Richland County, WISCONSIN: 1850 Census Index Copyright 1986 by S-K Publications, This file was contributed for non-commercial, non-exclusive use in the USGenWeb Archives. ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ This file is a surname index to the original, handwritten records on the census microfilm. The handwritten census is also available in book form from S-K Publications Page numbers are stamped in upper right corners of the microfilmed pages. Every other page is unnumbered. The "A" page is always the numbered page, and the "B" page is the unnumbered page following it on the film (it was the backside of the paper that was microfilmed). ALEXANDER 202B ALLEN 202B ANDREW 211B ANDREWS 211B APPLEBY 202B ARMSTRONG 201A ASH 201B ASHBY 201B BAIRD 210B BANKS 205B-206A BARNES 203B-204A BENN 205A BOVEE 204A-204B-205A BOYD 205B BREMER 204A BRIGGS 207B BROWN 207B BURKLEY 202A BUSH 206A BUTTON 207B BYRD 202A-203A CAMPBELL 206A CARSON 202A CAVE 201B CHAFFEE 208B CHERRY 211A CLAYMAN 209A CLINE 207A COFFINBERRY 209A COLE 203B COLLINS 204B-205A CONNERY 201A COUMBE 201A CRISSMAN 206A CUMMINGS 207B DALBEY 207A-207B DARNELL 203A DART 203A DAUGHHETTEE 202B-210B DAWSONB 203A DAYLEY 208A DAYTON 202B-203A DECKER 209A DELMAN 207B DENTON 201B DERICKSON 206A DEVOE 205B DUNLAP 203A DUNSTAN 211A ELDER 211B ELLIOTT 210B ENOS 206A ERWIN 207B FIELDS 208A-208B FINNELL 201A-202B-211A FLECK 201A FORD 210B FOX 206B GILHAM 204A-204B GOUGH 209B GREENE 206B-209B GREGORY 202B GRISWOLD 207A HAMILTON 211A HANSEN 209A-211B HARTSHORN 204B-209A HASKAR 202B HASKINS 208B HAWKINS 205A HAYDEN 205B HAYER 202A HAZELTINE 205A HELD 209A HESSLER 205A HIETT 201B HIGHAM 202B HOLCOMB 208A HOPKINS 207A HOSKIN 205A HOUTS 203A HOWARD 210A HOWELL 203A HOYT 209A HUFF 210B HURD 205A HURST 207B INGALS 205B INGRUM 208A JANNEY 206B-207B JOHNSON 211B JONES 201A-201B-202A-204A-206A-211B JOSLIN 204A KENDER 202A-202B KILLION 211A KIMBROUGH 203A KINCANNON 201A-201B-211A KITCHEL 205A KITLEY 210B KUSHNER 203A LAUGHLIN 211B LAWS 209B LAY 210A LONG 208A LONSDALE 205B LORD 206B MAGILL 209B MAINWARING 209B MATTESON 207B MATTHEWS 203A-203B MAYFIELD 204A-204B McELLIOTT 210B-211A McINTYRE 208B McKEE 204A McKINNEY 201A-207B-210B-211A McLEOD 207B McMAHAN 206B McMANUS 204A McNELLY 202B-203B MEDEARIS 203A MERCER 208A MERRILL 207A MERRIMAN 202B MICHAEL 210B MIDKIFF 206A MILLER 202A-203A-210A-210B MORE 202B-210B MORGAN 201B MORRIS 207B-208A MORT 207A MOSHER 206B MUNSON 211B NEEFE 204A NEWBERRY 208B NEWTON 208B NICHOLLS 209A NICHOLS 205B NORTON 206A OLSON 211B PAGE 208B PALMER 201A-206B-208B PARISH 202B PARKER 202A-205A PEARSON 205A PEPINGER 210B PERIGO 211B PETTIT 206B POST 206A POWELL 203B PRICE 208B QUAIT 210B RAKER 205A REED 206B RENICK 204A RICHARDSON 211B RIPLEY 203A ROBINSON 203B-209A RUTAN 209A SALE 210A SAWYER 211A SCHURMANN 204B-205A SCOTT 203A SEGRIST 204B SEMAN 206B SEXTON 205B SHARP 209B-210A-210B SHERCLIFF 208B SHORE 211A SLATER 210B SLAUGHTER 203B-208B SMITH 203A-203B-204B-205B-207A SOMERS 210B STEEL 209A STEWART 205B SUTTON 202A THOMPSON 204A-204B-205B THORNTON 205B TRACY 208A VANORMAN 204B VANSICKLE 209A WALKER 202A-206A WALLACE 209A WALTON 208B WARD 209A WARRENN 205B WHEELER 208A WHELPLY 210A WHITCOMB 201B-202A WHITE 201A-201B-203A WILLIAMS 207A WILLIE 203B WOODBRIDGE 208B WOODWARD 207B WULFING 204B YOUNG 201B-202A