Obituary: Portage County, Wisconsin: Paul LUKASZEVIG Stevens Point Daily Journal April 11, 1899 Buried at Polonia Funeral of Paul Lukaszevig Held Monday Morning Paul Lukaszevig of Custer, who left her in October, 1897, for Phoenix, Arizona, for the benefit of his health, died near that place Sunday, March 19, aged 27 years. For some time previous to his death he had been engaged in driving a mail stage coach between Briggs, a small town, and Phoenix. His health had improved considerably since going out there and he wrote very encouraging letters home. Last January he had a fall in an accident and dislocated one of his hips. From this he never seemd to fully recover. Notice of his death was not received by his brothers at Custer until a week after the sad event took place. His brother George started immediately for that place and arrived home last Saturday night with the body. The funeral was held Monday monring from the Polish Catholic church at Polonia, Rev. Thos. Grenbowski officiating. Paul leaves a mother and several brothers and sisters in Stockton. The latter are Felix, George, Walter, Joseph, Michael, Anton and Mrs. Frank Bronk. He also has a sister, Sister Mary, in a New Orleans convent. His death is believed to have been the result of consumption. ************************************************************************ Submitted by Kathy Grace, 10 June 2004© All rights reserved. ************************************************************************