PORTLAND (CANNON VALLEY) LUTHERAN CEMETERY - Transcribed by Ralph Hendersin These cemetery records, complete with a map will be archived at the Monroe County Local History Room and are maintained at the Monroe County Local History Museum and Research Room. In regards to the maps, Ralph has the cemetery location prominently marked on each map. Inquiries on these records should be directed to at the Monroe County Local History Room. Further information on the Monroe County Local History Room can be found at: http://www.rootsweb.com/~wimonroe/MCLHMaRR/ NOTE: These surnames have been read from the stones. If you surname is not here, it does not automatically mean they are NOT buried here, only that there is no headstone. This cemetery was restored by Janet and Ralph the summer 2003 and has a step by step restoration procedure pamphlet to demonstrate how these procedures can be accomplished by anyone, thus encouraging more individuals to participate. LOCATION: 7991 Manna Avenue Township of Portland, NENE Section 10, GPS N43 - 47.706' W 90 - 50 - 109' Larson, Halvor d 17 Aug 1864 age 46 y Larson, Inga d 6 sept 1886 age 66 y Larson, George d 20 Dec 1865 age 19 y Larson, Edward d 8 Oct 1872 age 18 y Nelson, Frederick P. 1906-1906 Oleson, Goodman d 1866 age 15 y Casper, Peter Olaf (no stone, date and age unknown) Casper, Olaf Peter (no stone, date and age unknown) Two Casper boys were twin sons of Casper and Oline Christopherson. This information furnished by the boy’s niece, Alta (Linnehan) Cooley. Alta’s mother was the boy’s sister, Tillie (Casper) Linnehan. Cannon Valley folklore suggests that a 41 year old man, a 41 year old woman, and a Cannon Valley school teacher, (ages, names, and dates uknown) were also buried in this cemetery. (We have been unable to verify this information through any official documentation at this time.) The existing stones were read, cleaned, repaired, and the cemetery restored by Janet and Ralph Hendersin, summer 2003. ADDED: March, 2004 Ole Olson Damkaasen May 29, 1866 age 51 (no stone) Kari Olsdatter Damkaasen April 22, 1868 age 7 (no stone) Walter Kelly (a lifelong resident of Cannon Valley) in a recent interview, remembered being told by Levoid Larson (another lifelong resident of Cannon Valley), this was the first Norwegian Lutheran cemetery for the Portland congregation. The Portland Lutheran church as we now know it was built in 1874. (Maleda Larson). These two burials are confirmed in a letter written by Gerhard Naeseth, a noted Norwegian Genealogist,(Vesterheim) to Mabel Kyle February 23, 1982. +++++ TIMELINE OF OWNERSHIP HISTORY, NE/NE SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 15N 4W 1858----U.S. Government to: Palmer Austin 1856----Palmer Austin to: Henry Link 1859----Henry Link to: Halvor Larson 1864----Halvor Larson est. to: Inga Larson (assumed) 1886----Inga Larson est. to: John Larson (assumed) 1877----John Larson to: Paul Peterson 1928----Paul Peterson est. to: Pauline Peterson 1934----Pauline Peterson est. to: Cinda (Peterson) Ripley, Hulda (Peterson) Nelson, Edward Peterson, Elmer Peterson 1934----Cinda Ripley, Hulda Davis, Edward Peterson to: Elmer Peterson 1954----Elmer Peterson est. to: Homme Children's Home Wittenberg, WI. 1961----Lutheran Church of Minnesota to: Martin Leum 1970----Martin Leum to: Gary Weber (c) 2002 - 2004 All Rights Reserved - Ralph Hendersin ============================================================================ USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, or the legal representative of the contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Ralph Hendersin ============================================================================