Obituary: Winnebago County, Wisconsin: Spencer SANDERS ************************************************************************ Submitted by Kathy Grace, 10 June 2004 © All rights reserved. ************************************************************************ Daily Northwestern February 16, 1889 Spencer Sanders died Friday morning about two o'clock at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Newell on Main street. The deceased was in his ninetieth year. Daily Northwestern February 22, 1889 Obituary Spencer Sanders was born April 13, 1799, in the state of Rhode Island, and died in Oshkosh, Wis., February 15, 1889. He was the second son of a family of ten children. His parents both lived to be ninety-two and his grandmother ninety-nine years of age. In early boyhood he moved with his parents to the state of Connecticut. In 1822 he married Lucky Fish of Voluntown, Conn. In 1828 he moved to Sullivan, Madison county, New York. Seven of his family of eight children survive him. Geo. S. Sanders, of Minnesota, E.W. Sanders, Oshkosh, Wis., A.T. Sanders, Fisk, Wis., Mrs. Denny, Summit, Wis., Mrs. Forbes, Kansas, Mrs. Newell and Miss Rilla Sanders, of Oshkosh. In 1835 he came to Genesee, Waukesha county, Wis. His first wife died in 1865. He subsequently married Miss Julia Anderson, of Summit, Wis. She died in 1884, since which time he has lived with his daughter in this city. He was actively engaged in farming until eighty-four years of age. He was for sixty years a member of the Methodist church. A man of excellent Christian character and sterling worth. After a long and useful life he has entered into rest. He leaves behind me as a heritage to his family and friends, the record of a noble life.