Hampshire County, West Virginia - Will of Andrew PANCAKE - 1786 ********************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** The records for this work have been submitted by Lowell Pankake, E-mail address: , June, 1998. ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** WILL OF ANDREW PANCAKE Hampshire County, West Virginia Will Book 2, pages 318-321. Dated October 23, 1786. Presented to the Court on September 11, 1793. In the Name of God Amen this 23 day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty six I Andrew Pancake of Hardy County and State of Virginia husbandman being at presant weak in body but of sound Disposing mind and memory thanks be to god for his Goodness and mercyes Towards me and now considering the uncertainty of this Transitory Life and certainty of Death Do make and ordain this my Last will and Testament in mmaner and form following First of all I Recommend my soul Into the hands of Almighty God that Gave it and Commit by Body to the Earth from whence it came Decently to be buryed at the Discresion of my Excors herafter named And as for my worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased the Lord to bless my endeavors I give Dispose the same as followeth Impris - I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my Loving wife one black cow and one yearling heifer and one last spring calf that was called hers my wifes together with bed and furniture and one chest with all the linnen and linsey she has to make this winter for to clothe herself and children and the cost of weaving out of the Estate I give to my oldest son John the sum of five pounds Item, To Hannah my oldest daughter the sum of five pounds Item, and it is further my that Joseph Pancake shall have the plantation of ninty acres that I now dwell on and a mare called snip paying one hundred and twenty five pounds and he the said Joseph is to take the children that is under age and rais and provide for them suffitiente provtion and clothing and Education for them and they the said children Isaac & Mary & Abraham & George shall stay with him untill they are Eighteen years of age Item, and farther it is my will that unto my daughter Agnes I give a spotten heifer & a red heifer and a chest that was called her the said Agnes, Item, and to my son Isaac it is my will that he shall have on two year old mare sorrel colt that was called his the said Isaaces and that he shall give to his younger brother George the first mare colt she the said mare shall bring and it is my will that my son Isaac shall have two sheep and a sow and two pigs that was called his Item to my daughter Mary it is my will she shall have one two years old red heifer that used to be called hers Item and farther it my will Joseph Pankake shall give to my son Abraham a mare colt from the snip mare Item and farther it is my will that my beloved wife shall have one spinning wheel and one sheep and farther it is my will she my beloved wife shall have a house to dwell in while she remmains a widow and farther the child that she is with child with it is my will boy or girl shall have five pounds and ferther it is my will that my two daughters Mary & Agness shall have each of them one spinning wheel and farther it my will that Joseph Pankake shall provide provtion for my beloved wife while she contents herself to live with him and farther it is my will that after my Decaese that my Exectors shall make a publick sale of all my movable Estate and af my Debt and funeral charges is paid the Remainder shall be Equaly Devided share and share alike amongst an between by beloved wife and seven children that is John Hannah Joseph Agness & Isaac Mary Abraham & George and unborn if it Lives and farther more I do Nominate and appoint my oldest son John Pankake & my Next son Joseph Pankake Joint Execotrs of my Last will and Testament and give them full power to act and do in all my conserns as if were personaly presant myself revoking all all former will and Testaments by me made or given or Declared this alone to be my last will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the Day and year above written her / mark Elizabeth Pankake Andreas Pannenkuchen (Seal) Seal Sealed Signed published & Declared to be his Last will & Testament in the presence of the Subscribers his x mark John Sheppard Thomas Tallbott At a Court held for Hampshire County the 11th day of September 1793 This last will and Testament of Andrew Pancake deceased was this day proved by the oaths of John Shepherd and Thomas Talbott witnesses thereto and is ordered to be recorded and on the motion of John Pancake and Joseph Pancake the Executors therein named certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in due form they having taken the oath of executors and together with John Pancake Senr and John Rannells their Securities entered into is acknowledged a Bond in the penalty of one thousand pounds Conditioned as the Law directs Test And Wodrow CC