1942 Jubilee Yearbook, Holy Angels Academy, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives May, 2001 by James Sponholz ======================================================================= This student list was compiled from the "1892-1942 Jubilee Booklet" yearbook for Holy Angels Academy, a secondary school for girls run by the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (BVM). Transcription by James Sponholz, sponholz@execpc.com. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file is part of the WIGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at: http://www.usgwarchives.net/wi/wifiles.htm LAST NAME FIRST NAME CLASS IN 1942 Archer Genevieve A. Freshman Banner Helen Mary Freshman Bardele Madele Freshman Bayliss Beverly Freshman Boemer Mary Lu Freshman Bonifas Joan Freshman Bonpenser Rosemary Freshman Brah Kathleen Freshman Brazda Shirley Freshman Burke Mary Lu Freshman Burns Mary Frances Freshman Cafmeyer Kathlyn Freshman Caldwell Sally Freshman Campbell Mary Agnes Freshman Cerletty Sally Lu Freshman Coffey Mary Ellen Freshman Deniger Patricia Freshman Diest Mary Freshman Dineen Esther Freshman Dixon Margaret Mary Freshman Donahue Doris Freshman Dooley Patricia Freshman Eldridge Margaret Freshman Fahey Joan Freshman Falge Carol Freshman Farrell Frances Freshman Fernhout Rosemary Freshman Fitzgibbon Jane Freshman Forrestal Elizabeth Freshman Giblin Ruth Freshman Gleason Betty Freshman Godsell Pat Freshman Graser Audrey Freshman Grieb Pat Freshman Haig Pat Freshman Harper Joyce Freshman Hartzheim Joyce Freshman Heinen Marie Freshman Heyer Marion Freshman Holtman Patsy Freshman Howard Mary Helen Freshman Jelacic Teresa Freshman Jonas Genevieve Freshman Kersky Ellen Mae Freshman Kiefer Jeanette Freshman Klein Pat Freshman Knauf Betty Ann Freshman Konopik Loretta Freshman Konopik Mary Ann Freshman Kraus Terry Freshman Kuehl Lois Ann Freshman Landgraf Nancy Freshman Lang Joyce Freshman Laskoski Audrey Freshman Lauer Mary Ellen Freshman Lauer Patti Freshman Lawler Pat Freshman Lynch Dorothy Freshman Madden Elaine Freshman Maher Bridie Freshman Mahoney Rachel Freshman Makens Pat Freshman Malinse Betty Freshman Marinelle June Freshman Matthias Geraldyne Freshman Mazanec Rosemary Freshman McBride Pat Freshman McCarthy Mary Freshman McCormick Jacqueline Freshman McEniry Ann Freshman Meehan Catherine Freshman Merten Florence Freshman Minik Betty Freshman Moriarty Helen Freshman Mulligan Barbara Freshman Murphy Frances Freshman Noonan Kathleen Freshman Norton Pat Freshman Ott Betty Ann Freshman Palmer Patricia Freshman Peacock Mary Lou Freshman Piotrowski Catherine Freshman Polacheck Shirley Freshman Porth Jean Freshman Quirk Catherine Mary Freshman Ramstack Dorothy Freshman Rauch Marion Freshman Regan Mary Ellen Freshman Riopelle Rhodine Freshman Rogalska Carol Freshman Scalabrino Anne Freshman Schaefer Annette Freshman Scharl Dolores Freshman Schmidt Margaret Ann Freshman Schmidt Marie Freshman Schmidt Marilyn Freshman Schneider Margaret Freshman Schoetz Rose Marie Freshman Schroeder Shirley Freshman Schultz Geraldine Freshman Seng Mary Freshman Smith June Freshman St. Amand Rosemary Freshman Stamm Mary Pat Freshman Strain Kathleen Freshman Sullivan Patty Freshman Tausend Catherine Freshman Tegge Audrey Freshman Trilling Rita Freshman Van Ess Janet Freshman Van Eweyk Nancy Freshman Wagner Rae Freshman Wearing Theresa Freshman Wilson Phyllis Freshman Witt Betty Freshman Woelfel Corinne Freshman Woelfel Virginia Freshman Zauner Agnes Freshman Zimmerman Janet Freshman Adams Joanne Sophomore Ahlhauser Virginia Sophomore Amelunxen Carolyn Sophomore Backes Mary Sophomore Bangert Lois Sophomore Bannon Barbara Sophomore Barry Maribeth Sophomore Bartelt Virginia Sophomore Bartos Lois Sophomore Bernard Patricia Sophomore Bruckwick Delphine Sophomore Callahan Mary Sophomore Carey Mary June Sophomore Case La Verne Sophomore Christiansen Juanita Sophomore Cohan Patty Sophomore Condon Joyce Sophomore Conley Patty Sophomore D'Amore Lucille Sophomore Dau Betty Jane Sophomore Dooley Mary Elizabeth Sophomore Dorr Mary Louise Sophomore Dretzka Audrey Sophomore Egan Jeanette Sophomore Ethier Virginia Sophomore Fetherston Gloria Sophomore Finnegan Olive Sophomore Flanagan Kathleen Sophomore Fleming Mary Jane Sophomore Fons Patricia Sophomore Frodel Mary Sophomore Gaffney Patricia Sophomore Gearhard Marie Sophomore Gebhardt Patricia Sophomore George Shirley Sophomore Gerritsen Audrey Sophomore Graeszel Gloria Sophomore Grogan Eleanor Sophomore Hadler Patricia Sophomore Halaska Mary Ann Sophomore Hamerski Ursula Sophomore Harrington Mary Sophomore Hayes Genevieve Sophomore Hayes Rosemary Sophomore Hoeller Mary Ann Sophomore Hoff Marion Sophomore Horky Ann Sophomore Horvath Rosemarie Sophomore Hyland Kathryn Sophomore Jaekels Joyce Sophomore Kappenman Phyllis Sophomore Kawatzky Rayetta Sophomore Kellner Betty Sophomore Kenney Mary Sophomore Knoernschild Joan Sophomore Korpnick Marion Sophomore Krill Rosemary Sophomore Kuehnl Joan Sophomore Kuhn Janet Sophomore Landgraf Joan Sophomore Langhoff Mary Ann Sophomore Lederle Margaret Mary Sophomore Lee Barbara Sophomore Mackinson Elaine Sophomore Maier Betty Sophomore Mallien Mary Betty Sophomore Mallon Dorothy Sophomore Mallon Jean Sophomore McCormack Elizabeth Sophomore McCormick Mary Margaret Sophomore McCormick Nancy Sophomore Mills Helen Sophomore Mogilka Ruth Jean Sophomore Moore Arline Sophomore Moran Patty Sophomore Murphy Kathleen Sophomore Nowak Jane Sophomore Orth Dolores Sophomore Ottaway Carol Sophomore Packard Virginia Sophomore Peters Mary Lou Sophomore Plant Barbara Sophomore Quinn Antoinette Sophomore Rahn Marjorie Sophomore Rauch Helen Sophomore Richardson Joyce Sophomore Ripple Evelyn Sophomore Roarke Mary Jeanne Sophomore Roettgers Dolores Sophomore Rohan Joan Sophomore Rubner Irene Sophomore Sampon Beatrice Sophomore Santner Elaine Sophomore Sayers Patricia Sophomore Schiffler Marie Sophomore Schmitt Mechtildis Sophomore Schulz Margaret Sophomore Seng Winifred Sophomore Shaughnessy Catherine Sophomore Shebel Helen Sophomore Sherman Joyce Sophomore Sherwin Phyllis Sophomore Smith Mary Catherine Sophomore Smith Ruth Sophomore Sonnenberg Anita Sophomore Stark Jeannie Sophomore Strain Lois Sophomore Sullivan Marguerite Sophomore Traudt Mary Lou Sophomore Trecker Lois Sophomore Twinem Grace Sophomore Van Wie Georgeanne Sophomore Wilson Mary Pat Sophomore Wittemann Janet Sophomore Zamka Dolores Sophomore Ziegler Jeanette Sophomore Bandl Marie Junior Bates Elaine Junior Batzler June Junior Bernard Jacqueline Junior Bernhard Lois Junior Besch Ethel Junior Bobrowitz Anna Junior Bolger Gerry Junior Boyle Evelyn Junior Brand Alvina Junior Brandt Marilyn Junior Braun Maxine Junior Breary Helen Junior Burke Zona Junior Burns Mary Louise Junior Callen Margaret Ann Junior Cerletty Jean Junior Cianciolo Josephine Junior Claude Jaenne Junior Collins Eleanor Junior Conley Rita Junior Daly Eileen Junior DeMeyer Lois Junior Deutsch Carol Junior Dittmer Delores Junior Dretzka Lenore Junior Else Lucille Junior Esser Marie Junior Fahey Kathleen Junior Fehring Joan Junior Fenske Mary Junior Floryan Ruth Junior Flynn Denise Junior Francione Terese Ann Junior Frangesch Caroline Junior Gago Emily Junior Genrich Jeanne Junior Goeble Lucille Junior Golday Jane Junior Goll Mary Doris Junior Griffith Marianna Junior Gruesser Virginia Junior Haertel Marilyn Junior Haertlein Dorothy Junior Hahn Betty Junior Hanley Peggy Junior Hargraves Patricia Junior Hawthorne June Junior Hessburg Florence Junior Hintze Margaret Junior Hoehnen Joan Junior Jansen Eunice Junior Jermain Elizabeth Junior Kane Martha Junior Katarski Irene Junior Kawatzky Mary Catherine Junior Kegel Rosemary Junior Kirsch Martha Junior Klinka Marion Junior Klotz Jackie Junior Knoernschild Mary Jane Junior Lang Mary Junior Lederle Mary Elizabeth Junior Lutzenberger Melva Junior Marchese Mary Jane Junior McDonald Ann Junior Meyers Carol Junior Mich Carla Junior Mueller Ruth Junior Muenzer Catherine Junior Mullaney Joan Junior Mullins Gerrie Junior Nentz Marion Junior Noble Pat Junior O'Brien Betty Junior O'Brien Edith Junior O'Brien Helen Junior O'Brien Mary Junior O'Donnell Mary Pat Junior Peters Jane Junior Phillips Virginia Junior Ploetz June Junior Porth Ruth Jean Junior Reichert Betty Wynn Junior Rice Margaret Junior Riley Betty Junior Robek Betty Junior Rosar Janet Junior Roughen Jean Junior Sanders Lorraine Junior Scanlon Sara Junior Schaefer Jean Junior Schaff Betty Lou Junior Schewe Peggy Junior Schmitz Marianne Junior Schroeder Jean Junior Schwinn Geraldine Junior Scott Marion Junior Sommers Genevieve Junior Stanton Rosemary Junior Stark Ferol Junior Stell Catherine Junior Stoltz Geraldine Junior Strodel Nancy Junior Sweeney Mary Catherine Junior Tegge Haroldine Junior Trilling Gloria Junior Trost Dorothy Junior Tureck Mary Junior Wagner Dorothy Junior Werschnak Anna Junior Wick Pauline Junior Ziegler Jean Junior Abler Eileen Senior Adams Helen Senior Anheuser Marion Senior Ball Marilyn Senior Benvenuto Rose Senior Berhammer Dorothy Senior Biller Marie Senior Botsch Mary Jane Senior Brunner Betty Jane Senior Busack Shirley Senior Cafmeyer Shirley Senior Caldwell Helen Senior Carey Alice Pat Senior Christiansen Jean Senior Cianciolo Helen Senior Coffey Virginia Senior Condran Joan Senior Corcoran Dolores Senior Craite Joanne Senior Cusack Peggy Senior Dalton Carol Senior De Vroy Manette Senior Derfus Ruth Senior Dieckelman Patty Senior Diest Evelyn Senior Dorr Barbara Senior Dotson Cleo Senior Doucette Joan Senior Duffy Gloria Senior Dursch Mary Katherine Senior Dutton Jane Senior Esser Eunice Senior Fallon Pat Senior Farrell Jeanne Senior Flynn Margaret Senior Francione Betty Senior Frazier Margaret Senior Fromuth Evelyn Senior Gaffney Jayne Senior Gagliano Frances Senior Gallagher Shirley Senior Garvens Lucille Senior Geraghty Marjorie Senior Gesell Marilyn Senior Girmscheid Bette Anne Senior Gitto Mary Senior Goeben Audrey Senior Grogan Thomasine Senior Groh Betty Jane Senior Haas Georgia Senior Hammetter Arlyne Senior Hanke Carol Senior Hemmen Audrey Senior Herbert Gloria Senior Hoelzl Ruth Senior Hormuth Mary Senior Horn Germaine Senior Horn Isabelle Senior Hussey Margaret Senior Jaekels Janet Senior Jaekels Jean Senior Jennings Helen Senior Jonas Elizabeth Senior Jordan Joyce Senior Kafehl Beverly Senior Karnel Marie Senior Kearns Lois Senior Keil Kay Senior Kemnitzer Marion Senior King Mary Senior Kochanski Pat Senior Kornely Lois Senior Korpnick Lucille Senior Kosak Zita Senior Kowalsky Adeline Senior Kraemer Ruth Senior Kuehnl Alice Senior Lunz Corrine Senior Lunz Lois Senior Manion Jeanne Senior McCarthy Marie Senior McGinn Mary Senior McKillip Marjorie Senior Metzger Joan Senior Miller Charlene Senior Molthen Antoinette Senior Moore Virginia Senior Muelhaus Rhea Senior Murphy Frances E. Senior Murphy Frances J. Senior Murphy Mary Senior Murray Rosetta Senior Naulin Audree Senior Netzhammer Shirley Senior Nix Audrey Senior Noll Jean Senior Olsen Audrey Senior Pacini Rose Senior Parrott Peggy Senior Pehowski Marion Senior Piepenhagen Pat Senior Powers Loretta Senior Reed Virginia Senior Reichard Betty Lou Senior Reichard Mary Ann Senior Reifenrath Jeanne Senior Riedel Peggy Senior Roblee Janet Senior Roeglin Jean Senior Rohan Ellen Senior Ryan Genevieve Senior Schaeffler Grace Senior Schewe Helen Senior Schilter June Senior Schimmel Jeanne Senior Schmitz Cecilia Senior Schunk Dolores Senior Serio Pattie Senior Sonnen Gerry Senior St. Amand Harriet Senior Steinhagen Jean Senior Stell Jeanne Senior Surges Lois Senior Tremple Dolores Senior Ulwelling Flora Senior Weber Audrey Senior Weber Joan Senior Wenzel La Verne Senior White Dorothy Senior Wigger Ottilia Senior Woeste Jo Anne Senior Yost Ethel Senior Zauner Mary Ann Senior Zimney Genevieve Senior Zimprich Margaret Senior