Racine County (Waterford) St Peter Lutheran Cemetery Tombstone Photos ************************************************ These photos were generously taken and contributed by Larry and Linda Kopet Please note that these generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/wi/cemetery/ ************************************************ The index page for these tombstone photos is located at: http://www.usgwarchives.net/wi/cemetery/racine-waterford-stpeterlutheran.html Angsten, Henry Angsten, Myrtle Bartsch, Margaret Beguhl, Frederick Beilfuss, Hilda Drury Beilfuss, John Henry Bensene, Grace Edith Besch, Bertha Bethmann, Mark Bouer, Mary Buchholtz, August and Caroline Buchholtz, Charles Buchholtz, Maria Buchholtz, Martin Buchholtz, Minnie Buchholtz, Reinhard Bullmore, Lena Malchine Buss, Ferdinand Buss, Henry Buss, Ida Buss, Regina Butke, Arthur C. and Lydia A. Butke, August C. Butke, Emma A. Clausen, Christ Clausen, Christine M. Clausen, Dorothy Clausen, Henry M. Clausen, John P. Clausen, Peter and Meta Clausen, Sophia Clausen, unclear male Curry, Arthur and Eleanor Davis, Wm. Dzbinski, Brenda Dzbinski, Joseph T. and Eva M. Flink, David Thomas Guhr, Ernst G. and family Guhr, George and family Guhr, Gottlieb Haas, Martin Habeckost, H. and Dorothea Habecost, Ida Habecost, Louis and Christina Hefenbruck, Minnie Heimke, Magdalena Hillger, Anna Hillger, Bertha Hillger, Emil Hillger, Paulina Hinchliffe, Amelia Hoffer, John A. Huckstorf, John Huckstorf, Linda Kalk, August E. and Elsie A. Kebbekus, Harvey J. and LeVerne A. Kerkes, George Kintich, Mildred O. Knurr, Edward and Christina Knurr, Fred Knurr, Gottfried Karl Knurr, Leonard Knurr, Louise Koebernick, August Koebernick, Bertha Koebernick, Herman F. Koebernick, Selma Koebernick, Valeria B.A. Koebernick, Wihelmine E. Koehn, Carl Koehn, Fred Koehn, M. Koehn, Mary Kohn, Ernst H. Kriplean, Sarah Kriplin, Louis and Loretta Kuzmic, Charles P. and Carol Ruth Laatsch, Frederick Laatsch, Mary Ladwig, Fred Ladwig, Maria Lehman, Charles W. and Henryetta Lehman, Martha H. and Riese, J. Louise Lossner, Rev. August W. and Anna E. Lossner, Roland Malchin, Otto and Christina Matezevich, Frank Sr. and Elizabeth Miller, Bertha C. Miller, Fred C. Miller, Fred Charles and Bertha Weltzien Nagy, Alex and Mary Neibauer, Fred and Elsie Neibauer, Melvin F. and Mabel H. Noll, Chester Noll, Emma Oldenburg, Dorethea Oldenburg, Frederick and Lena Oldenburg, Frederick H. Peper, Angela Petersen, Dora Petersen, Hans H. and Margaret Ramthun, Herbert and Goldie Redlen, Chas and Augusta Rosenau, August and Amelia Rosenau, Erich Saltzmann, Richard H. and Bertha M. Scale, leroy E. Schmidt, August Schmidt, Edward Schmidt, Frederick Schmidt, Louise Schmidt, Pauline Schrank, herbert and Florence Schrank, Herman and family Schrank, Jeffrey J. Schroeder, Herman Schulz, Dorothy Schwanke, Amanda A. Schwanke, Michael Schwanke, Min. Schwanke, Minnie Schwanke, William C. Sieger, Fred Sieger, Maria Smelser, Heather Lyn St. Peters Lutheran Cemetery Sign, Stallbaum, Heinrich Strueder, David Edward Swanson, Edwin Swanson, Floyd A. and Charlotte E. Vitkofsic, Ludwig and Minnie Kerkes Vorpagel, Lorna Weideman, Gustave and Lena Weltzein, Maria Elisabeth Weltzien, Henry C. Weltzien, Herman F. Wigger, Alfred Zache, Gottlieb S. and Otillia Zachow, Hanna Zerneke, Maria Zerneke, Rudolf Zinke, John H. Zinke, Otto L. and Gertrude L.