Obituaries of William MEREDITH, Marion County, West Virginia This file was submitted by K. M. McLamb, E-mail address: This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. All other rights reserved. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the WVGenWeb Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at Obituary - Fairmont Times. Monday Nov. 9, 1908 William Meredith -- Buried yesterday Many Present. -- One of Barnsville Grand Old men was laid to rest in Woodlawn. --- Services held in the Village Church. --- Aged wife ill and she is steadily growing weaker since his death. --- With due honor and imposing ceremonies the remains of Mr. William Meredith one of Marion County's most venerable citizens were laid to rest yesterday afternoon. Vast crowds of friends and relatives assembled at the Methodist Episcopal Church at Barnsville where the services were conducted by the Pastor Rev. J. A. Groed (?) assisted by the Rev. H. G. Stoether of the Presbyterian Church, Fairmont and Rev. Taylor Richmond of Worthington. Deserving tributes were paid in the well spent Christian life of the deceased and there was deep sorrow mainifested among the gathering throughout the services. The Deceased was a general favorite in the community where he lived and the entire neighborhood turned out to attend the funeral obsequies. The pall bearers were selected from the members of the town council who served while Mr. Meredith was Mayor of the town of Barnsville a few years ago. They were Messers. L. L. Hall, C. N. Merefield, Will Bell, L. M. Laughlin (sp?), W. S. Phillips, and George----?. The remains were (interred) in the grave in Woodlawn Cemetery by the undertaker Musgraves. There were many pretty floral tributes. Mrs. Meredith the aged wife of the deceased is still quite sick. She has been failing for some time and since the death of her husband has grown much weaker. Several relative and friends from a distance including the children of the deceased with the exception of A. W. Meredith of Braxton County who is ill and unable to come. Mr. Meredith is survived by eight children instead of nine as previously stated. Two daughters, Mrs. Amanda Henderson and Mrs. T. J. Coffman. of Harrision County are deceased while six sons and two daughters are still living. Several trolley cars were in service at Barnsville at the conclusion of the Church services to bring the friends to the interment at Woodlawn. Obituary: - William Meredith -- A Pioneer Citizen died Sunday Noon. --- Was father of Senator Meredith and one of the County's best known men. --- Was born in Smithtown eighty-four years ago ---. Funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon from the Barnsville Church. - Mr Meredith a most venerable resident of Marion County passed away at his home in Barnesville Sunday about noon after a long illness. Deceased was 84 years age and up until his illness which began about a year ago he had been remarkably well and strong for one so far advanced in years. His illness began with a disease of the kidney about a year and he had a surgical operation performed which besettled his condition for a time only, and for months past he had been growing worse. Mr Meredith has been confined to his bed for the past month and for days past his death has been hourly expected. Mr. Meredith was quite rational most of the time during his sickness and up until a short time before his death. He was concious of the happening around him and manifested an interest in the recent election held and learned with pleasure of the election of his son Judge W. S. Meredith to the Senate from the Eleventh Senatorial District on the Republican ticket. Deceased was descended from one of the oldest and most prominent families of Marion County. He was the son of William and Hannah Meredith and was born Nov. 17, 1824 near Smithtown, Monongalia Co., Va. now W. Va. He received his education in the subscription schools of Marion Co. and early in life he followed the trade of a wagon maker. He engaged in the business in Guernsey Co., Ohio for a few years and later followed the same line of business in Fairmont and vicinity. He also engaged in other enterprises and spent a few years in the manufacture of lumber in Harrison and Ritchie counties besides followed farming at his homeplace and also worked for some time at contracting and building. Mr Meredith was located for a few years in the Wirt County and served as Justice ofthe Peace of that County from the year 1878-82. In the Virginia State Militia he was commissioned as a lieutentant by Governor Pierpont. On April 13, 1845, Mr. Meredith was united in marriage to Miss Harriet Wilson, daughter of William H. Wilson of Marion County. Only last April Mr. & Mrs Meredith passed their sixty third wedding anniversary. Mrs Meredith who is now in her eightieth year is very ill at her home and it is not thought that she can survive her husband very long. Mr. & Mrs Meredith are the parents of ten children nine of who survive. They are Mrs. Sarah Carder of Parkersburg, Mrs. Mary Davis, wife of Francis Davis , Clarksburg; Rev, Thomas H. Meredith, Rev. Clinton B. Meredith, both ministers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the former being at Wheeling and the latter at Morgantown; A. W. Meredith of Braxton County; Winfield Scott Meredith of Fairmont; Waitman T. Meredith of Webster Springs; Mrs. Emma Coffman, wife of T. J. Coffman of Harrison County; M. C. Meredith of Pittsburg. Another daughter, Amanda J., wife of Leroy Henderson died a number of years ago. Deceased was an honest, upright citizen and always a man of influence in his community. He took an active interest in the affairs of his county and state; his entire lifetime was a useful one. Mr. Meredith even in his declining years never gave up his interests in the everyday life and several years ago when the town of Barnesville was incorporated he served as the first Mayor of the place which position he filled with satisfaction to all. Deceased was a devout member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and served as a steward and class leader for many years. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the M. E. Church at Barnesville and interment will be in the Woodlawn Cemetery. ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. **********************************************************************