PIERCE COUNTY IN THE WORLD WAR Pierce County, Wisconsin Published September 1919 by the Red Wing Printing Company Red Wing, Minnesota (Photos can be found at www.rootsweb.com/~wipierce/wwi.htm) ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, or the legal representative of the contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ==================================================================== Page 129 BAY CITY BROWN, Adam C. Joined the colors Sept. 10, 1918. Served with the S.A.T.C. at the University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. Photo not available. BRYNELDSON, Edward Joined the colors Nov. 4, 1917 at Great Falls, Mont. Trained at Camp Lewis, Wash., Kelley Field, Texas, and at Gerstner Field, La. Was with the aviation section, 178th Aero Squadron. Promoted to sergeant. Photo not available. CONVOY, Thomas M. Joined the colors Oct. 23, 1918. Served with the 9th Remount Dept. at Camp Shelby, Miss. No photo available. ENGHUSEN, George Served overseas as a sergeant in the 3rd Pioneer Inf. Took part in the Meuse- Argonne drive. Photo not available. ENGHUSEN, Ralph C. Joined the colors Aug. 13, 1918. Trained at Waco, Texas, with Co. E, 329th Inf., 83rd Div. Photo not available. ENGHUSEN, Ray W. Joined the colors Nov. 3, 1917. Served with Battery E, 58th C.A.C., at Ft. Howard, Md. Went overseas May 22, 1918, serving in the Toul Sector from Oct. 25th to Nov. 11, 1918. Photo not available. LYNNER, Arthur Joined the colors July 23, 1918, at Ellsworth, Wis. After a period of training at Camp Grant, Ill., he went overseas with Co. F, 105th Inf., 27th Div. Photo not available. SCHEIDE, Lawrence Joined the colors June 25, 1917, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Transferred to Ambulance Co., No. 37, M.O.T.C., at Ft. Riley, Kansas. Promoted to corporal and later to sergeant. Died Dec. 15, 1917, at Ft. Riley, Ka. SHOGREN, Gustav Joined the colors July 23, 1918, at Ellsworth, Wis. Trained at Camp Grant, Ill. Sailed for France Sept. 9, 1918, with Co. C, 148th Inf., 37th Div. Fought in the Pannes, Ypres, and Lys offensives. Photo not available. WHIPPLE, George Joined the colors July 23, 1918, at Ellsworth, Wis. Trained at Camp Grant, Ill., with the 161st Depot Brig. Went overseas in Sept., 1918. Photo not available. WHIPPLE, John Joined the colors July 16, 1918, at Ellsworth, Wis. Trained at Camp Hancock, Ga., with the 1st Co., 1st Group, Machine Gun Training Center, as private 1st class. Photo not available. BELDENVILLE HUSFLOEN, Perley E. Joined the colors July 23, 1918, at Ellsworth, Wis. Trained at Camp Grant, Ill., after which he went overseas Sept. 9, 1918, with Co. E, 342nd Inf., 86th Div. Later with 55th Inf. Co., 7th Div. In Argonne drive. Photo not available. JAHR, Edwin Joined the colors July 23, 1918, at Ellsworth, Wis. Assigned to Co. 31, 161st Depot Brigade at Camp Grant, Ill. Went overseas Sept. 9, 1918, with Co. I, 342nd Inf., 86th Div. Killed in action. For photo see "The Honored Dead" in another part of this book. JOHNSON, Emil Joined the colors Sept. 19, 1917, at Ellsworth, Wis. Served at Camp Grant, Ill., with Co. D, 341st Inf. Later with Co. H, 56th Inf. Died of wounds. For photo see "The Honored Dead". LARSON, Oscar M. Joined the colors Sept. 22, 1917, at Sisseton, So. Dak. Trained at Camp Funston, Kansas. Went overseas in June, 1918, with the 147th Inf., 37th Div. Fought in the St. Mihiel Sector. Wounded Sept. 7, 1918, at Limy, France. SANGSLAND, Arthur Joined the colors Aug. 14, 1918, at Ellsworth, Wis. Attended the Sweeney Auto School at Indianapolis, Ind. Photo not available. SHERN, Adolph G. Joined the colors July 16, 1918. Served with Co. F, 305th Engineers, at Camp Hancock, Ga. Participated in the Argonne offensive. Photo not available. DIAMOND BLUFF BENSON, Harry Joined the colors July 23, 1918, at Ellsworth, Wis. Trained at Camp Grant, Ill. Went overseas Oct. 7, 1918, with Co. B, 118th Engineers. Photo not available. GARTLAND, Hugh Francis Served as first lieutenant in the Sanitary Corps in France. Enlisted at Philadelphia, Pa., as a private in U.S. Base Hospital No. 38. MCKEEN, Ralph L. Joined the colors July 23, 1918, at Ellsworth, Wis. Trained with the 31st Co., 161st Depot Brigade, at Camp Grant, Ill. Page 130 NASH, Wm Joined the colors Sept. 19, 1917, at Ellsworth, Wis., being assigned to Co. D, 341st Inf., at Camp Grant, Ill. Overseas with Co. E, 13th Engineers. In battles of Verdun, St. Mihiel, and the Meuse-Argonne. Photo not available. NELSON, Arthur Joined the colors Aug. 2, 1918, at Ellsworth, Wis. Served at Camp Taylor, Kentucky, with Hq. Co., 5th Battalion, 2nd Reg. F.A. ELLSWORTH ANDERSON, Bernard T. Joined the colors July 23, 1918, at Ellsworth, Wis. Discharged for physical disability July 26, 1918. BOLES, David W. Joined the colors at River Falls, Wis., Oct. 1, 1918. Trained with the S.A.T.C. GOODIER, Wm. J. Joined the colors at Ellsworth, Wis., April 29, 1918. Trained at Camp Grant, Ill., and Camp Robinson, Wis. Overseas on Sept. 17th with Batt. E, 331st Field Artillery, 86th Div. No photo available. JOHNSON, Edward V. Joined the colors Aug. 2, 1918, at Ellsworth, Wis. Trained with an artillery unit at Camp Taylor, Ky. No photo. JOHNSON, Fred Joined the colors at Ellsworth, Wis., July 23, 1918. Went to Camp Grant, Ill., but was discharged because of physical disability July 26, 1918. No photo. KUSCHEL, Ertman M. Joined the colors at Madison, Wis., Oct. 15, 1918. Trained with Co. L, 3rd Battalion of S.A.T.C. No photo. MURPHY, Leslie Enlisted at Chicago, Ill., June 28, 1917. Sent to Jefferson Barracks, Mo.; trained at Fort Snelling, Minn., with co. G, 41st Inf. Stationed at Ft. Brady, Mich.; Camp Funston, Kans.; and at Leavenworth, Kans., with 2nd Guard Co. No photo. MYHER, John Herman Entered service at Ellsworth, Wis., Aug. 2, 1918. Trained at Camp Taylor, Ky., with an Artillery Unit. No photo. QUINN, Wm. E. Entered service at River Falls, Wis., Oct. 7, 1918, where he trained with the S.A.T.C. No photo. ELMWOOD AUSTIN, Almond G. Entered service at Ellsworth, Wis., June 24, 1918. Trained at Fort Riley, Kans., with Ambulance Co. No. 59. Also at Fort Sill, Okla. No photo. GAUVIN, John Enlisted at Harvey, N.D., July 7, 1917, in Co. H, 2nd N.D. Inf. Trained at Harvey, N.D.; Camp Greene, N.C. Overseas Dec. 12, 1917, with Co. C, 147th Machine Gun Battalion, 41st Div. Promoted to corporal, sergeant and 2nd lieutenant. HANSON, Oscar Entered service at Ellsworth, Wis., Aug. 14, 1918. Trained at Iowa City, Iowa, with Co. A, University Training Corps. Also served at Camp Jackson, S.C. with Batt. B, 59th F.A., 20th Div. No photo. JENKINS, Roy Joined colors at Ellsworth, Wis., Oct. 23, 1918. Trained at Camp Shelby, Miss., with 2nd Co., Inf. Replacement. No photo. TEETER, Claude L. Joined colors at Ellsworth, Wis., May 3, 1918. Trained at Camp Wadsworth, S.C., and went overseas July 5, 1918, with Co. I, 53rd Inf., 6th Div. Saw action on Alsace and Meuse-Argonne fronts. Promoted to corporal and sergeant. No photo. HAGER CITY DE JAGER, Carl Entered service at Ellsworth, Wis., Oct. 3, 1918. Trained at Camp Grant, Ill., with Co. D, 341st Inf. Overseas on Sept. 9, 1918, and served as cook with Hdq. Co., 341st Inf., 86th Div. No photo. ERICKSON, Emil Enlisted June 5, 1918, at Mare Island, Cal., with Marine Corps. Stationed at Guam and in the Philippine Islands. Promoted to corporal. No photo. RIGELMAN, Ben Joined colors at Ellsworth, Wis., Sept. 4, 1918. Trained at Camp Grant, Ill., later at Camp Hancock, Ga., with 2nd Co., 1st Group, Machine Gun Training Center. No photo. SKARMAN, David P. Joined colors at Ellsworth, Wis., Oct. 3, 1917. Trained at Camp Grant, Ill. Discharged for physical disability Nov. 3, 1917. MAIDEN ROCK COULSON, Edward Enlisted at Hudson, Wis., July 24, 1917, in Co. C, 3rd Wis. Nat. Guard. Trained at Camp Douglas, Wis., and at Waco, Texas. Overseas Feb. 18, 1918, with Co. C, 128th Inf., 32nd Div. Served on Alsace and Chateau Thierry fronts. Wounded Aug. 1, 1918, at Chateau Thierry - losing the fingers on his right hand. No photo. FREEMAN, George B. Joined colors at Ellsworth, Wis., July 23, 1918. Trained at Camp Grant, Ill., and at Fort Benj. Harrison, Ind. No photo. Page 131 JOHNSON, Ray Enlisted in the Marine Corps, June 10, 1918. Trained at Paris Island, S.C. Served with 71st Co., 7th Regt. at Santiago, Cuba. No photo. LEAVITT, Vern Joined colors May 3, 1918, at Ellsworth, Wis. Trained at Camp MacArthur, Texas, and overseas June 18, 1918, with Co. H, 34th Inf., 7th Div. Served on the Puvenelle Sector, St. Mihiel and at Verdun. No photo. LEAVITT, Wm. Entered service at Ellsworth, Wis., July 23, 1918. Went to Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Served at Camp Joe Johnstone, Fla., with Med. Training Co. No. 1. No photo. PLUM CITY BERGHOLTZ, Roy Entered service at Salt Lake City, Utah, May 16, 1918. Trained at Fort Douglas and at Camp Humphreys, Va. Overseas July 29, 1918, with Co. E, 28th Eng. In action on St. Mihiel. No photo. HELMUELLER, Lawrence Entered service at Ellsworth, Wis., Oct. 21, 1918. Trained at Camp Nichols, La., with 11th C.A.C. No photo. KREBSBACH, Christopher Joined colors at Ellsworth, Wis., Oct. 21, 1918. Trained at Camp Nichols, La., with Batt. B, 9th Trench Mortar Battalion. No photo. OLSON, Albin Joined colors at Wabasha, Minn., Sept. 18, 1917. Trained at Camp Dodge, Iowa, and Camp Cody, N.M. Overseas June 27, 1918, with Co. M, 30th Inf., 3rd Div. Saw action on 2nd Marne, St. Mihiel, and Argonne fronts. With Army of Occupation. No photo. OLSON, Alfred Joined colors at Ellsworth, Wis., Oct. 23, 1918. Trained at Camp Shelby, Miss., with 2nd Inf. Replacements. No photo. PRESCOTT BESKAV, John J. Joined the colors May 3, 1918, at Ellsworth, Wis. Served at Columbus Barracks, Ohio. Photo not available. COSTELLOE, Jack Died in action. See "The Honored Dead" in another part of this book. CUBITT, Lyle Joined the colors July 23, 1918, at Ellsworth, Wis. Trained at Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Sailed overseas Sept. 20, 1918. Transferred to Base Hospital No. 41 as private 1st class. Photo not available. CUBITT, Ray C. Joined the colors Dec. 6, 1917, at Seattle, Wash. Trained at Mare Island, Cal., and Quantico, Va., with the 6th Marines. Overseas in May. Took part in the battles of Belleau Woods, Chateau Thierry, and at Soissons, where he lost his right eye from a shell burst. Photo not available. MILLER, Edward Entered service at Ellsworth, Wis., July 23, 1918. Trained at Camp Grant, Ill., and Ft. Benj. Harrison, Ind. Overseas Oct. 22, 1918, with 116th Eng. No photo. MOYER, Sidney Louis Entered service at Ellsworth, Wis., Sept. 19, 1917. Trained at Camp Grant, Ill., with Co. D, 341st Inf. Overseas Sept. 9, 1918, with Co. I, 317th Inf., 86th Div. Action on Meuse-Argonne front. Promoted sergeant. No photo. MURRAY, Wm. D. Enlisted at Minneapolis, Minn., March 15, 1918, in Engineer Corps (Unassigned). Trained at Washington Barracks, D.C. Overseas May 9, 1918. Promoted to corporal. No photo. RUSSELL, Joseph R. Joined colors at Ellsworth, Wis., Aug. 2, 1918. Trained at Camp Taylor, Ky., with Batt. C, 2nd F.A. No photo. RUSSELL, Louis Entered service at Ellsworth, Wis., July 23, 1918. Trained at Camp Grant, Ill. Overseas Sept. 9, 1918. With Co. I, 56th Inf., at Praney Ridge, Peuvenille Sector. SCHMIDT, George L. Entered service at Ellsworth, Wis., Oct. 3, 1917. Trained at Camp Grant, Ill., and later stationed at Douglas, Arizona, with Co. A, 22nd Battalion, U.S. Guards. No photo. WEEKS, Wyman T. Enlisted at Minneapolis, Minn., March 1, 1918, in Co. C, 32nd Eng. Trained at Camp Grant, Ill. Overseas in June, 1918. Saw action in Argonne. As a result of a railway wreck on the Argonne he had a limb amputated Feb. 6, 1919. No photo. WEHRMAN, John Edmund Entered service at Ellsworth, Wis., July 23, 1918. Trained at Camp Grant, Ill., and Camp Robinson, Wis. Overseas Sept. 17, 1918, with Batt. B, 333rd Heavy Artillery. Promoted to wagoner. No photo. BETTERLY, Arthur Entered service at Ironwood, Mich., Oct. 19, 1918. Trained at Camp Eustis, Va., with 61st Battery, 16th Sector. No photo. CLOBES, Fred Joined colors at Ellsworth, Wis., June 3, 1918. Trained at Camp Grant, Ill., and Camp Lee, Va. Overseas Oct. 14, 1918, with Vet. Hosp. No. 14. No photo. Page 132 GENDRON, A.E. Enlisted in Medical Corps June 1, 1917. Commissioned 1st Lieut. Aug. 4, 1917. Called into service Oct. 1, 1917, at Ft. Benj. Harrison, Ind. After short period of training sent to Camp Hancock, Ga. In charge of tuberculosis work at Base Hospital. Promoted to captain Sept. 1, 1918. No photo. HALL, Clelle Joined colors at River Falls, Wis., Oct. 1, 1918, where he trained with the S.A.T.C. No photo. LARSON, Howard Enlisted at Hudson, Wis., Feb. 21, 1917, in Co. C, 3rd Wis. Nat. Guard. Trained at Camp Douglas, Wis., and Waco, Texas. Overseas Feb. 18, 1918, with Supply Co., 128th Inf., 32nd Div. In action at Alsace, Chateau Thierry, Soissons, and Meuse-Argonne. Promoted to wagoner. No photo. LARSON, Thomas D. Enlisted July 27, 1917, at Fort Lincoln, N.D., in Co. F, 1st N. Dak. Inf. Trained at Fort Lincoln and Camp Greene, N.C. Overseas Dec. 14, 1917 with Co. M., 26th Inf., 1st Div. In action on Toul sector, Montdidier, Noyon, Cantigny, Soissons, Saizarais sector, St. Mihiel, and Meuse-Argonne. With Army of Occupation. Promoted to mechanic, corporal, and sergeant. No photo. PETERSON, Ernest H. Joined colors at Ellsworth, Wis., Aug. 31, 1918. Trained at Indianapolis, Ind. Later at Camp Shelby, Miss., with 144th Eng. No photo. RIVER FALLS NEBEL, Oscar T. Enlisted at Madison, Wis., Nov. 28, 1917. Trained at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Later at Kelley Field, Texas, with 621st Aero Squadron and 326th Air Service Squadron. No photo. PETERSON, Alfred C. Entered service at Ellsworth, Wis., June 26, 1918. Trained at Columbus Barracks, Ohio, and later at Camp Hancock, Ga., with the 7th Co., Machine Gun Training Center. No photo. SMITH, Douglas Enlisted June 28, 1917, at Minneapolis, Minn. Trained at Jefferson Barracks, Mo.; Camp Robinson; Plattsburg, N.Y.; Camp Greene, N.C. Overseas May 10, 1918, with Hdq. Co. 16, F.A., 4th Div. Saw action on Aisne-Marne, St. Mihiel, and Argonne-Meuse. Promoted to corporal. With Army of Occupation. No photo. SMITH, Neal Enlisted June 7, 1918, at Minneapolis, Minn. Trained at Jefferson Barracks, Mo.; Lafayette, Ind.; Camp Coe, Pa. Overseas Oct. 27, 1918, with Co. B, 335th Battalion, Tank Corps. Promoted to corporal and sergeant. No photo. SYMES, Frank A. Entered service May 15, 1918. Trained at Gettysburg, Pa. Overseas Aug. 15, 1918. No photo. SYMES, Percy Entered service at Ellsworth, Wis., July 23, 1918. Trained at Camp Grant, Ill. Overseas in Sept. 1918. No photo. WIGER, Jonas Entered service at Ellsworth, Wis., July 16, 1918. Trained at Camp Hancock, Ga. No photo. WODICKA, August Enlisted with the Czecho Slovak forces at Chicago, Ill., March 6, 1918. Served with the French Army in their various war-supply depots. Mustered out at Cognac, France, August 21, 1918. No photo. ROCK ELM BROWN, Roy H. Enlisted at Glasgow, Mont. June 25, 1918. Trained at Camp Lewis, Wash., and Camp Kearney, Cal. Overseas Aug. 8, 1918, with Supply Co., 169th Inf., 40th Div. No photo. MERCER, Merton Entered service at Ellsworth, Wis., Oct. 23, 1918. Trained at Camp Shelby, Miss., wtih Motor Transport Corps No. 327. No photo. WELLS, Day Enlisted Aug. 6, 1918, at Ashland, Wis. Trained at Great Lakes, Ill., and Hampton Roads, Va. Served as fireman aboard U.S.S. Illinois. No photo. SPRING VALLEY AILPORT, John A. Joined colors at Ellsworth, Wis., July 23, 198. Trained at Camp Grant, Ill. Overseas Sept. 9, 1918, with Co. H, 56th Inf., 7th Div. Saw action on the Toul sector. With Army of Occupation. ANDERSON, Edwin Joined colors at Ellsworth, Wis., in Aug., 1918. Trained at Camp Taylor, Ky., with an artillery unit. No photo. BASHAW, Herman Entered service at Ellsworth, Wis., July 16, 1918. Trained at Columbus, Ohio; Camp Hancock, Ga.; and Camp Funston, Kans., with 4th Co., 1st Group Machine Gun Training Center. Later with Co. C, 30th Machine Gun Battalion. No photo. BJORNSTAD, Oscar Joined colors at Ellsworth, Wis., Oct. 23, 1918. Trained at Camp Shelby, Miss. No photo. GARFIELD, Frank Joined colors at Ellsworth, Wis., Oct. 3, 1917. Trained at Camp Grant, Ill., and Waco, Texas. Overseas March 4, 1918, with co. H, 162nd Inf., 41st Div., later with 704th Motor Transport Corps. Promoted to corporal and sergeant. No photo. Page 133 GARFIELD, James A. Enlisted at Camp Douglas, Wis., May 11, 1917, in Hdq. Co., 3rd Wis. Nat. Guard. Trained at Waco, Tex. Overseas Feb. 29, 1918, with Hdq. co., 128th Inf., 32nd Div. In action at Chateau Thierry, Aisne-Marne, Soissons and Argonne-Meuse. Promoted to corp. musician. No photo. HANSON, Alfred Joined colors at Ellsworth, Wis., Oct. 3, 1917. Trained at Camp Grant, Ill., and Waco, Texas. Overseas March 4, 1918. With Co. A, 127th Inf., 32nd Div., later with Co. E, 163rd Inf., 41st Div. HANSON, Freeman Joined colors at Ellsworth, Wis., July 23, 198. Went to Camp Grant, Ill., but was discharged for physical disability July 26, 1918. No photo. KUEHN, Elmer Joined colors at Ellsworth, Wis., April 29, 1918. Went to Camp Grant, Ill., but was discharged for physical disability May 15, 1918. No photo. LA GRANDER, Clair Enlisted at Eau Claire, Wis., April 9, 1918. Trained at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., and Ft. Wadsworth, N.Y. Overseas July 15, 1918, with Battery A, 70th C.A.C. Promoted to wagoner. No photo. LINNEBERG, Oscar Entered service at Ellsworth, Wis., Sept. 3, 1918. Trained at Camp Grant, Ill., later with Hospital Corps at Fort Sheridan, Ill. No photo. OLSON, Juel Joined colors Sept. 1, 1918, at Mason City, Iowa. Went to Fort Riley, Kans., but was discharged for physical disability Sept. 15, 1918. No photo. OLSON, Ole M. Joined colors at Madison, Wis., Oct. 15, 1918, where he trained with Co. L, S.A.T.C., U. of W. No photo. STARKEY, Edward Entered service at Ellsworth, Wis., Sept. 4, 1918. Trained at Camp Grant, Ill., with 2nd Co., Inf. Replacement Troops. Promoted to corporal and sergeant. THORSON, Arthur Joined colors at Ellsworth, Wis., Aug. 2, 1918. Trained at Camp Taylor, Ky., with Batt. C, 2nd F.A. No photo.