WOOLLEY CEMETERY, JACKSON CO., WV Union District This file is part of the WV Tombstone Transcription Project http://www.usgwtombstones.org/westvirg/westvirg.html ******************************************************** http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/wv/wvfiles.htm ******************************************************** Contributed to the USGenWeb Archives by: George W. Archer (garcher@wdn.com) Location: From Pleasant View, take WV Rt. 2 west, 1 mi passing the north-south intersection of WV Rt. 20 where Rt 20 turns south. Go .4 mi on Rt. 2 to 62/5 that becomes 87/6 continue .85 mi to a dirt road, turn left (east) and go .4 mi to a house and probable end of the road. Take dirt track leading north by side of the house .25 mi to cemetery. Condition: This cemetery is completely hidden & overgrown - probably more stones buried and no way of knowing where. I only found two stones. (2) Ralph M., son of J. & P. WOOLLEY Died July? 26, 1861 age 2 months, 26 days Infant Daughter of J. & P. WOOLLEY no dates Lucy, daughter of Joseph WOOLLEY died April 15, 1861, age 72 years, 7 months, 19 days