LIVERPOOL CEMETERY, JACKSON CO., WV Ravenswood District This file is part of the WV Tombstone Transcription Project ******************************************************** ******************************************************** Contributed to the USGenWeb Archives by: George W. Archer ( Location: North of Liverpool on WV Rt. 13 Condition: Fenced, mowed, and in rows NOTE: These readings are not complete. The audio tape was partially erased. COBUN (left to right) Stella R. COBUN October 21, 1893-May 29, 1872 Mother J. F. COBUN May 24, 1863-February 16, 1938 Father Spanish War Vet. Co, B. 2nd Reg. US Engineer (2) Sarah COBUN 1836-1923 Mary COBUN 1836-1894 W. S. COBUN December 20, 1835-July 11, 1926 (end of COBUN plot) (2) Nellie STEWART 1910-1968 Mother Lawrence STEWART 1899-1947 Father Harold F. STEWART 1939 Son James W. STEWART 1934-1937 Son Charles W. STEWART 1928-1929 Son (2) John A. STEWART 1860-1932 Elizabeth Ida STEWART 1873-(no death date) Wife UTT (plot) (2) Henry L. UTT 1871-1954 Catherine A. UTT 1878-(no death date) (to left of Henry and Catherine Utt) Infant UTT 1899 Roz (Phon.) UTT 1902-1909 (2) Peyton STEWART 1846-1913 Julia Ann STEWART 1849-1919 Oscar F. STEWART, born August 27, 1879; died May 6, 1902 Amma E. STEWART 1891-1922 Maggie E. STEWART 1874-1926 Mary Ellen, daughter of G. G. & Nola STEWART September 7, 1918-Decemeber 11, 1918 (Temporary metal plate) Grover C. STEWART 1886-1964 Cordelia E. PHILLIPS 1893-1954 Mother (to the left of Cordelia Phillips) unreadable cement stone (Metal marker) Charlene June MC VAY 1944-1966 (2) Mary E. HARTLEY 1865-1937 Thomas I. HARTLEY 1864-1936 (in back of the Thomas and Mary Hartley is): Ruth HARTLEY WILSON 1891-1954 Alberta CONGLETON 1905-1949 (2) Ethel TUCKER STEWART December 29, 1912-March 25, 1972 Billy Smith STEWART July 26, 1942 E. A. PURSLEY, wife of C. A. PURSLEY born December 7, 1868; died March 25, 1919 - "Our Mother" C. A. PURSLEY March 3, 1862-June 5, 1947 (broken stone) C. E. PHILLIPS September 8, 1855-November 7, 1920 (2) M. L. PHILLIPS November 17, 1887-July 31, 1908 J. W. PHILLIPS February 7 1883- October 15, 1893 (two stones) (unreadable) BROOK K. C. BROOK (2) Ella STANLEY June 13, 1860-May 22, 1914 John STANLEY March 25, 1850-(no death date) (Temporary marker) Mary G. STANLEY, died September 16, 1974, aged 13 years Ruby P. Della NEY December 19, 1903-October 8, 1915 Emery E. DAVIS June 18, 1894-March 17, 1917 Kizzia H. MC PHERSON 1818-1898 Gary MC PHERSON 1809-1880 (Footstone: G.M.) (2) infant born June 15, 1891 Blanche, born June 23, 1890; died July 2, 1890 Children of A. L. & L. CARMICHAEL (2) Levi COE, died February 21, 1879 in his 56th year (other side) Elizabeth COE, died February 11, 1876, age 47 years, 10 months, 5 days Robert N. CURREY March 10, 1840-December 16, 1924 (3) Infant CURRY, born May 10, 1890 (other side) Sarah M., wife of R. CURRY, born March 15, 1849; died December 5, 1912 (next side) H. D. CURRY, born October 23, 1875; died December 22, 1899 (next side) Children of R. & S. M. CURRY Jauanita, daughter of S. E. & S. Y. BOGGESS, died (month unreadable), 27, 1882, aged 11 months, 28 days Sue V., daughter of T. B. & Susan HARTLEY and wife of S. E. BOGGESS died August 15, 1888, aged 29 years, 11 months, 1 day HARTLEY (plot) Dr. J. T. HARTLEY March 16, 1851-November 11, 1930 Jessie B., daughter of J. T. & V. L. HARTLEY 1880-1882 Virginia Lee SEAMAN HARTLEY, wife of Dr. J. T. HARTLEY 1856-1924 Elizabeth GREIG HARTLEY, wife of G. S. HARTLEY 1887-1918 HARTLEY (plot) (2 stones side by side) Susan V. HARTLEY 1821-1880 T. B. HARTLEY 1825-1894 (next to Susan Hartley) Juddie, son of Z. P. & M. J. CARDER, born November 22, 1879; died July 22, 1881 CARDER (plot) Luverna, daughter of Jefferson and Julia CARDER July 4, 1860-May 2, 1877 (tape failure) _ _ ollo_ (indistinct), daughter of R? I. CARDER, died December 3, 1893, aged 10 months, 3 days (stone out of place) Susan, wife of T. B. HARTLEY died June 3, 1880, aged 58? years, 8? months, 7 days. Bertha, daughter of J. W. & M. HARTLEY, died July 17, 1874, aged 1 year, 7 months, 8 days (2 stones side by side) Sarah CARMICHAEL, wife of William CARMICHAEL 1837-1918 William CARMICHAEL, husband of Sarah CARMICHAEL 1839-1925 Lucy A. D., daughter of A. S. & E. MC DONALD March 28, 1889-December 22, 1891 James (L.?), son of V. & C. P. TIBBEL died February 2, 1889, aged 1 month, 4 days (2) Lovinia SNYDER August 14, 1844-February 29, 1920 Mother Burris SNYDER August 15, 1841-May 13, 1922 Father Company E. 4th Virginia Cavalry (to the left of Burris and Lovinia Snyder) Marcele E., daughter of B. & L. SNYDER February 28, 1872-April 29, 1872 Mary E., daughter of B. & L. SNYDER February 13, 1865, aged 13 years Lizzie A., daughter of J.C. & M. KENT, died December 10, 1820, age 16 years, 2 months, 2 days (broken stone) William Liam, son of J. C. & M. KENT, died April 6, 1878 age 2 years, 1 month, 2 days Martha A. KENT, died March 25, 1907, age 77 years, 6 months (2) John J. & Mary J. KNOTTS 1881-1881 Twins James M. KNOTTS 1882-1883 Son George W. KNOTTS 1894-1895 Son (3) Infant THORN Mary C. THORN 1853-1932 Mother Samuel B. THORN 1843-1913 Father (side by side) Mary CARDER 1845-1930 Eprhiam CARDER 1838-1913 Perry G. MC CARTY 1887-1918 Company L. 320th Infantry (photograph - very clear) Ralph M. DAVIS, born March 15, 1880; died November 26, 1908 Garry LINGER, born July 29, 1894; died July 4, 1908 (2) M. MC CARTY 1857-(no death date) Amy MC CARTY 1862-1914 Lethia A. SHAFFER, born May 18, 1830; died April 1, 1893 Orval R. ROACH December 1, 1892-January 16, 1894 Herbert G. (or C.) ROACH, November 21, 1894-January 7, 1896 Children of S. C. & E. B. ROACH Edna W. INGRAM 1898-1920 Lucy WARREN 1858-1911 Levi SNYDER, Age 88 years (left of Levi Snyder) Abigail SNYDER, died September 6, 1889 or 1884, aged 81 years, 9 months, 16 days Margareta, wife of Rev. D. B. WARREN born February 5, 1815 (1845?), died November 14), 1884 ["Jackson County Cemeteries" Vol 1 published by Jackson Co., WV Historical Society, 1981, p. 124: WARREN, Margaret E., born February 5, 1845; died November 14, 1884, wife of D.B. WARREN.] Daniel B. WARREN 1842-1924 Sarah J., wife of M. WILLIAMS, born May 17, 1858; died August 28, 1880, aged 22 years, 3 months, 3 days Orville R. HUNT, Pvt. US ARMY, January 1, 1924 - September 26, 1874 (2) Esther F. GRAYSON June 24, 1897-(no death date) Lloyd C. GRAYSON February 11, 1895-March 1, 1973 (2) Nettie HARTLEY 1889-(no death date) Fred A. HARTLEY 1884-1947 Gaireloine HARTLEY 1910-1911 Velma HARTLEY 1912-1916 daughters of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. HARTLEY (2) Elva P., daughter of J. W. & S. J. HARPER, died October 23, 1893, age 6 months, 14 days (on the side, same stone is): S. J. Wife of J. W. HARPER, died May 16, 1892, age 33 years, 5 months, 10 days. (Either dates of both are in question or Elva was daughter of a second wife) (2) Elias MOWDER, died October 1, 1876, age 40 years Elizabeth wife of E. MOWDER, died April 18, 1877, age 38 years Susannah, wife of N. D. MITCHELL, born November 12, 1857; died February 2, 1883 Hepsabeth, wife of J. L. ANDERSON, born August 19, 1836; died August 24, 1885 Orma DELANEY May 5, 1893-December 26, 1893 Betsy FARLEY, born 1841, died 1895, age 54 years (2) Elva M. FLEMING 1887-1972 Harold E. FLEMING 1886-1958 Ronald R. SMITH December 9, 1916-June 5, 1969 (2) Lora KELLEY TOLLEY October 1, 1895-(no death date) Jennings B. TOLLEY September 1, 1896-September 12, 1973 (Temporary metal marker) Russell B. MITCHELL 1923-1977 (2) William F. MITCHELL 1890-1966 Rhoda E. MITCHELL 1891-(no death date) W. H. SHEPPARD 1915-(no death date) Wayne "Tim" SHEPPARD 1912-(no death date) (2) Gypsey HARTLEY 1892-1964 Trolman R. HARTLEY 1886-1970 Thomas A. HARTLEY February 27, 1875 - February 16, 1956 (2) John W. HARTLEY 1848-1929 Julia A. HARTLEY, 1859-1933, Wife George Oscar SARVER 1917-(no death date) George W. POWERS 1870-1924 Margaret B. 1870-1907 Rosie M. POWERS 1904-1907 Georgia B. 1906-1909 Lizzie RICHARDS 1877-1916 (2) Mary R. PARSONS MC PHERSON 1887-1938 William P. 1879-1913 CARDER (plot) Herman Ross, son T.F. & Lucy CARDER, born June 28, 1895; died October 27, 1905 (2) Thomas F. CARDER 1862-1956 Lucy D. CARDER 1868-(no death date) (behind Thomas and Lucy Carder): (2) Mary E. CARDER, 1877-1944 sister Bro. Arthur C. CARDER, 1871-1946 Samuel Irvin CARDER 1873-1954 Ida BUTCHER CARDER 1874-1913 Holly ROE CARDER 1898-1903 Martha S. CARDER 1870-1932 Fred F. CARDER 1864-1931 MC PHERSON (plot) Margaret, wife of Irvin MC PHERSON born 1846; died May 21, 1901 Irvin MC PHERSON, July 14, 1845- December 27, 1917 C. HILL, December 27, 1838- February 3, 1912 Elizabeth, wife of Burton MC PHERSON, born December 4, 1850; died March 28, 1895 (2) Elias W. HILL, January 9, 1878- April 21, 1903 Minnie CREK, his wife, June 9, 1873- February 10, 1906 Eva MC PHERSON HILL 1877-1910 Baby infant of M.D. &. Leotta SILKET Baby infant son of M.D. &. Leotta SILKET Joseph A. ANDERSON, 1859-1930 Joseph L. ANDERSON, 1829-1907 Mary D., born April 28, 1850; died September 29, 1912, wife of Daniel HOFFMAN Laura V. MILHOAN 1892-1919 Walter D. BUTCHER, Pvt, Co. C., 168th Inf., 1896-1918 "fell in battle of Argonne Forest, France, October 16" (2) John Wesley BUTCHER 1865-1937 Rusia Mary BUTCHER 1866-1947 Orville J. ANDERSON 1904-1919 Della M., daughter of J.D. & L.M., born November 10, 1900; died November 23, 1900