Statewide County WI Archives Military Records.....Addendum And Errata Civilwar 3rd WI Light Artillery Battery ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher May 14, 2006, 4:12 pm Addendum And Errata ADDENDUM, Of interest to the comrades is the following contributed by Comrade E. M. Kanouse: Number of miles by tramp, tramp, tramp, from last of March, 1862, to Jan. 2, 1863, was 1,390—scouting raids not counted, this covers from Nashville to Savannah, Corinth, Columbia, Waynesboro, Pittsburg Landing, Tuscumbia, Iuka, Florence, Huntsville, Athens, Stevenson, Bridgeport, Battle Creek, Jasper, Dechard, Tullahoma, Murfreesboro, La Vergne, Nashville; again, Bowling Green, Cave City, Munofordsville, [sic] Elizabeth Town, West Point and Louisville, in four different states. Turning south at Louisville we passed through Perryville, Crab Orchard, Mt. Vernon, Bardstown, Danville, Scottsville, Somerset, Gallatin and Nashville, then to La Vergne and Murfreesboro, thence to Woodbury, Minnville, Jasper, Ringold, [sic] passing Chattanooga and Rossville to Chickamauga and to Chattanooga. Indirectness and individual marches by details on steamers, scouting and Atlantic campaign, with the march from Chattanooga to Murfreesboro and back in 1864. The first move made from Racine to Louisville and return to Madison would, if computed, we think, foot up in all to as many miles covered by any company in the service. It has been stated that fifty-two-men went into action on the guns on the 20th of Sept.; of these of the 26 lost were eight non-commissioned officers out of nine present. It is interesting to note that the survivors of the battery, almost entirely occupy respectable positions in society, the largest per cent are farmers, then manufacturers, merchants, judges, doctors, lawyers, mechanics, legislators, mayors, postmasters, town officers and business men complete the list. An association of survivors was organized in 1896, and reunions are held from time to time. Present officers of association are: J. W. Ostrander, Chicago, Ill., Pres.; 1st V. Pres., Ira E. Smith, Dartford, Wis.; 2d V. Pres., H. T. Hunt, Hortonville, Wis.; 3rd V. Pres., W. H. Williams, Meadow Valley, Wis.; Cyrus Weber, 4th V. Pres., Shesburne, Minn,; H. H. G. Bradt, Sec'y, Treas. and Historian. The 1st Tuesday in Sept., 1902, a reunion will be held at Dartford, Wis. ERRATA. Page 20, line 13—"or" instead of "on." Page 23, line 3—"To which we," not "all." Page 24, near bottom—"commodious" instead of "Commodore." Page38—"Daniel" instead of "David" Robin. Page 30, line 14-Penn. Bat., which is right on page 18, is now called 7th Penn. Bat. Page 56, 6th line from bottom—"Kenesaw" instead of "Hanesaw." Page 57, line 14-"1861" instead of "1869." Page 57. line 24—"considerably" instead of "principally. Page 57, line —25 "Lunette" instead of "Lunate," Pages 9 and 63—"J. W. Heilman" instead of "J. W. Hindman." Page 69, line 11—"contrary" instead of "controversy." ROSTER CHANGES. Dead—Zeph D. Hollenbeck, Wellington White. Present Residence—Geo. A. Borst, Faribault, Minn. Wm. W. Quimby, Craig, Mo. Additional Comments: Extracted from: History of the Services of the Third Battery Wisconsin Light Artillery In the Civil War of the United States, 1861 -65 Compiled from all sources possible, but principally from members themselves COURANT PRESS, BERLIN DEDICATORY This book is reverently and affectionately dedicated to the Memory of our dead and living Comrades, and to all patriotic relatives of the 3d Battery Wisconsin Light Artillery. PREFACE This book is not expected to cover all the service of the Battery, many facts at this date are lost which will detract from its comprehensiveness. We still have a mass of information in connection with the Battery which for sufficient reasons we cannot at present use. It is of a reminiscent character and very interesting and should be preserved in book form; likewise there should be added several other illustrations, notably one of the Tablet placed upon the ground of our last battle and destruction. I will most gratefully thank in the name of the Association, those who have responded so freely and generously to the request for information. Among the contributors of incidents and essential memoranda I will mention the names of Esau Beaumont, E. D. Case, Wm. Plackett, Harlan S. Howard, E. M. Kanouse, Alf. Lounsbury, Ed. Harroune, Lew D. Williams, E. G. Jackson, Ansel Hayes, Maj. W. J. Colburn, Ira E. Smith and others. H. H. G. BRADT, Secretary. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.1 Kb