36201651 LAMONT ANGUS M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 31 1 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36218170 LAMPE LAVERNE A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 25 8 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36255466 LAMPE RALPH F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16007742 LAMPHEAR ZEBULON E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 7 11 40 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 21 Regular Army A-600478 LAMPHERE AURICE E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 18 9 42 Women's Army Corps MONTANA 18 Women's Army Corps 16006661 LAMPIEN RICHARD J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 9 40 Private Medical Department WISCONSIN 21 Regular Army 36248061 LAMPIER GLENN W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 26 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 14 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16050922 LAMPING RUDOLPH J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 5 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Army of the United States 36836311 LAMPONE FRANK A MADISON WISCONSIN 25 10 43 Private No branch assignment ITALY or SAN MARINO 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36215083 LAMPONE FRANK P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 6 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36298383 LAMPONE SAM J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 16 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 23 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36194516 LAMPSA JAMES R MARQUETTE MICHIGAN 10 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MICHIGAN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16060769 LAMY ARTHUR F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 12 5 42 Private Air Corps ALASKA 31 16154440 LANAGHAN RICHARD M MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 6 11 42 Private WISCONSIN 24 Army of the United States 36419227 LANCE LAWRENCE MARQUETTE MICHIGAN 13 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA MICHIGAN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36263806 LANCIN JACK W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 7 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 22 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36230639 LAND OLIVER R FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 5 1 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36242436 LANDER BERNHARDT MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA ILLINOIS 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36296084 LANDERGOTT JOSEPH A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9 1 43 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16192498 LANDERS JAMES J FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 10 1 45 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 26 Reserves 36214207 LANDFRIED ARTHUR E MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 6 41 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36283842 LANDGRAFF ALFRED MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 23 11 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 13 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36277811 LANDGREN LEONARD A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 23 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MINNESOTA 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16048913 LANDO JOHN F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 1 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 18 Army of the United States 36235595 LANDON HART H FT SHERIDAN ILLINOIS 20 2 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 16050858 LANDOWSKI ALBERT G MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 1 5 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 7 Army of the United States 16096429 LANDOWSKI EDWARD L MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 17 9 42 Private Air Corps WISCONSIN 14 Army of the United States 16006839 LANDOWSKI ERVIN C MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 27 9 40 Private Infantry WISCONSIN 21 Regular Army 36257308 LANDOWSKI ERVIN J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 15 8 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36268589 LANDOWSKI JOHN A MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 23 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 7 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36245957 LANDOWSKI LAWRENCE J MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 17 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 20 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36277984 LANDOWSKI RICHARD P MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 24 10 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 17 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36246108 LANDOWSKI WALTER F MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 17 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 18 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36248835 LANDRE EDWARD W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 30 6 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA MICHIGAN 12 Selectees (Enlisted Men) 36265066 LANDRUM EDGAR W MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 11 9 42 Private Warrant Officers, USA WISCONSIN 19 Selectees (Enlisted Men) File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 99.3 Kb