FUNK CEMETERY - Baker, Hardy County, West Virginia Contributed by Suzanne W. Whitson ( March 21, 2005 ***************************************************************** This census was taken by Clifton and Lila Funkhouser on Sept. 17, 1979. They recorded many Hardy County cemeteries and generously wanted their work made available to the public; therefore, they gave a copy to the Hardy County Public Library. It is reproduced here with permission from the Library. ***************************************************************** FUNK CEMETERY Located on Pine Ridge, turn off between Baker and McCauley, go back to Jess Combs residence (in 1979) about one mile, then thru his barn lot follow an old road perhaps .4 mile thru an open field, then a wooded area, then coming out of a wooded area to a cleared field a road or path goes up a small hill a short way to this cemetery - wire fenced, good condition. Born Died Funk, Jacob 1862 1948 (Husband) Funk, Sophia 1855 1919 (Wife) Funk, Mahala 1895 1895 Funk, Eliza B. 1885 1885 Funk, John W. 1883 1885 Funk, Luellen 1881 1886 Funk, Erman 1914 1914 (Son of Jas. and Amanda) Funk, James F. 1891 1957 Funk, Amanda Alice (no dates) (Wife of Jas. - died before Jas.) Miller, Jos. L 1891 1958 (Husband) Miller, Lavina C. 1888 1951 (Wife) Miller, Jos. Jr. 1920 1920 Miller, Ernest 1932 1932 (Son Sophia and Eston) Miller, Kenneth (Infant - no data) Miller, Ralph and Ruby (Infants - no data)