Obituary: Winnebago County, Wisconsin: Jarrett ROBERTS ************************************************************************ Submitted by Kathy Grace, July 2004 © All rights reserved. ************************************************************************ Daily Northwestern August 11, 1891 Jarrett Robert's Death A Well Known Welsh Resident Dies quite Suddenly Jarrett Roberts died this morning at his home on Washington street. The funeral will be held on Friday at 10:30. A short service will be held at the residence after which the remains will be taken to the Soar church in the Welsh settlement for further services and burial. Mr. Roberts was about sixty-nine years old, was born in North Wales, and came to this country in 1850. He resided upon his farm in the town of Utica, a short distance east of Pickett's Station, until three years ago when he moved to this city and bought a residence upon Washington street. He was the father of six daughters and one son, of whom only two, Mrs. Charles Jones and Miss Mary Roberts, both of this city, are living. His wife, a sister of Mrs. R. T. Morgan, survives to mourn his loss. His sudden death was a great blow to Mrs. Roberts and daughters. His sickness was a malignant type of the grip and fever combined with bronchial catarrh. The bearers at the funeral will be Joel Morgan, Robert Lloyd, Evan Jones, Robert Roberts, David Evans and Harry Jones. The Rev. J. S. Lean and David Davies will conduct the service.