DAWKINS CEMETERY, JACKSON CO., WV Ravenswood District This file is part of the WV Tombstone Transcription Project http://www.usgwtombstones.org/westvirg/westvirg.html ******************************************************** http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/wv/wvfiles.htm ******************************************************** Contributed to the USGenWeb Archives by: George W. Archer (garcher@wdn.com) Owned by Lawrence David DAWKINS, Sandyville, WV; Tel. 304-273-2963 Family Records owned by Mrs. Evelyn DAWKINS SALLIE, daughter of Lawrence DAWKINS. Location: From Sandyville go east on WV Rt. 13 3.4 miles. Cemetery is on a hill to the left. Children of Aurelius Dandy DAWKINS and Martha J. LATTIMER: George J. DAWKINS, born April 27, 1881 - died October 23, 1885 Francis Hervey DAWKINS born January 8, 1883; died (?) Jack DAWKINS is an uncle of Lawrence Jack Van Dorn DAWKINS and Leslie TROTTER had still born child. Martha J. BARNETT and John KNOTTS had 2 children who died of Diptheria