27TH WISCONSIN INFANTRY - CO. A, C, E, H & I Pierce County, Wisconsin ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, or the legal representative of the contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ==================================================================== Submitted by Debbie Barrett June 10, 2001 mrsgrinnin@home.com Company Name Residence Date Remarks Co. A: Dolanski, Frank Pierce 25 Mar 1864 Wnd Apr. 8, 1865, Spanish Fort; M.O. May 31, 1865 Plinke, Conrad Pierce 21 Aug 1862 Wnd Apr. 30, 1864, Jenkins Ferry; died Oct. 16, 1864, Hosp. Boat "D.A. January", disease Rooney, Patrick J. Pierce 21 Aug 1862 Corp.; disch. July 20, 186?, disability Co. C: Dunn, Duncan Trenton 17 Oct 1864 Disch. July 28, 1865, disability Tibbitts, Lemuel Trenton 17 Oct 1864 M.O. Aug. 29, 1865 Co. E: McCarty, George W. Trenton 19 Aug 1862 Trans to Co. I, Jan. 1, 1863 Wilson, Henry M. Trenton 21 Aug 1862 Trans to Co. I, Jan. 1, 1863 Co. H: A??ahamson, Knud Perry 15 Aug 1862 Died Aug. 21, 1864, Little Rock, AR, disease Esse, Johannes A. Perry 18 Aug 1862 M.O. Aug. 29, 1865 Grovum, Ole Nelson Perry 18 Aug 1862 Died Sept. 4, 1863, Duvall's Bluff, AR, disease Gunderson, Knud Perry 18 Aug 1862 Died Sept. 15, 1863, Helena, AR, disease Guttormsen, Tellef Perry 20 Aug 1862 Died Jan. 18, 1864, Little Rock, AR, disease Isaacson, John Perry 15 Aug 1862 Sergt., 1st Sergt.; 2nd Lieut., Sept. 25, 1864, not mustered; M.O. Aug. 29, 1865 Jorgensen, Nels Perry 15 Aug 1862 M.O. Aug. 29, 1865 Lee, Egbert E. Perry 15 Aug 1862 Corp.; M.O. Aug. 29, 1865 Lintved, Ole Nelson Perry 15 Aug 1862 Died Sept. 16, 1863, Memphis, TN, disease Nordboe, Jacob Jacobsen Perry 15 Aug 1862 Corp.; died Aug. 16, 1863, Helena, AR, disease Poulsen, Jacob Perry 15 Aug 1862 Died Oct. 18, 1863, Little Rock, AR, disease Rinde, Ole Halvorsen Perry 15 Aug 1862 Corp.; M.O. Aug. 29, 1865 Stenson, Henry Perry 15 Aug 1862 Died July 25, 1864, Belleville, WI, disease Stenerson, Ole Perry 15 Aug 1862 Died Sept. 10, 1863, Paducah, KY, disease Volguerson, Christian Perry 15 Aug 1862 Trans to V.R.C., Mar. 15, 1864 Co. I: McCarty, George W. Trenton 19 Aug 1862 From Co. E; trans to V.R.C., Mar. 15, 1864; M.O. Jun 17, 1865 Wilson, Henry M. Trenton 21 Aug 1862 From co. E; M.O. Sept. 21, 1865