COUMBE CEMETERY, Richland County, Wisconsin just off of HWY 60 on Wanek Rd Richland County,Wi. Akright,Irena died Oct;18,1864,dau;of D.& E. Akright Jacob died Apr;8,1857,age 66 yrs Alderman,Bixby died July 23,1864,age 1 yr Louisa died Apr;14,1876,age 37 ys,10 dys Andrew,Charlott died Nov;19,1899,age 80 yrs,1 mo,13 dys Edward B. died June 3,1871 Robert died March 13,1880,age 64 yrs,2 mo Sarah Josephine died March 11,1855,age 1 yr,1 mo dau;of T.& C. Andrew Thomas died March 22,1880,age 57 yrs,11 mo,12 dys Appleby,Leonard died Apr;26,1880,age 11 mo,26 dys, son of A.W.& N.Appleby Atkinson,Andrew died Apr;27,1859 Mary Josephine died Jan;30,1878,age 20 yrs,4 mo,1 dy Barns,Owen died Aug;22,1865,son of Zach & Nancy Barns Bartels,Amos R. 1891---1975 Carrie A. 1900---1981 Elender B. 1866---1938 Elnore 1883---1964 Harry 1902---1935 Joseph C. 1851---1927 Bergum,Anna 1862---1923,wife of Andrew Bergum Blair,Hail I. died Apr;2,1865,age 11 mo,dau;of H.& N.J.Blair Blanchard,Manda J. May 9,1843--Nov;16,1903 Button,Thomas D. died May 25,1874 Carson,Jane died July 23,1851 Lott Oct;15,1790--Oct;21,1861,age 71 yrs,6 dys Margaret died July 10,1864,wife of Lot Chitwood,Harley A. 1911---1968 Gene 1940---1980 Virginia 1917---No death date Clark,Albert W. 1872---1937 Ed Dec;25,1832,Watertown N.Y.--Nov;3,1909 Mary E. March 27,1839--March 25,1900 Coumbe,Charlott H.R.(Miller)Jan;12,1868--May 5,1898 dau;of J.& S.Coumbe Christion died Jan;6,1869,age 86 yrs,8 mo,11 dys wife of Thomas Coumbe infant, 1905,dau;of W.R. & L.Coumbe John died May 2,1882,age 74 yrs,1 mo,8 dys native of Airenshire England Sarah A. Apr;10,1827--June 14,1905 Sarah S. July ,1858--Sep;22,1916 Thomas E. died Oct;25,1868,age 18 yrs,6 mo,21 dys son of John & Sarah A.Coumbe William G. Oct;13,1861--May 27,1951 Craige,Saddie May July 22,1883---Apr;29,1888 dau;of L.& M.Craige Craigo,George died Feb;22 1866,age 1 day,son of C.W.& M. infant, died Aug;23,1866,age 1 day,son of J.M.& R. Crandell,William died Sep;12,1863,age 25 yrs,5 mo,21 dys Dallas,Ida 1876---1940 Dewey,Andrew Oct;27,1828--Jan;9,1903 Dana D. 1857---1874 David May 5,1833--Aug;17,1926 Leonard died May 11,1881,age 79 yrs,15 dys Dieter,Christopher Jan;27,1827--Feb;15,1903 Gertrude May 31,1838--Oct;10,1921 Dillon,Elizabeth C. died March 4,1873,aged 50 yrs,6 mo,24 dys H.W. March 11,1811--(cant read the rest) Mary died July 8,1868,age 70 yrs,3 mo,7 dys ???? died Feb;20,1860,age 81 yrs,8 mo,5 dys Dunston,Joseph Oct;11,1815--1879 Elliott,John died Oct;10,1861 Mary Francis died Nov;9,1853,dau;of J.C.& M.F. Nancy Jane died July 9,1855,age 17 yrs,2 mo,15 dys dau;of T.& S. Elliott Sarah Apr;15,1800--June 8,1864 Thomas died Jan;23,1888,age 63 yrs,11 mo,24 dys Thomas Nov;4,1790--Sep;11,1863 --TWINS OF L.ELLIOTT-- Elliott,Clarence died 1874 C.W.L. died 1874 Finnell,Joseph G. died Dec;30,1869,age 30 yrs,8 mo,24 dys Sarah J. Died March 8,1858,wife of G.W.Finnell Frazier,Amy 1892---1955 ???? 1888---1949 Fritsch,Paul A. 1905---1975 Zereta 1911---no death date Godfrey,Clara J. 1880---1951 James A. 1873---1926 Lyman A. Dec;9,1914--Oct;10,1973,son of John Hail,William died Feb;23,1865,age 19 yrs,3 mo,9 dys Hayward,Goben L. Aug;5,1931--Sep;30,1976 Hurbert 1882---1935 Lauren 1883---1956 Margaret A. 1857---1890 Richard D. 1914---1982 William 1848---1913 Hicks,Nancy died 1879 Hubanks,John Aug;23,1844--May 23,1868--Co.8,11th Wis.Inf. Hughbanks,Cornelius died March 27,1864,age 2 weeks Jacobson,Einar 1903---1929 Bernard Oct;6,1925--Oct;27,1994,son of Jesse(Wanek) Jones,John S. died May 15,1861,age 2 yrs,4 mo,5 dys son of J.& J.Jones ???? died Aug;19,1864,age 1 yr,6 mo;dau;of F.& L.Jones Kendrick,Lizzie died Apr;13,1871,age 21 yrs,3 mo,22 dys King,Lyman May 23,1802,Mass.--Apr;26,1898,Bridgeport,Wi. age 95 yrs,11 mo,3 dys Sally died Dec;25,1857,wife of Lyman King Lacy,Herbert Edward Sep;11,1893--Sep;13,1960,WWII Norah 1867---1929 Leffler,Caroline died Sep;24,1859,age 23 yrs,8 mo,21 dys wife of Henry Leffler McKown,George M. died Jan;13,1877,age 18 yrs,9 mo,4 dys Gilbert B. Aug;1,1815--Apr;14,1895 Lucy A. Dec;24,1819--Nov;14,1892 Miller,Elizabeth F. June 3,1822--Apr;29,1900 Henry died Apr;7,1860,age 58 yrs,4 mo,2 dys Josephine 1878---1911,wife of H.E.Miller Margiet died Oct;10,1883,age 82 yrs,4 mo,9 dys R.M. Dec;25,1811--March 28,1903 Sarah C. May 29,1830--Nov;2,1859,wife of Rev.R.J. Right Morris,Emma July 6,1857--March 16,1899,dau;of M.& J. Henry A. Oct;28,1819,North Wales---Apr;29,1902 Jane Dec;15,1827,Ireland---Dec;8,1907 John S. 1860---1944 Minnie E. 1866---1879 Margeartea 1852---1860 Morrison,Reah Oct;13,1895--Jan;10,1896 Mortimer,Elizabeth Zelma (can't read dates) Jeff infant son of R.M.Mortimer (can't read dates) Packard,Leona E. died Apr;25,1865,dau;of B.& A.Packard Palmer,Caroline L. died July 1,1877,age 43 yrs,7 mo,wife of W.H. Lorenan E. died Sep;3,1879,age 60 yrs,5 mo,11 dys Susannah P. Jan;7,1794--Nov;2,1872,wife of Thomas Thomas died Aug;20,1862,age 64 yrs,10 mo,14 dys Pawell,John C. Dec;28,1860--Apr;5,1930 *~*A descendent of John and Zilpha Zelpha A. Nov;27,1858--May 28,1906 list the surname as Powell, not Pawell*~* Perrigo,Amanda died Oct;16,1858,age 9 mo,16 dys Charlotte died Oct;21,1865,age 8 days,dau;of D.C. & Mary Ann Mary Ann died Apr;12,1864,age 12 yrs,6 mo,17 dys, Dau;of D.C. & Mary Ann Perry,James T.jr--died Dec;20,1985,son of James SR Pilling,Olive L. wife of I.Pilling,(no dates) Porter,Sarah (Palmer) Dec;26,1864--Aug;12,1868 Powell,Annie died Feb;18,1859,age 62 yrs Asher T. died May 19,1899,age 25 yrs,4 mo,8 dys George died Aug;1,1867,age 47 yrs,1 mo George Lett died Feb;18,1881,age 20 yrs,3 mo,11 dys Joseph 1823---1901 Joseph Milton died March 27,1870,age 5 yrs,1 mo,11dy Rebecca J. 1832---1881 (may be the same as below) Rebecca Jane died Apr;2,1881,age 48 yrs,wife of Joseph Powers,C. May 22,1851--March 4,1895,age 43 yrs,9 mo,13 dys Emmitte D. died Oct;17,1874,age 24 yrs,2 mo,son of J.& H. Jason died March 23,1868,age 62 yrs Mary F. July 19,1853--Aug;17,1930 Merritt died Oct;18,1856,age 3 months Reuben died May 15,1858,age 5 mo,10 dys Reuben died March 25,1874,age 59 yrs,6 mo,26 dys ????son of R.& E. (no dates) Purscell,Amy S. Feb;7,1863--Jan;28,1935 Elma M. March 14,1888--Nov;9,1900 infant daughter of W.M.& Amy,Apr;23,1895 son of W.M. died Apr;10,1878,age 23 yrs,5 mo,22 dys William died Apr;5,1874,age 57 yrs,1 mo,5 dys William J. June 19,1851--June 30,1911 Raldell,Wilson died Sep;???,???(can't read stone) Richason,Jacob died May 19,1881 James died March 16,1894,age 48 yrs,9 mo,18 dys Levi died Aug;5,1879,age 29 yrs,2 mo,8 dys, son of Jacob & Mary Richason Lillie died Dec;16,1931,age 79 yrs,6 dys,wife of James Mary died Dec;24,1895,age 73 yrs Ritchie,Lida E. 1848---1919 William 1838---1919 Robinson,Christina 1887---1950 Edward D. 1876---1949 Emma May of 1870--Oct;of 1959 William D. 1912---1979 Satterlee,Elizabeth May 11,1820--June 1,1898 George Apr;2,1813--June 30,1898 Stetler,Lorie L. died Apr;24,1879 St.John,Mary F. died Sep;11,1860,age 4 yrs,5 mo,14 dys, dau;of T.W.& Martha St.John ???? died Sep;3,1860 Strong,Susan 1851---1914 Thorpe,child Oct;2,1890--Sep;11,1901 James A. Feb;3,1860--no death date Saloma Jan;20,1860--Apr;19,1919 Tisdale,Henry died Dec;23,1864,age 32 yrs James died Jan;16,1888,age 3 yrs,6 mo,11 dys Rhody died Nov;22,1870,age 60 yrs W.C. died June 9,1870,age 65 yrs William died May 26,1864,age 19 yrs Wallace,Thomas J. Feb;4,1894--Jan;6,1918 Wanek,Gertrude 1854---1943 Gus W. 1885---1916 Herman 1884---1955 Ivah M. 1885---no death date Jessie M. Nov;5,1904---March 14,1997,wife of Gus W. Gus W. died May 20,1960 John 1889---1891 Joseph J. 1855---1909 Josephine 1829---1913 Leland J. 1923---no death date William Henry Brown Oct;24,1921--Dec;20,1995,son of Herman & Ivah Wanek Werdelle,Henry Oct;1,1860--May 26,1901 Michael K. died Oct;30,1875,age 42 yrs,4 mo Wilcox,Aidilla Sep;16,1907---Jan;18,1920 George F. 1880---1963 Lettie M. 1888---1949 Whitcomb,Myron died March 23,1885,age 67 yrs,6 mo,23 dys infant son of A.L.& L.A.,died Oct;10,1868,age 15 dys infant dau;of C.C.& M.,died 1871 --DAUGHTERS OF WILLIAM & ELEANOR YOUNG-- Young,Elizabeth died Sep;29,1864,age 13 yrs Julia S. died Sep;19,1864 Lydia Jane died Sep;13,1864,age 16 yrs,8 mo,15 dys Margret S. died Sep;1,1864,age 4 yrs,10 mo,5 dys Rebbeca C. died Oct;7,1864 Sarah M. died Sep;18,1864 Violeta R. died Feb;27,1866,age 1 yr,1 mo,1 dy Zelpha L. died Sep;23,1864,age 2 yrs,10 mo,18 dys_ ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. 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