Rev. Andrew Wilczek Bio. Hancock County, WV ********************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ********************************************************************** Submitted by: Valerie Crook The History of West Virginia, Old and New Published 1923, The American Historical Society, Inc., Chicago and New York, Volume III, pg. 254-255 Hancock County REV. ANDREW WILCZEK. During the six years that Rev. Andrew Wilczek has been the pastor of Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Church at Weirton he has impressed the community with his disinterested work in the cause he serves, and has given evidence of the possession of qualities which must assuredly call forth general admiration, even from those who differ most sharply with him theologically and otherwise. His sincere piety, his intense moral earnest- ness, his uninterrupted industry, his unfailing kindliness and his spirit of tolerance have gone far to make him beloved by his flock and prosperous in the affairs of his parish, and have gained him the good will and assistance of those of other creeds, without which no priest considers that he has achieved the fullness of his mission. Father Wilczek was born in Poland, where he received his early education at the University of Cracow and a Military Academy and held the rank of sub-lieutenant in the army. Coming to the United States in 1910, he com- pleted his theological education and was ordained a priest of the Catholic Church at Detroit. His first services were at Norfolk, Virginia, where he built a church and spent two years, and at the end of that period came to Weirton. accepting the call to Sacred Heart of Mary parish. This parish was started at the beginning of the town of Weirton by Father Madert, the first congregation of thirty of forty families meeting for service in a small building on Avenue A. Father Madert remained one year and was succeeded by Father Przybysz, who continued for a like period, the next priest in charge being Father Lo Monacco, who re- mained only a few months. His successor was Father Pawlowski, who continued one year, and October 16, 1916, he was replaced by Father Andrew Wilczek, who has con- tinued to the present. One year following his arrival Father Andrew Wilczek had so straightened out the financial affairs of his parish that he was able to buy the present property on Avenue F and to build a combination building of church, school, hall, dining hall, kitchen, etc., at a cost of $100,000. On September 7, 1919, the corner stone was laid and the church was dedicated October 24, 1920. On both these occasions Father Wilczek entertained Bishop P. J. Donahue of the Diocese of Wheeling, who assisted at the above named ceremonies. Prominent men of Weirton were served at a banquet in the rectory. The neighboring clergymen, with their people, participated in both those events, and high compliment was paid the Pastor, Andrew Wilczek, by sev- eral of the speakers present for the wonderful growth and development of this congregation. In September, 1917, the school started, under the charge of two Franciscan Sisters, there being at that time eighty pupils in attendance. At this time there are 250 pupils and five teachers, and the high school graduation is on the same basis as that of the public schools. At the present time the Sacred Heart of Mary congregation includes some 220 families, or ap- proximately 1,000 souls. The parish maintains nine Polish societies, of which two own their own buildings, and these societies include in their objects dramatics, music and civics. About 120 of the parish own their own homes, their inclinations in this direction having been encouraged by Father Wilczek, who realizes what a great factor the home is in making for education, higher morals and better citizen- ship, for he himself became a citizen of the United States January 16, 1917. He is active throughout the Wheeling diocese, and acts not only as a spiritual guide to his people, but as their advisor on all matters pertaining to their wel- fare and as their sincere friend in all the situations of life.