Obituary: Rock County, Wisconsin: Josephine CLINCH ************************************************************************ Submitted by Ruth Ann Montgomery, June 2005 © All rights reserved. ************************************************************************ Suddenly Passed Away Mrs. Josephine Clinch, wife of Fred Clinch, of this city, died on Monday afternoon, Oct. 3, 1898, aged about thirty years. An infant son preceded her but a few hours to the better land. All that loving hands could do, was done for her, but to no avail and the spirit took its flight. Mrs. Clinch belonged to the Episcopal church and was an ardent worker in the vineyard of her Master, always doing willingly and readily whatever her hands found to do. She leaves a husband and three children, the youngest about two years old, to mourn the loss of a kind, Christian and loving mother. Short Episcopal services were held at the home at 5:00 o'clock Wednesday morning. Mr. Clinch took all the earthly remains of his beloved wife to her former home, Clinche's Mills, New Brunswick, Canada, Wednesday for interment. Mrs. J. W. Calkins accompanying Mr. Clinch. The bereaved husband and family have the deepest sympathy of the entire community in this their terrible bereavement. October 6, 1898, Evansville Review, p. 1, Evansville, Wisconsin