WILLIAM HOMER WILSON, M. D. The History of West Virginia, Old and New Published 1923, The American Historical Society, Inc., Chicago and New York, Volume III, pg. 528-529 Kanawha WILLIAM HOMER WILSON, M. D. The First National Bank of St. Albans, of which Doctor Wilson is president, is an institution that has combined conservative banking with effective service to the community. A number of the best known citizens in that part of Kanawha County have been executive officers and directors of the bank. The bank was established in January, 1910, and its capital is still maintained at $25,000, while the surplus and profits are nearly equal to the capital. The organizer of the bank was C. J. Pearson, who was its president until 1921. When he removed from St. Albans and resigned he was succeeded in August, 1921, by Dr. W. H. Wilson, who was one of the original directors and had been vice president for one year before his election to the presidency. The original vice president was M. W. Stark, who about two years ago left St. Albans. The first cashier was R. C. Sweet, who sold his interest to S. D. McGee, who for two years has been vice president and cashier. The bank now has total re- sources of about $500,000, and the deposits equal over eighty per cent of the resources. The bank has steadily paid dividend, and its stock is worth over $200. Dr. W. H. Wilson was born at St. Albans, November 14, 1875. Oliver T. Wilson, his father, a building contractor, was also born at St. Albans, son of Samuel and Parthia (Teays) Wilson. Samuel Wilson came from Virginia when a young man and was a farmer and tobacco manufacturer. He died at the age of ninety-two, and his son Oliver T., at the age of seventy-three. Oliver T. Wilson married Mary C. Carpenter, and she is living. Dr. W. H. Wilson grew up at St. Albans, where he at- tended the public schools, and in 1898 graduated from the Baltimore Medical College. He was at Washington the day the first shot was fired in the Spanish-American war. For three years he practiced as assistant physician in the insane asylum at Spencer, and another three years in the Hospital for the Insane at Huntington. This was a wonderful ex- perience and a valuable training preceding his private prac- tice. Since 1904 he has been engaged in a general practice at St. Albans, and is an able physician and surgeon as well as a successful banker. He is a member of the Kanawha County, West Virginia State and American Medical Asso- ciations. Doctor Wilson has served several times on the St. Albans Council and also as mayor. He has been vice president and president of the Board of Trade, and is president of the High Lawn Land Company. He is a thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason and Shriner, a member of the Knights of Pythias and president of the Rotary Club. Doctor Wilson married Kate L. Lackey, of St. Albans. Submitted by: vfcrook@trellis.net (Valerie F. Crook) USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation.